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Dr. Camilla Devitt
Associate Professor, Sociology


Camilla Devitt's research focuses on the politics of immigration and social policies in Western Europe, with particular interests in labour migration, labour markets and healthcare. Her research also investigates the determinants of immigration, migrant experiences in Western European labour markets and social attitudes. She is a co-editor (with E. M. Immergut, K. M. Anderson and T. Popic) of Health Politics in Europe: A Handbook (2021, Oxford University Press). Her work has also appeared in various academic journals including the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Review, Social Politics, Journal of European Social Policy and Social Policy and Administration. She teaches political sociology, economic sociology and race, ethnicity and identity at TCD. She has been a Principal Investigator in various European projects. She received her PhD in political and social sciences from the European University Institute (EUI), Florence.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Koay, Aaron and Camilla Devitt, What Obstructs Health Policy Implementation? A Multi-Method Qualitative Case Study of the Delayed Deployment of Community Pharmacies in Ireland"s National COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, Qualitative Health Research, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Comparative labour migration policies in, editor(s)Meardi, Guglielmo , Research Handbook on Migration and Employment, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp290 - 308, , [Devitt, Camilla] Book Chapter, 2024 DOI

Camilla Devitt, Continuity and Change in Immigration Regimes: An Institutionalist Analysis of Italian Labor Immigration Regulations 1990-2020, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Merve Sancak, Massimo D'Angelo, Nicola Chelotti, Almina Beši, Metin Çorabatir, Neli Demireva, Camilla Devitt, Claudia Diaz, Buket Bahar Divrak et al, Challenges and opportunities for the employment of refugees in late industrialising countries, Loughborough University London, October, 2023, p1 - 17 Report, 2023 DOI

The Admission Of Foreign Workers To Italy: Closing The 'Gap' With Northern Europe in, editor(s)Finotelli, Claudia Ponzo, Irene , Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe: A North-South Comparison, Dordrecht, Springer, 2023, pp189 - 207, [Devitt, Camilla] Book Chapter, 2023 DOI

Camilla Devitt, Beyond Financial Constraints: The politics of Irish health system reform in the aftermath of the Great Recession, Social Policy and Administration, 56, (7), 2022, p1006-1021 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Sprong, Stefanie and Camilla Devitt, Onwards and upwards? The Educational and Occupational Expectations of Irish Teens of migrant descent, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 43, (7), 2022, p1032-1051 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Camilla Devitt, Ruth Milkman, Immigrant Labor and the New Precariat, Sociology, 56, (1), 2021, p165 - 182, p204-205 Review, 2021 DOI

Ellen Immergut Karen Anderson Camilla Devitt Tamara Popic, Health Politics in Europe: A Handbook, First edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, 1 - 1048pp Book, 2021 URL

Ireland in, editor(s)Immergut, Ellen Anderson, Karen Devitt Camilla Popic, Tamara , Health Politics in Europe: A Handbook, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp75 - 115, [Devitt, Camilla] Book Chapter, 2021

Schneider, Simone and Camilla Devitt, How do the Foreign-Born Rate Host Country Health Systems? Evidence from Ireland, The Economic and Social Review, 49, (1), 2018, p45 - 71 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Schneider, Simone and Camilla Devitt, Accessing healthcare in times of economic growth and economic downturn: evidence from Ireland, European Journal of Social Policy, 28, (4), 2018, p357 - 369 Journal Article, 2018

Devitt, Camilla, Shaping labour migration to Italy: the role of labour market institutions, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 23, (3), 2018, p274 - 292 Journal Article, 2018

Bobek, Alicja and Camilla Devitt, Ethnically diverse workplaces in Irish hospitals: Perspectives of Irish and foreign-born professionals and their managers, Employee Relations, 39, (7), 2017, p1015 - 1029 Journal Article, 2017

Camilla Devitt, Mothers or Migrants? Labour Supply Policies in Ireland 1997-2007, Social Politics, 23, (2), 2016, p214 - 238 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Afonso, Alexandre and Devitt, Camilla, Comparative Political Economy and International Migration, Socio-Economic Review, 14, (3), 2016, p395 - 417 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Bobek, Alicja and Camilla Devitt, Workplace Integration of Migrant Health Workers in Ireland, Turin, FIERI, 2015 Report, 2015 URL

Kingston, Gillian, Devitt, Camilla, Alicja Bobek, Migrant Workers in the Irish Healthcare Sector, Turin, FIERI, 2015 Report, 2015 URL

Camilla Devitt, Managing Labour Migration in Times of Crisis - The UK Case, Singapore, Migration/Integration EU-Asia Dialogue, 2014 Report, 2014

Camilla Devitt, Government Responses to Foreign Worker Demand During Economic Crises The Cases of Britain and France 2008-2013, Comparative Migration Studies, 2, (4), 2014, p445 - 467 Journal Article, 2014

Camilla Devitt, Labour immigration policy in Britain and France: seeking functional alternatives? , 2014 Working Paper, 2014

Managing Labour Migration in Times of Crisis - The UK Case in, editor(s)Hofmeister, Wilhelm et al. , Migration and Integration Common Challenges and Responses from Europe and Asia, Singapore, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung and European Union, 2014, pp169 - 195, [Camilla Devitt] Book Chapter, 2014

