All members of S2S, staff and volunteers, work to a strict confidentiality policy. Nothing you say to a Mentor, Peer Supporter or S2S staff member will go beyond S2S unless there is a genuine reason to believe that you might be at risk, that you might be a risk to others or that a minor or vulnerable adult may be at risk. In these circumstances the S2S co-ordinator will have to be informed of the relevant details and may have to contact someone outside of S2S. In most cases you will be informed in advance about who is being contacted and why, and included in this process wherever possible.

Please note that it is only very rarely that a situation such as the above presents itself. In most cases everything you tell anyone in S2S remains confidential to the service.

If ever you feel that your confidentiality has not been respected or that any other issue has presented itself in which you're not entirely happy with the support S2S has offered please refer to our complaints procedure and notify us of the issue as soon as possible. We take all feedback as constructive and will act wherever possible to ensure the resoultion of any issues and/or to prevent similar issues happening in the future.