Ralph Armstrong-Astley, Staff, SAB

Hi, I’m Ralph. I lead the S2S team and am responsible for the strategic development of the S2S service.  I represent S2S volunteers and the students they support in my role within the Student Counselling Service Management team, in steering and advisory groups across College, and within the National Consortium for Peer-led Transition.  I’m passionate about co-creation, the power of peer-to-peer support as a change mechanism for stigma reduction, and the importance of peer-led services as an early intervention for mental health difficulties. My home life includes a wonderful wife, 3 kids, 4 cats, and an obscenely large collection of gig t-shirts.  I'm also a self-professed Shakespeare nerd, and am almost certain to be paraphrasing either the bard or Brené Brown when it sounds like I'm saying something sensible.  

Pronouns: She/Her 

Values: Integrity & Connection