Hello everyone!! My name is Tara (a rat backwards- quite unfortunate I know), and I’m a third year medical student. I was born in London and am half Irish, half Tunisian ethnically. I moved to Dublin when I was 6 and moved schools a couple times so new environments are something I’ve experienced a lot. I’m quite the extroverted soul- an ENFP if you’re into MBTI- and love to meet new people. Some things I like to do in my spare time include dancing (mostly hiphop and heels), scrolling through TikTok for endless hours, learning languages and travelling when my timetable and bank account allows it! I have a younger brother- the age gap being 3 years- so I understand the struggles of being the oldest sibling, and studying medicine I’m no stranger to imposter syndrome/ academic struggles. I love being able to be there for others regardless of differences and without judgement- so please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you see me around campus don’t be afraid to say hello!!