The Student Counselling Service offers short-term counselling in sets of 3 sessions based on your changing needs. Follow-up appointments are spaced by at least 2 weeks. Where appropriate, we can help you address individual needs that are affecting your studies. We will refer you to external services when we cannot meet those needs.
If this is your first time speaking with the SCS in the current academic year, you should attend a 45-minute SNAP session (Support & Needs-Assessment Planning Session). SNAPs can be booked online or, alternatively, during term time we reserve two (2) same-day drop-in SNAPs on Monday-Fridaymornings (first come, first served).Click here for for more information on SNAPs.
If counselling is recommended after SNAP, we will contract with you for 3 sessions at a time. Your counselling may be extended in increments of up to 3 sessions, depending on your needs and progress. Your counsellor will advise you on this.
Counselling sessions lasts about 50 minutes, where you will have an opportunity to talk about what is going on for you. Sessions are booked fortnightly to give you an opportunity to test out new ways of thinking and trying out new behaviours in your day-to-day living.
Counsellors will not be able to provide instant solutions but will listen and facilitate an increasing awareness of yourself and your choice of possibilities. To come for counselling takes courage as it involves facing up to your difficulties and asking someone else for help. It is not a sign of weakness but a sign that you are taking steps to address any problems you are experiencing.
Confidentiality Policy
The client-counsellor relationship is confidential. This means that what you say to your counsellor is not disclosed to anyone outside the Counselling Service. Where you have been referred to the Service by College staff, your counsellor will let them know you have attended but no content of your sessions will be disclosed. With your consent, we can talk to people on your behalf if you wish.
There are exceptions to this, including:
1. If the counsellor is concerned about the risk of harm to you or a third party. In these circumstances your counsellor will make every effort to discuss this with you and involve you in the disclosure process.
2. The SCS staff are mandated reporters under The Children First Act 2015. Information regarding past or current abuse of children (aged under 18) given to the SCS must be reported to the Irish Child and Family Agency (TUSLA).