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Henry Grattan Lecture Series

grattanThe Henry Grattan Lecture Series – a flagship initiative of Trinity’s School of Social Sciences and Philosophy – plays an important role in enabling wider society to engage with Trinity and in helping to ensure that thought leaders and influential public figures from around the world are publicly accessible.

Previous lectures have addressed topics such as The Political Consequences of Brexit, The Challenges of EU Migration and EU-US Relations in a Changing World. With speakers including former Taoiseach Mr John Bruton, Dr Peter Sutherland, UN Special Representative for International Migration and Dr David O'Sullivan, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States.

The lectures have also benefitted from the expertise of respondents such as Charles Grant, Director of The Centre for European Reform and Gideon Rachman, Chief Foreign Affairs columnist for the Financial Times.

Trinity College is deeply grateful to the Embassy of Ireland in London and Washington DC for their support, since 2013, in hosting the Henry Grattan Lectures.

Previous Events

  • David Miliband delivers Henry Grattan Lecture
  • The Henry Grattan Lecture of David Miliband
  • Colm O’Reardon delivers Henry Grattan Lecture
  • John Major speaks at Henry Grattan Lecture Series in London
  • Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason
  • Philip Lane delivers speech on 'Underlying Inflation'
  • Public Lecture by Paschal Donohoe March 2nd
  • A Celebration of 10 years of the Grattan Scholars
  • Commissioner Mairead McGuinness Gives Henry Grattan Lecture in London
  • Prof Louise Richardson - Speaking to the Hand: the Rhetoric of Division and the Threat to Democracy
  • Richie Neal -- 'The future of US-Ireland relations in a changing world'
  • Mary McAleese -- 'Ireland-UK Relations, Past, Present and Future'
  • Mario Draghi -- 'Youth Unemployment in the Euro Area'
  • John Bruton -- 'New Fault lines in Europe.....the Political Consequences of Brexit'
  • Patrick Honohan -- 'Reflections on the Irish Economy - 1916 to 2016'
  • David O'Sullivan -- 'EU-US Relations in a Changing World'
  • Peter Sutherland -- 'EU Migration: Socioeconomic and Political Issues and Challenges'
  • Pat Cox -- 'British and Irish Relations in a Changing EU'
  • Joschka Fischer -- 'The End of the European Project?'