Welcome to DU Snowsports Club
Join Our Team: Welcome to DU Snowsports, the premier club for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts at Trinity College Dublin. Our club is dedicated to providing exciting opportunities for students of all skill levels to experience the thrill of winter sports.
Participation and Training: DU Snowsports offers a range of activities and training sessions throughout the year. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced rider, our club provides professional instruction and practice sessions to help you improve your skills. We organize dry slope training in the weeks leading up to the ski trip ensuring that you can get practice in before hitting the real slopes! For more information follow our instagram @dusnowsports for updates on our training schedule.
Trips and Activities: DU Snowsports takes hundreds of students each year on our annual week-long ski trip to top ski destinations all over the Alps. Our ski trip offers an excellent opportunity to experience real snow conditions, enhance your skills, and enjoy the social aspect of the sport. Whether you are a serious slalom racer, snowpark freestyler, or have never touched a pair of skis before, you are guaranteed a week to remember.
This year we are partnered with NUCO Travel to run our ski trip. Check out our feature page on the NUCO website here: DU Snowsports | Nuco Travels .
Inclusive Environment: DU Snowsports prides itself on being an inclusive and welcoming club. We cater to all levels of ability and experience, ensuring that everyone can participate and enjoy the sport. Our supportive community is perfect for making new friends and sharing your passion for snowsports.
Social Events and Activities: Beyond the slopes, we regularly organize events where our members can bond over a shared love for snowsports. From pre-trip socials to our annual Snow Ball, there is always something on. Follow our instagram for announcements.
Registration and Fees: An annual membership fee is required to join. This fee supports the club's operations, including training, equipment, and participation in various events and trips. Erasmus exchange students should check at the sports centre reception for any additional fees related to facility use.