Student2Student operates according to professional guidelines, policies and practices. If anybody wishes to make a complaint about the service that they or anybody else received from S2S they are invited to partake in the following complaints procedure:

All users of the Student2Student Programme (including Mentors, Mentees, Supporters and those who have been supported, etc) who wish to make a complaint about the service they have received are encouraged in the first instance to address their complaint directly to the member(s) of S2S that the complaint concerns.

If this proves unsatisfactory, or if they do not feel comfortable approaching the person directly, they should make their complaint to the S2S Co-ordinator by phone (085 7833 548) or email (

If this is unsatisfactory, complaints can be emailed to the Director of the Student Counselling Service by sending an email FAO Trish Murphy to .

If the complaint involves the Director, or is a complaint that has not been addressed to the complainant’s satisfaction by the Director, the Trinity College complaints procedure should be followed.

All complaints will be dealt with in a strictly confidential manner and stored separately from the student’s file. Records of the complaint will be held for 5 years after the resolution of the complaint or after the last correspondence, in line with the TCD Records Management Policy.