Make an appointment
Support Options
2 Ways to attend SNAP:
- Drop-in (no booking needed): Every weekday morning. We offer 2 in-person SNAP sessions on a first come, first served basis. These 2 Drop-in SNAPs are offered between 10.30 am and 12:00 pm and cannot be pre-booked or reserved. To avail of this option, you must be present in the SCS by 11:30 am at the latest and willing to wait to be seen.
- Pre-Book Online: via our online booking system here.
What is SNAP?
SNAPs are Support and Needs Assessment Planning sessions. We work with you in the SNAP to understand what’s going on for you and plan your next steps for getting support.
If you are in crisis, emergency appointments are available each weekday. Email to request a crisis appointment. These appointments are not available to book online. For more information see Crisis Appointment section below.
We would appreciate if you could give us 24 hours’ notice where possible if you need to cancel an appointment. Please email us at
Support & Needs-Assessment Planning Session (SNAP)
(Please note that we are unfortunately unable to offer appointments to students in the U.S or Canada due to strict regional licensing laws. If you are on Erasmus in other parts of the world, we can offer you an online consultation to explore what options may be appropriate for you during your time abroad.)
All students who request support will be offered, in the first instance, a SNAP (Support & Needs Assessment Planning) appointment. This may also apply to returning clients who have not used the service in the current academic year. SNAP appointments are available for booking at varied times throughout the week with different clinical team members.
In many cases, talking through your issues at SNAP provides enough support for you to manage your situation without further help. It can also help to identify what further supports are available to best meet your needs.
These might include referral to therapy groups, information on self-help supports, online therapy programmes, a scheduled appointment to engage in short-term counselling or, in some cases, referral to external services.
At peak times (Sept – May) you may be allocated to a wait list for counselling if there are no available appointments within 2 weeks. We will contact you by phone or email to inform you of available appointments while on the wait list. Please note that if you cannot accept an appointment after 2 offers we will remove your name from the wait list. This is to help keep wait times as short as possible for all students.
How to book a SNAP appointment:
2 ways to attend SNAP:
- Drop-in (no booking needed): Every weekday morning. We offer 2 in-person SNAP sessions on a first come, first served basis. These 2 Drop-in SNAPs are offered between 10.30 am and 12:00 pm and cannot be pre-booked or reserved. To avail of this option, you must be present in the SCS by 11:30 am at the latest and willing to wait to be seen.
- Pre-Book Online: via our online booking system here.
To book your 45-min SNAP consultation with an SCS staff member click the button above and choose a suitable time slot from those available. If you have any queries relating to booking your SNAP, please email us
If you are a Lir student wishing to book a SNAP appointment on site at The Lir Academy, please email us at, as these appointments are not available to book via the button above.
If you wish to attend an appointment online or over the telephone but are unable to locate a private space in which to attend your call, please note that we have a room available for this purpose on campus - at the S2S Student Space in House 47. To reserve the room for your preferred time slot, please click here. Please note that this room is available for SNAP and counselling appointments only and cannot be booked for any other purpose.
If you are in crisis and cannot wait, the Student Counselling Service has Emergency slots available every weekday. Please use this facility for emergencies only. Crisis appts can be booked by emailing
Where appropriate, Trinity College Tutors, Student Services and Staff Members can refer a Student to the Counselling Service and book an Emergency Appointment on the Student's behalf.
If the situation is not an Emergency, please make a SNAP Appointment as outlined above.
Please visit the After Hours Support page for a list of supports available outside of Mon – Fri, 09:00 – 17:00.
Please help the SCS keep wait times shorter by giving as much notice as possible when you cannot attend your appointment. We may be able to offer your appointment to another student who is waiting to see a counsellor. Email with at least 24 hours’ notice to cancel or reschedule appointments