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Department of Political Science


POU44040 - African Politics

More material on pre-colonial politics in Africa

The module leader has added two new classes on this period. Additionally, a re-evaluation of colonial impact in light of these classes has been made a key learning objective. This now aligns more with an approach that seeks to decolonize the curriculum.

POU22011 - History of Political Thought A

More focus on non-Western History

While the module continues to focus on democracy as it developed in ancient Athens, the module leader has introduced a lecture that discusses similar institutions in other parts of the world (India, Africa) and whether they challenge the claim that Athens was the first major democracy.

POU33102 - Political Violence B

More documentaries and podcasts on case studies of conflict.

In response, the module leader linked documentaries for each tutorial case study and provided a selection of podcasts and films for every case covered in class.

POU44000 - Capstone

More opportunities to collaborate on their projects.

The module leader now runs an optional Capstone clinic weekly, where all students can attend, work on their projects, and exchange ideas and questions with each other and the module leader.

POU11012 - Intro to Political Science B

Use different types of assessments.

The module leader now includes an assignment where students create a podcast or video explainer on a debate or major political concept, allowing them to use creativity and communication skills in an accessible way.


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