Workshop Programme

Most of these can be delivered online as webinars. Please see the options below.

For Staff

(please scroll down for students)

TCD Student Counselling Service provides training to staff and student groups as well as external organisations. We can also provide bespoke trainings and experiential workshops on request. Please do not hesitate to contact the Student Counselling Service for details.

This half day workshop aims to equip college staff with the skills, knowledge and confidence to support students who are experiencing significant distress. It is suitable for tutors, assistant wardens, students union and anyone else in a supportive role. The workshop covers active listening, boundaries and referral skills, and active participation is encouraged.

This workshop runs once per semester, with 16 places available on each workshop.

Cost: Available on request

Date: TBC To register your interest, please email

Venue: SCS Seminar Room

Trinity College Dublin, as part of the University’s commitment to the Dignity, Respect and Consent agenda, is currently developing a new Dignity, Respect, and Consent Advisory Service, which will lead out on training initiatives which relate to Dignity, Respect, and Sexual Consent. This means that Together Consent activities are transitioning from the Student Counselling Services to Human Resources. The new Dignity, Respect, and Consent Team are currently devising a training implementation plan to complement the new policies and structures within the University; as a result, the roll-out of the current suite of trainings has been paused at this time. The new training implementation plan will be launched in Spring 2024 - should you need to organise training for a specific purpose in the interim, please email with the subject line “Consent Training Enquiry”.

This workshop covers active listening skills, setting appropriate boundaries and making informed and helpful referrals.

These workshops are run annually in August each year

The counselling service and together consent are delighted to be offering First Responder Training on the 26th October. This training is aimed at members of our college community who are deemed likely to have disclosures of sexual misconduct made to them - i.e. tutors, student welfare volunteers, lecturers, security staff etc.

The training will consist of discussions around how to respond to disclosures of sexual misconduct compassionately, signposting within the college and using external services, and conversations around the cultural barriers to disclosing sexual misconduct. The half-day training will take place on the 27th of October 2020 at 10am and is free for trinity staff and students. Please register your interest using this form

Looking forward to seeing you there!

For Students

We can provide workshops and psychoeducational talks free of charge on a number of topics relevant to student mental health and wellbeing. Please email to request a workshop or talk.

In most instances, we recommend the Minding Our Mental Health in College programme. This covers topics such as stress, resilience, managing difficult emotions, and dealing with self-criticism.

For Fresher Classes we suggest our one hour lecture.
For Sophister Classes, Postgraduates, or groups who know each other a little better, we recommend a 1.5 hour or 2 hour workshop, which covers similar topics but involves more interactive learning, including basic active listening skills.

This workshop will help students to identify good stress and bad stress, learn about the impact stress can have on their emotional wellbeing, how they might address the negative impacts and help to normalise some of the anxiety that can present at certain periods. Students will learn to manage difficult and painful feelings and focus on the things that they can control.

This workshop will help students identify their motivation blockers and links with procrastination, set realistic goals, recognise the emotions that come with motivation struggles and manage the negative self-talk and criticism that goes hand in hand with motivation/procrastination issues.

This workshop is designed to help students identify the differences between shyness and social anxiety, the ways in which they may present and offer up some tools and techniques to help them in challenging situations.

This workshop is designed to help students understand where their self-esteem issues might stem from and to identify their inner critic. The workshop will offer students ways in which they might challenge the negative thoughts, overcome their inner-critic and practice more self-compassion.

This workshop will help students identify signs that a friend might be struggling. Students will learn how to approach a conversation with their friend and support them in the appropriate way with sign-posting to other support services in Trinity.

This workshop focuses on the practise of mindfulness and how it can help us to develop more compassionate ways of speaking to ourselves. To put it simply, mindfulness is ‘’Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally’’ (Kabat-Zinn). Advantages of mindfulness include being fully present in the moment, a feeling of calm and peace, reducing stress, and becoming more aware of thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations.

This workshop will help students learn about the value of empathy in their interpersonal relationships. It will teach them active listening skills and how to communicate in an empathetic way while also being mindful of their well-being.

This workshop focuses on building skills needed to have conversations about suicide and support people considering suicide to reach out for professional support and care. The workshop will teach students how to: tune in to suicidality in others, ask the question about suicidal risk and suggest supports. This workshop might not be suitable for people who have experienced bereavement from suicide in the last 6 months.

For workshops on academic skills, please see the SLD workshop programme.

To request a workshop for your school, department or student group, please fill out the form below. To give us the best chance of being able to fulfil your request, please give us as much notice as possible.