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Department of Philosophy


Theories of Rights (PIU44102/4)

Student would like the module to deal with issues like racism and discrimination

The module leader concluded that the student must have had racist prejudice in mind and, after some research, introduced a topic on the question whether people’s thoughts (even when unexpressed) can wrong us and thus violate our rights. In light of students’ (informal) feedback, the ratio of lecturing to discussion was adjusted and more time was allowed for small group discussion.

Central Problems In Philosophy B (PIU11022) and History Of Philosophy IIB (PIU22012)

Please record lectures

It proved hard to organize the Panopto video software, so a compromise was found in making an MP4 audio recording on iphone and posting it to Blackboard

History, Philosophy and Ethics of Science (PIU22992)

The module leader surveyed science students before teaching began and adapted by designing the curriculum to focus on the relevance of philosophy for scientific practice

On the basis of a quantitative thematic analysis of 166 student responses, the quantity and quality of feedback to students was increased. In particular, the module leader altered the assessment timeline to reduce the number of assessments and increase the amount of time students had to incorporate previous feedback and introduced grading rubrics so that students would get tailored advice on which areas of their writing they needed to improve. Subsequent student and TA feedback reports the grading rubrics adopted being particularly effective.

Your feedback is very important to the quality of teaching and learning in our School and we would encourage you to complete the student evaluation surveys for all your modules. 

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