What can I do?

Did you know?

  • Electric items on standby mode use approximately 30% as much energy as when they are in full use. 
  • Every time you open the refrigerator door, up to 30% of the cold air can escape.

Tips for reducing energy consumption & Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions:


For the officeStudents chatting at desks in TBSI centre

  • Turn off unnecessary lights when daylight is sufficient or when room is not in use.
  • Turn off computer monitors, printers and other peripherals when not in use.
  • Open the blinds to let daylight in and turn off overhead lights.
  • Use heaters/air conditioners/fans etc. only when absolutely necessary.
  • Use thermostats on radiators or radiator valves to regulate your office/home heating.


Geology lab with equipmentFor the lab

  • Visit the My Green Lab website.
  • When lab experiments are finished, turn off power to all ancillary equipment, once you have established the equipment can be safely switched off when not in use.
  • Lower the sash on your fume hood when not actively using the bench space.
  • Consider consolidating similar chemicals in one fume hood for leaving overnight to reduce fume hood use.
  • Leave the fridge door open for the shortest period possible to minimize loss of cold temperature.
  • Disconnect unused equipment from the mains supply so it is not drawing a phantom load, or plug in benchtop equipment to a smart strip and switch it off when not in use.

For your residence

  • Operate dishwashers/washing machines only when full to optimise energy consumption.
  • Fill kettles only as much as needed when boiling.
  • Use the stairs rather than lifts.
  • Use heaters/air conditioners/fans etc. only when absolutely necessary.
  • Don't cover radiators when in use; it prevents heat from migrating throughout the room.
  • Use thermostats on radiators or radiator valves to regulate your office/home heating.

Other resources online:

  • Trinity works with UCD, DCU and DIT on a collaborative energy conservation project called e3 which stands for ‘Energy, Environment and Economy’. You can find out more about Trinity’s energy use and efficiency commitments here.
  • The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland website has some great resources and information, and Power of One.
  • The Estates and Facilities office manages energy consumption and energy efficiency projects. You can find out more on their website.
  • If you are resident in Goldsmith Hall you can email GoldsmithGoGreen@tcd.ie in order to:
    • make suggestions on how to drive sustainability in Goldsmith residences
    • report energy wastage such as from lights, ancillary equipment or computers being left on
    • bring attention to/share any beneficial practices observed
    • report any wasteful practices such as running hot water taps, or power supplies left on
  • Trinity is working with the OPW on energy awareness campaigns in Goldsmith Hall, and Trinity Translational Medicine Institute (TTMI) in St. James Hospital. Contact estatesandfacilities@tcd.ie to help out with this endeavour.