Family swim
Family Swim takes place every Saturday from 3pm - 5pm with dedicated lane access for you and your family. We have an area of the pool set aside for family fun, we have snorkels, fins, woggles, floats, and toys in the pool for you and the family.
Each slot provides access for 1x adult and 2x kids, under the age of 16. Two lanes will be designated for family swim with four lanes still available to members for lane swimming. Limited places are available so book early to avoid disappointment.
Family swim bookings are available by phoning reception (01 896 1812) anytime from 7am on Wednesday morning (for the week ahead). Open to members (free access) and non-members, €12.00 per booking for non-members. Contact us at or 018961812 for any questions or queries.
Please note:
The maximum children permitted aged 8 an under is TWO per adult, as per swim Ireland guidelines with the safety of all in mind.
Child Pool Access Policy:
• Child members can access the pool when there are family swims or once there are any ‘casual lane’ slots on the pool schedule.
• Child members cannot access the pool when there are no ‘casual lane’ slots on the pool schedule, laned swims on the schedule are for adult users only, 16+.
• Flexibility on the above may be afforded to competent teenage swimmers, but access requests will be referred/approved by the on-shift Duty Manager/Lifeguard.
• The parent member must remain in the pool with their child at all times irrespective of the swimmer level the child is, it is their responsibility.
To book contact reception:
Phone: 01 896 1812