Trinity – Intake Taiwan Joint Scholarship
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin and Intake International Education Group (Taiwan) have launched an exclusive joint scholarship for the fall of 2024 to encourage Taiwanese students to study abroad.
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin and Intake joint scholarships are open to Taiwanese students who enrol in a programme in Trinity for September 2024. Students who apply for the International Foundation programme, a bachelor’s degree, higher diploma or master’s degree (except master’s in business) are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Award: €3,500 deducted from the first year of tuition fees.
For more information about Trinity and our programmes, please review the Intake International Education Group website for an information session that suits you.
Scholarship applicants must meet the following conditions:
1. Applicants must complete the application to Trinity through Intake International Education Group.
2. Applicants must submit a completed scholarship application form online before July 31.
When you have completed the filling, just press the "Submit" button, and the application form will be sent to Intake for review.
Intake國際留學教育集團 與 愛爾蘭都柏林三一學院 Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin 為鼓勵台灣學子前往海外攻讀學位,推出2023年秋季獨家聯合獎學金。
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin 與 Intake 聯合獎學金僅適用於 2024 年秋季班入學之台灣學子,申請【除商學院以外】之大學銜接課程、學士、Higher Diploma 或碩士課程者,皆可提出獎學金申請。
1. 申請者必須透過 Intake 國際留學教育集團完成2024年 Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin 秋季入學課程的申請。
2. 申請者必須在7月31日前於線上送出完整的獎學金申請表。
當您完成填寫後,只要按「Submit」送出鍵即可,申請表就會寄給 Intake 審核。
▴ 請注意!Intake 與 Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin 聯合獎學金得主將由 Intake 與校方共同決定。
▴ 得獎同學必須在公佈得獎名單一個月內,提供 Intake 及校方個人照片及中英文心得。
▴ 得獎者會在8月底前通知,敬請留意 Intake 的官方信件,獎學金將會由 Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin 自學費內減免。