Head Mentors

Head Mentors are divided up by school, and some Head Mentors might be covering several schools. Your Head Mentor may not be in the same course as you but will have the expertise of having been a Mentor already and can share tips and tricks they learned on the way. They can also choose to Mentor a first year group in addition to their Head Mentor duties.

Head Mentors are the first port of call for our volunteer Mentors. They answer their questions, help them stay on track, and keep an eye out to make sure mentees have active groups to engage with. They also organise social events for Mentors to get to know each other, and school events for Mentors to bring their group members to. Head Mentors are vital to keeping S2S informed on how things are going on the ground, by attending monthly meetings. 

Mentors should start to hear from their Mentors before orientation starts and will organise a get to know you event, so that Mentors can get to meet each other and also meet the Head Mentors that will be supporting them through the year.