S2S Head Mentor
Head Mentors are the first port of call for our volunteer Mentors. They answer their questions, help them stay on track, and keep an eye out to make sure mentees have active groups to engage with. They also organise social events for Mentors to get to know each other, and school events for Mentors to bring their group members to.
Applications for 2025/26 open Friday 7th March and will remain open until Monday 24th March 2025.
Is this role for me?
S2S Volunteers apply to be a Head Mentor through an application. Head Mentors will need to have been a Mentor previously for at least 1 year. Selection is undertaken by S2S staff based on the following:
- Engagement as a Mentor or Head Mentor, including attendance at meetings and events
- Regular logging of activity on Odyssey
- Openings available in the relevant Head Mentor area
- Volunteer availability for training and orientation
- Reference submitted by chosen referee
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes you must have previously trained and spent a year as a Mentor to apply to be a Head Mentor. The application form will ask you to confirm when you completed Mentor training.
Yes, provided you're a returning Mentor and know what to expect from mentoring you can choose to do both, or you can opt to be a Head Mentor exclusively. Your decision will not effect your application.
Wherever possible, we make sure that the volunteers we train as Head Mentors are available for Hoodie Collection and for Orientation. This is partly because we really need as much help as possible at this time of year, but also because this is a critical time for Head Mentors to meet and get to know the Mentors in their area. In exceptional circumstances we may take on someone who is not available, but it leaves them and the Mentors at a disadvantage, so we actively avoid this scenario.
Yes you must complete a mandatory 3hr in-person training to become a Head Mentor. You can select the training time that suits you in the application. If you are selected as a Head Mentor we will confirm the training details with you, but make sure to mark it in your calendar!
Don't worry the reference request is not the same as one for a job application! For this reference you need to nominate a fellow Mentor buddy, your Head Mentor or someone you worked with in an S2S capacity to show your interest and commitment to S2S roles.
Make sure to ask their permission before including their details in your application. We will reach out to them directly and ask them to fill a short form about your volunteer involvement.
Yes, even if you were already a Head Mentor you will need to reapply if you'd like to be a Head Mentor again.
Volunteer Feedback
S2S Survey 2024
“S2S volunteering has been hugely rewarding in seeing the amount of mentors and mentees engaging in emails and events throughout the year as a head mentor. ” Anonymous Head Mentor, 2022/23
“For me, volunteering with S2S means helping others with small issues or big ones. It gives me a bigger sense of purpose in Trinity and makes me feel like I am giving back to the college community.” Anonymous Head Mentor, 2023/24