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Course Evaluations

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Evaluation of courses and their constituent modules is an important component of College's commitment towards improving the quality of teaching and the support of learning.  To this end, all undergraduate modules that are taught by the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy are evaluated on a twice-yearly basis using an online survey.  The survey is anonymous and the results are used in reviewing and improving aspects of each module and its delivery. We particularly want to hear what students think was good about a module and what needs to be improved.

All results for each survey are collated and made available to the lecturer who taught the module, the Head of Department, the Head of School, the School’s Director Undergraduate Teaching and Learning and the School Manager. Teaching Assistants receive their feedback through communication with the course lecturer. Department and School averages are made available to members of the School.  Student feedback forms an important part of the evaluation and review process.

In addition, the results may also be referred to by lecturers in the nomination of Teaching Assistants for the Dermot McAleese Teaching Award. This is an annual award which is presented to one outstanding Teaching Assistant in each of the School’s four disciplines. The nominations are reviewed by a committee in each department as well as the six members of the School Undergraduate Committee. The award has been made possible thanks to the generosity of School alumni.

Finally, in order to recognise good teaching within our School, the School Executive has taken a decision to publish the names of modules/lecturers of the ‘top 3 highest ranked modules’ and ‘the highest ranked module with over 100 students’ within each Department. The results can be found below:


Academic Year