Engagement of S2S Volunteers Outside the Scope of their Defined Role

S2S recognises the value for our volunteers in undertaking additional responsibilities or engaging in further opportunities which offer immediate benefits and/or contribute meaningfully to their personal and professional development.

At the same time, these opportunities must not:

  • Conflict with the defined role(s) and responsibilities of the student volunteers
  • Conflict with the ethos of S2S as a non-judgemental, non-directive and inclusive service
  • Create any risk to the wellbeing of the student volunteers
  • Set expectations outside the scope of the volunteers’ training/experience without offering additional training and support commensurate to the task
  • Require a student volunteer to undertake an unpaid role when staff are/have in the past been paid to undertake the same or similar responsibilities
  • Conflict with or fail to uphold any facet of the TCD Volunteer Charter

It is the responsibility of staff in the S2S Office to assess and circulate appropriate opportunities to the volunteers. To facilitate this, anyone making a request is asked to complete the online form to “Contact/Recruit S2S Volunteers” available below

As part of this online application, the person making the request is asked to provide a name and contact details to be given to the volunteers. All queries about any aspect of the opportunity/role circulated will be directed to the nominated email address on this form, and the assumption is made that all associated administration around the role/opportunity will be undertaken by the requestor, including but not limited to:

  • Communication of the selection process (if any) to volunteers who express an interest
  • Timetabling of training/induction sessions
  • Any rostering associated with the role/opportunity
  • Clear communication of steps to be taken to receive payment (if applicable)
  • Processing pay forms etc. (if applicable)
  • Managing any pay/HR queries related to the role undertaken by the student volunteers
  • Writing references etc. relating to the role/opportunity undertaken

If it is anticipated that any of the above administrative tasks, or any other task related to the opportunity/role in question will require the support of S2S staff, this must be highlighted by the requestor and agreed with staff in the S2S Office before the opportunity is circulated.

Please note that requests will only be circulated on Fridays as part of a weekly email to our volunteers. We cannot guarantee that requests will be circulated during exam times or outside of term, as our volunteers have expressed a preference for minimal communications at these points in the year.

If you would like to contact or recruit our S2S volunteers please fill out the form linked below