Promise Okafor, Head Mentor - NDP Nursing, Dental & Pharmaceutical
About Me
Hello everyone! My name is Promise and I have been given the honour of becoming one of your head mentors this year. Some things you should know about me is that I am a certified yapper... meaning I can talk for days about any topic. Topics that interest me the most are definitely topics about the latest shows and movies that have just been released as well as anything video game or marvel related. If you see me on campus, feel free to come up to me and give me ANY show/movie suggestions as I am always looking for something new to watch. I joined S2S last year with my bestie, as we wanted to feel like we were more apart of the college community and meet new people. If you feel like you want to be more engaged in college, I would highly suggest joining a committee like S2S or joining any of the many clubs or societies the college has to offer. It can be quite daunting at first, but trust me it's worth it!!