Camilla Devitt, Country Focus: Migration of Irish nationals during the crisis, Florence, European University Institute, 2014 Report, 2014

Ireland in, editor(s)Ruby Gropas and Anna Triandafyllidou , European Immigration A Sourcebook, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2014, [Camilla Devitt ] Book Chapter, 2014

Circular economic migration between Italy and Morocco in, editor(s)Anna Triandafyllidou , Circular Migration Between Europe and its Neighbourhood: Choice or Necessity?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, [Camilla Devitt] Book Chapter, 2013

Ireland in, editor(s)Urso, G Schuster, A , Migration, Employment and Labour Market Integration Policies in the European Union , Brussels, IOM, 2013, [Devitt, Camilla & Murphy, Esther] Book Chapter, 2013

The Rosarno revolt: toward political mobilization for immigrants? in, editor(s)Elisabetta Gualmini and Eleonora Pasotti , Italian Politics 2011 edition , New York, Berghahn Books, 2012, [Camilla Devitt] Book Chapter, 2012

Camilla Devitt, The governance of labour immigration in the UK, Turin, FIERI, 2012 Report, 2012 URL

Camilla Devitt, The governance of labour immigration in France, Turin, FIERI, 2012 Report, 2012 URL

Camilla Devitt, Circular migration between Italy and Morocco: a case study, Florence, European University Institute, 2011 Report, 2011 URL

Triandafyllidou, Anna, Devitt, Camilla et al, Circular Migration and Integration A Short Guide for Policy Makers , Florence, European University Institute, 2011 Report, 2011

La rivolta di Rosarno: gli immigrati si mobilitano? in, editor(s)Gualmini, Elisabetta Pasotti, Eleonora , Politica in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, [Devitt, Camilla] Book Chapter, 2011

Camilla Devitt, Varieties of Capitalism, Variation in Labour Migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , 37, (4), 2011, p579 - 596 Journal Article, 2011

Camilla Devitt, The migrant worker factor in labour market policy reform, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16, (3), 2010, p259 - 275 Journal Article, 2010

Devitt, Camilla, Shaping labour immigration: the role of labour market institutions in advanced democracies, Florence, European University Institute, 2010 Book, 2010 URL

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Camilla Devitt, Legal Employment Channels for Third-Country Nationals in the EU 25, Report for European Parliament Brussels, 2005, - Miscellaneous, 2005

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • How do states facilitate the employment of immigrants? Evidence from Ireland
  • Summary
    • This project investigates the effectiveness of Irish employment services in enabling the employment of job-seekers of migrant background and alleviating their risk of long-term unemployment.
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin Provost PhD Award
  • Date From
    • September 2022
  • Date To
    • September 2026
  • Title
  • Summary
    • "The Paradox of Health State Futures" (HEALTHDOX) project involves a team of scholars from seven European universities and aims to explore future trajectories of European health politics and policies through an investigation of the impact of recent health reforms on health inequalities, health expenditures, and public attitudes towards both the health system and the welfare state.
  • Funding Agency
    • Norface
  • Date From
    • February 2015
  • Date To
    • August 2018
  • Title
    • Assessing and Enhancing Integration in Workplaces' project (WORK-INT)
  • Summary
    • WORK-INT aims to analyse the workplace integration of non-European citizens in a selection of European cities. The TCD team will be led by Dr. Camilla Devitt. The coordinator is FIERI, Turin and other partners are COMPAS Oxford University, Universitat Complutense de Madrid, and the HWWI, Hamburg.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • December 2013
  • Date To
    • June 2015
  • Title
    • Implementation of asylum policy in Ireland and Italy
  • Summary
    • Analysis of asylum policy implementation in Ireland and Italy with a focus on perspectives of street level bureaucrats in rural and urban contexts.
  • Funding Agency
    • Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme
  • Date From
    • 2023
  • Date To
    • 2025
  • Title
    • Labour Migration Governance (LAB-MIG-GOV)
  • Summary
    • LAB-MIG-GOV is a three year project coordinated by FIERI, Turin. It is implemented with the support of the "Europe and Global Challenges" Programme promoted by Compagnia di San Paolo, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and VolkswagenStiftung. LAB-MIG-GOV involves critical analysis of Western European labour immigration policies.
  • Funding Agency
    • Compagnia di San Paolo, Riksbankens Jubileumsfo
  • Date From
    • February 2011
  • Date To
    • February 2014
  • Title
    • METOIKOS: Circular migration patterns in Southern and Central Eastern Europe: Challenges and opportunities for migrants and policy makers
  • Summary
    • The METOIKOS project looks at circular migration patterns in three European regions: southeastern Europe and the Balkans (Greece, Italy and Albania); southwestern Europe and the Maghreb (Spain, Italy and Morocco); and Central Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine).More specifically, METOIKOS studies the links between different types of circular migration and processes of integration (in the country of destination) and reintegration (in the source country). It identifies the main challenges and opportunities involved in circular migration for migrants (and their families), source countries and destination countries and develops new conceptual instruments for the analysis of circular migration and integration.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission, DG JLS
  • Date From
    • 2010
  • Date To
    • 2011