Data and Results

Bar chart showing kilowatt hours (kWh) 1 of electricity used on campus, per square foot of floorspace in research areas. Notice the amount of kWh has decreased steadily since 2006, due to energy efficiency programmes put in place by Estates and Facilities.

Energy graph

Percent of renewable energy consumed by Trinity which is sourced from energy sources such as solar or wind power. Note: Trinity's renewable energy share is largely a reflection of the energy mix of the Irish grid. Government procurement rules make it difficult for the university to source our own energy (e.g. directly from wind energy providers).

Energy graph

Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) 2 produced per full time equivalent 3 staff member. This is a calculation based on energy consumption alone up until 2015, when we started collecting air miles travelled by staff and adding that in (grey portion). However the carbon footprint of consumption of goods and services by the university is not gathered as of yet.

Energy graph

Total tonnes of CO2e produced as a result of Trinity’s energy consumption (only). Overall energy consumption has been reduced since 2006, despite a steady increase in floorspace, as well as an increase in student and staff numbers during that time.

1 Kilowatt hours is a unit of energy, commonly used as a billing unit for energy to consumers by electric utilities.
2 Carbon dioxide equivalent is a standard measurement of greenhouse gases. There are six key greenhouse gases, each having various ‘strengths’ in terms of how they impact climate change. The impact of each gas is typically converted to the ‘equivalent’ of the impact carbon dioxide (CO2) has, in order to standardise the measurement.
3 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a measure of how many staff spend 40 hours per week onsite.