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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Trinity AQ Scholarships

Applications for 2024/25 are now closed.

In partnership with SandboxAQ, the Quantum Science team is delighted to announce the Trinity AQ Scholarships for outstanding students from the Global South undertaking the M.Sc. in Quantum Science and Technology degree in the academic year 2024/25.

These scholarships aim to support and develop two outstanding postgraduate students from the Global South keen to develop their career within the quantum science industry. The Trinity AQ Scholarships will be awarded to candidates who demonstrate a high level of academic achievement, extracurricular accomplishments or contribution to society.
Applicants who are awarded the Trinity AQ Scholarship will receive full tuition fee support, a living stipend of €25,000 and a financial contribution for relocating to Ireland. Terms and conditions apply.

Who can apply:

Candidates from the Global South applying to enter to the M.Sc. in Quantum Science and Technology programme for the 2024/25 academic year only.

Selection criteria:

The scholarship will be assessed based on academic or personal achievements to date, evidence of the candidate's interest in the quantum science and technology field, and how they would be ambassadors for the programme.

Application process:

To apply, please complete the Trinity AQ Scholarship M.Sc. in Quantum Science and Technology application form, along with:

  • Bachelor’s transcripts (if available).
  • CV/Resume.
You can access the application form on the School of Physics website. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the scholarship request. Applications for 2024/25 are now closed.

Scholarship decision:

Applicants who are awarded the Trinity AQ Scholarship will be notified by 1st June. Once notified, successful applicants will be contacted by the Quantum Science and Technology course team to arrange their travel to Dublin. The decision of the Course Director is final.

Trinity AQ Scholarship conditions:

Winners of the Trinity AQ Scholarship will be subject to the following conditions:

  • The holder should have completed an undergraduate degree in Physics, Maths, Computer Science or Engineering, or can show the equivalent experience. Applicants with alternative qualifications must satisfy Trinity College Dublin’s postgraduate entry requirements.
  • The holder must engage in full-time study and must register for the M.Sc. in Quantum Science and Technology programme with the School of Physics for the academic year 2024/25.
  • The holder is required to engage in relevant academic and ambassadorial activities as determined by the Course Director.
  • The holder must not be a simultaneous holder of other Trinity scholarships or awards.