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Department of Economics


Advanced Macroeconomics (ECU44121/3)

In the exam, there was no weighting given for each subcomponent of the questions

Allotted marks are now appended to all exam components

More readings would be helpful for revision

A list of additional readings for each topic has been uploaded to Blackboard

Mathematical Economics (ECU33081)

It would be good if the tutorial questions incorporated more applications

A number of tutorial questions now apply what is taught to real-world events

Providing lecture slides before the lecture would be very useful

Lecture slides are now uploaded to Blackboard on the morning of the lecture

Economics of Financial Markets (ECU44142/4)

More emphasis should be placed on the empirical dimension of financial markets

Given that econometrics is now a prerequisite, the module liberally uses econometric techniques to analyse financial market data.

Include more financial applications

The module now applies stochastic calculus to derivative pricing

Quantitative Methods (ECU44172/4)

Instead of a midterm exam, the class would learn more from having an assignment

The Calendar has now been changed so from Sept 2013 onwards, PPES students who intend to drop Economics after second year can now choose to do EC2020 Economy of Ireland or EC2030 Economics of Public Policy instead of Maths and Stats if they wish.

Add more structure to the lecture

At the start of each lecture, an overview is given, and a lecture summary is provided at the end. Each lecture is divided up into distinct components.

PPES Programme

I don’t think PPES students should have to do EC2040 Mathematical and Statistical Methods if they plan on dropping Economics at the end of second year

Part of the assessment now comprises an assignment where students use techniques from the first six weeks of the module to develop their own mathematical model.

Introduction to Economics A/B

Provide the lecture notes online

Lectures materials are now provided online

Mathematics and Statistics A/B

More examples during lectures. Go through questions similar to the questions in the homework

We include more homework like examples in the lectures and developed them step by step through the slides.  In fact, in EC1130 will be just devoted to developing step by step examples

White on black slides

All slides have been changed to white on black slides instead of black on white slides.

Less work- heaviest module in terms of workload (ie. pre-readings, homework and quizzes- too excessive) hard to keep up with it all, and then another 5 modules on top of this

We shortened the length of each homework.

Introduction to Economic Policy A/B

Poor textbook

Changed the textbook to Mankiw & Taylor’s ‘Economics’, which is more European focussed

More weighting for the project

Increased from 10% to 15% of final grade

Enjoyed the guest lecture

Increased number of guest lectures

Please put slides online before the lecture

Slides now available online before all lectures

Less emphasis on graphs

Content now more policy/example oriented than theory based

Lectures are on too late in the evening

Despite the logistical challenges of finding free slots across 38 different degree patterns, we have now moved all lectures away from a 6pm slot

European Economy A/B

Use slides rather than acetates in lectures

Lecturer now uses powerpoint slides in all lectures

No need for slides on the website, provides an incentive to attend lectures

Slides no longer provided online

Incorporate information on current debate on relevant topics

Lecturer now sends regular emails with articles from the Irish Times, Financial Times, The
Economist and the New York Times.

Sometimes difficult to hear

Now using roving microphone and talking more slowly

Would be good to have more chance to present and discuss

Have introduced voluntary discussion classes

Student Economic Review is really good

Continue to use SER debates to simulate interest in economic policy

Investment Analysis A/B

Really enjoyed the guest lecture

Now a regular feature with two guest lectures, one in Michaelmas term and the other in Hilary term.

Bigger word count for the project

Increased the word count

Change the weighting of the assignments

Increased from 20% to 50% of final grade

Mathematical Economics A/B

Provide the tutorial questions in advance

Tutorial questions are now provided a week before tutorial class

World Economy

Less Euro-centric

Now more of the module content includes content about Asia and Africa in particular

Heavy reading load

The module has been overhauled completely and rearranged into 5 larger topics, allowing consolidated readings

There should be greater weighting for in-term assessments

The continuous assessment components now account for 55% of the module

Applied Economics

The tutorial presentations should be graded

The tutorial now accounts for 10% of the first semester

A lot of regression material / Unfamiliar with Research Proposal as an assessment

As being able to read and critique applied research is central to the learning outcomes, an extra tutorial is now held at the start-of-term going through Research Proposals as a form of assessment (with past high-scoring Proposals sent to the class) and also going through the core elements of reading applied research/regressions.

Really admired the choice of assessment between policy proposals, referee reports and a research proposal

Keep a choice of options for the course project to allow students to pick their favourite option

Reduce the weighting associated with data collection

The data collection exercise has been significantly reduced, with more emphasis on analysis

Reduce the number of assessments so as to avoid deadline clashes with other modules

The number of graded assessments has been consolidated from 9 to 3



Your feedback is very important to the quality of teaching and learning in our School and we would encourage you to complete the student evaluation surveys for all your modules. 

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