We will foster an ever more diverse and inclusive student community.Goal 1
Trinity is committed to a policy of managed and resourced growth, prioritising quality of education, access, internationalisation and student experience. By 2025, our student body will be approximately 21,500 students. We are an inclusive community that values diversity and is committed to providing adequate supports mapping on to that diversity. We recognise that diversity takes many forms. We are committed to widening access to university across the social spectrum in Ireland and will intensify the pursuit for greater equity of access by strengthening our Trinity Access Programmes. At the same time, we will continue to attract the best students from around the globe in a manner that is commensurate with our identity as a European university making a global impact in research and scholarship. By the same measure, we take seriously our responsibilities as an Irish university, with a duty to educate the next generations from the whole island of Ireland, north and south. We will also significantly increase our modular offerings and short-term programmes, thus catering for the growing needs of continuous professional development, equipping life-long learners for a rapidly changing world of work. We do all this because we recognise, as educators, that learning is made richer when the voices heard around the campus speak in many idioms.

- Pursue strategies to ensure that by 2025, over 30% of our students will come from outside of Ireland, up from our 2016/17 baseline of 24%. [GRS3]
- Approve a new undergraduate admissions strategy by 2021 to spur on excellence by increasing the socio-economic and geographical diversity of the Irish students in the university. [SL]
- More than double to 90 the students annually progressing from Further Education into programmes in Trinity by 2025, up from 40 in the 2016/17 baseline figures. [TAP]
- Have had, by 2023, 100 school engagements under Trinity Access 21, with 20 of these being in-depth partnership (Leader schools) over 6 years and 80 of these being 1 to 3-year engagements in the Schools of Distinction award scheme (Network schools). [TAP; TA21]
- Increase access and ensure inclusivity. Students who have entered Trinity via the Trinity Access Programmes or the national HEAR and DARE schemes and other under-represented groups will make up 25% of our undergraduate population. [AP]
- Ensure our diverse student community has access to state-of-the-art support with broader and more diverse catering offerings, including venues for preparing their own food. [GRS3; D&I; TCDSU]
- Embed a culture of equality, inclusion, respect and dignity across all aspects of our operations to provide a foundation for the flourishing of all our students regardless of their background through instituting a robust Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy. [D&I]
- Expand the range of scholarships for the student body enabled by philanthropy. [TDA]
- Engage the wider university community in empowering students with disabilities. [D&I]
- Develop and enact strategies, policies and procedures to enable more diverse and more flexible learning and programme delivery in the areas of continuous professional development and micro-credentialing, including a policy on prior accredited learning. [SL; AR]