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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Applying for a PhD at Trinity


Are you interested in applying for a PhD at Trinity College Dublin?

Discover more below.

How to apply for a PhD at Trinity College Dublin:

Step 1: Identify a Potential Academic Supervisor

As Ireland’s leading university for research there are ample opportunities for postgraduate research. First, you should explore Trinity’s research areas and determine your subject area of interest.

The next step is to make contact with academic staff in relevant fields and identify a potential supervisor. To assist you with both steps, the Trinity website is comprehensive and features all relevant information about our research activities, as well as full research profiles of our staff. Find out more at

Further detail is also available at and

Step 2: Make Contact with your Potential Academic Supervisor

Contact your potential academic supervisor with a brief research proposal or idea – remember that this is a competitive process so your email should demonstrate your interest in the research area and any relevant experience that you have to date. It is recommended that you identify a small number of staff with interests that relate to your own.

If the academic staff member is willing to support your application for a PhD position, he/she will direct you to the School’s online application page. Please note that some Schools at Trinity have specific guidelines for applying for a PhD position. It is important to check the School’s webpage for any additional information. Find out more about Trinity's Faculties and Schools:

Step 3: Explore Funding Opportunities

Once you find an academic willing to supervise your research, they will be best placed to advise you of relevant funding opportunities through Irish and European funding agencies.

If you are an international student, you may also wish to contact scholarship awarding bodies in your home country for possible PhD funding options as well as research other opportunities including the International Scholarship webpage: and Graduate studies webpage: