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Dr. Andrew Finlay
Assistant Professor, Sociology


Andrew Finlay is an anthropologist with an interest in developing a critical understanding of power, the state, racism and conflict. Topics of PhD dissertations completed by research students include: the Polish community in Dublin; body marking; cultural identity and Irish advertising; NGOs in Post-Apartheid South Africa; Depoliticisation and the Post-Conflict State in Northern Ireland; 'Narratives of Change: Military Wives in the Curragh Camp'; 'Palestinian refugees in Lebanon: from co-ethnics to a racialized minority'; 'Identity categorisation, citizenship and the "Peace Process" in Cote d'Ivoire'.

Among his publications are two books: Nationalism and Multiculturalism (LIT Verlag, 2004) and Governing Ethnic Conflict (Routledge, 2010).

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Andrew Finlay, The Flight From Dunkirk, The London Review of Books, 39,21 (2 November 2017), 2017, - Miscellaneous, 2017

Andrew Finlay, Liberal intervention, anthropology and the ethnicity machine, Peacebuilding , 3, (3), 2015 Journal Article, 2015 URL

Andrew Finlay , Ethnic statistics: Ringelheim, reification and the, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37, (4), 2014, p753 - 756 Journal Article, 2014 URL

Finlay A ,, Governing Ethnic Conflict: Consociation, Identity and the Price of Peace, , , , Paperback, London and New York, Routledge, 2011, 152pp Book, 2011 URL

Finlay A, Communal Categories, Normative Ethnicity and the Peace Process in Ireland , biennale of the European Association of Social Anthropologists: Crisis and the Imagination, Maynooth, , 24-27 August 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Finlay A , Governing Ethnic Conflict: Consociation, Identity and the Price of Peace, hardback, London and New York, Routledge, 2010, 152pp Book, 2010

Finlay, A, Consociational Peace Agreements: lesson-sharing or winning the argument?" , 'Conflicts on the Move', the Annual Conference of American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, 16-20 November 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Finlay A, Cultural Essentialism, Governmentality and the Liberal Consensus on Conflict Resolution , Understanding Conflicts-Cross-Cultural Perspectives , University of Aarhus , August 19 - 22, 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Finlay, Andrew R., The Persistence of the Old Idea of Culture, the Peace Process in Ireland and Anthropology, Critique of Anthropology, 28, (3), 2008, p279 - 296 Journal Article, 2008

Finlay A, Anthropology, Governmentality and the Peace Process in Ireland, Experiencing Diversity and Mutuality, 10th Biennial Conference, European Association of Social Anthropologists, Ljubljana, 26 to 30 August, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Locating the peace process in Ireland in an international context in, editor(s)K. Fricker and R. Lentin , Performing Global Networks, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007, [Andrew Finlay] Book Chapter, 2007

Finlay, Andrew R., Irish studies, cultural pluralism and the peace process, Irish Studies Review, 15, (3), 2007, p333 - 345 Journal Article, 2007 DOI TARA - Full Text

Finlay A, Anthropology Misapplied? The Culture Concept and the Peace Process in Ireland , Anthropology in Action, 13, (1-2), 2006, p1 - 10 Journal Article, 2006

Andrew Finlay, Multiculturalism after the Good Friday Agreement, Irish Journal of Anthropology, 19, (3), 2006, p8 - 17 Journal Article, 2006 TARA - Full Text

Me too: victimhood and the proliferation of cultural claims in Ireland in, editor(s)Finlay Andrew R , Nationalism and multiculturalism: Irish identity, citizenship and the peace process, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2004, [Finlay A.] Book Chapter, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Conclusion to Nationalism and multiculturalism: Irish identity, citizenship and the peace process in, editor(s)Finlay, Andrew R. , Nationalism and multiculturalism: Irish identity, citizenship and the peace process, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2004, [Finlay A.] Book Chapter, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Michael Gilsenan, V. Amit, Biographical Dictionary of Anthropology, Lonodn, Routledge, 2004, pp194 - 195, [A. Finlay] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2004

Introduction to Nationalism and multiculturalism: Irish identity, citizenship and the peace process in, editor(s)Finlay, Andrew R. , Nationalism and multiculturalism: Irish identity, citizenship and the peace process, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2004, [Finlay A.] Book Chapter, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Finlay A., Partition, Pluralism and the Response to a Proposed Orange Parade in Dublin, Irish Studies Review, 11, (1), 2003, p17 - 32 Journal Article, 2003

Reflexivity, the Dilemmas of Identification and an Ethnographic Encounter in Northern Ireland in, editor(s)Smyth, M. and Robinson G. , Researching Violent Societies: Ethical and Methodological Issues, Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 2001, pp55 - 76, [Finlay Andrew R.] Book Chapter, 2001

Finlay A., Defeatism and Northern Protestant "Identity", The Global Review of Ethnopolitics, 1, (2), 2001, p3 - 20 Journal Article, 2001 URL

Finlay A., 'Whatever You Say Say Nothing' - An Ethnographic Encounter in Northern Ireland and its Sequel, Sociological Research Online, 4, (3), 1999 Journal Article, 1999 URL

A. Finlay, Unity, Times Literary Supplement, 4970, 15, 1998, - p15 Miscellaneous, 1998

Beyond the Moral Panic - Results From a Recent Study of Teenage Pregnancy in, editor(s)Cleary A and Treacy, P. , The Sociology of Health and Illness in Ireland, Dublin, UCD Press, 1997, pp127 - 137, [Finlay, A., Whittington, D., Shaw, N., McWilliams, N.] Book Chapter, 1997

Teenage Pregnancy, Romantic Love and Social Science - an Uneasy Relationship in, editor(s)James. V. and Gabe, J. , Health and the Sociology of Emotion, Sociology of Health and Illness Monograph, Blackwell, 1996, pp79 - 96, [Finlay A.] Book Chapter, 1996

Finlay A., Sectarianism in the Workplace: the Case of the Derry Shirt Industry 1868 - 1968, Irish Journal of Sociology, 3, 1993, p79 - 93 Journal Article, 1993

Covell R, Follett E, Coote I, Bloor M, Finlay A, Frischer M, GoldberG D, Green S, Haw S, McKeganey N, HIV Testing Among Injecting Drug-Users in Glasgow, Journal of Infection, 26, (1), 1993, p27 - 33 Journal Article, 1993

Bloor, M. J., Barnard, M. A., Finlay, A. and McKeganey N. P., HIV-Related Risk Practices Among Glasgow Male Prostitutes, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 7, (2), 1993, p152 - 169 Journal Article, 1993

Finlay, A., and Shaw, N., Brook in Belfast and the 'Problem' of Teenage Pregnancy, Critical Public Health, 4, (2), 1993, p24 - 30 Journal Article, 1993

Rhodes, T.J., Bloor, M. J., Donoghoe, M. C., Haw, S., Etorre, B., Platt, S. Frischer, M., Hunter, G. M., Taylor, A., Finlay, A., Crosier, A., Stephens, S., Covell, R., Stimson, G., Goldberg, D. J., Green, S.T., McKeganey, N. P., HIV Prevalence and HIV Risk Behaviour Among Injecting Drug Users in London and Glasgow, AIDS Care, 5, 1993, p413 - 425 Journal Article, 1993

Finlay, A., Swallow, M. and McCree, C., The Royal Group of Hospitals Arts and Environment Project, Ulster Medical Journal, 63, (2), 1993, p153 - 161 Journal Article, 1993

Finlay A., Sectarianism and the 'Failure' of Trade Unionism in Northern Ireland, Saothar Jnl of the ILHS, 17, 1992, p78 - 86 Journal Article, 1992

Haw, S., Frischer, M., Green, S., Crosier, A., Hunter, G., Finlay, A., Covell, R., Etorre, B., Bloor, M., Stephens, S., Goldberg, G., Stimpson, G., McKeganey, N., Platt, S., Taylor, A., Follet, E., and Perry, J., The Importance of Multi-Site Sampling in Determining the Prevalence of HIV Among Drug Injectors in Glasgow and London, AIDS, 6, (5), 1992, p517 - 518 Journal Article, 1992

Bloor M. J., McKeganey, N., Finlay A. Barnard, M., The Inappropriateness of Psycho-Social Models of Risk Behaviour for Understanding HIV-Related Risk Behaviour Among Glasgow Male Prostitutes, AIDS Care, 4, (2), 1992, p131 - 137 Journal Article, 1992

Frischer, M., Bloor, M., Finlay, A., Goldberg, D., Green, S., Haw, S., McKeganey, N. and Platt, S., A New Method of Estimating the Prevalence of Injecting Drug Use in an Urban Population, International Journal of Epidemiology, 20, (4), 1991, p997 - 1000 Journal Article, 1991

The Cutting Edge: Derry Shirtmakers in, editor(s)Curtin, C. et al , Gender in Irish Society, Galway University Press, 1987, pp87 - 107, [Finlay A.] Book Chapter, 1987

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Andrew Finlay, Consociation, Binarism and Preparations for a Referendum on Irish Unity,, Consociational Powersharing in Northern Ireland: Facing the Future", The School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen"s University Belfast, 14-15 December 2023, 2023 Invited Talk, 2023

Andrew Finlay, Recalling a violent episode from a place of safety, Sociology Department Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, 4 March 2019., 2019, - Miscellaneous, 2019

Andrew Finlay, 'The Political Economy of Ethnicity', , Ethnicity and Travellers: an exploration, Dublin Castle, 27 September , 2012, National Traveller Monitoring and Advisory Committee, Department of Justice, 1 - 15pp Invited Talk, 2012 URL TARA - Full Text

Andrew Finlay, 'Telling', Re-Telling and Normative Essentialism - Further Reflections on an Ethnographic Encounter, Evidence in Conflict Workshop on Problems Researching Divided Societies And Cities , Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge, 29-31 March, 2007, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Finlay, A, Review of Devolution and Identity , by John Wilson and Karyn Stapleton (eds) , Translocations The Irish Migration, Race and Social Transformation Review , 2, (1), 2007, p211-212 Review, 2007

Andrew Finlay, Dublin Riots - What Lies Beneath Sunday Business Post 5/3/2006 , 2006, - Miscellaneous, 2006 URL

A Finlay, Ireland in 2020: Bi-cultural or Multi-cultural , Annual Conference of the Irish Association Imagining Ireland in 2020, Belfast, 14-15 October 2005, 2005 Invited Talk, 2005

A Finlay, Cultural Identity and The Politics of Esteem, The British Association Festival of Science, Trinity College Dublin , 6 September 2005, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

A Finlay , Locating the Peace Process in Ireland in an International Context, Global Networks Conference, Institute for International Integration Studies, Trinity College Dublin , 23-24 September 2005, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

Finlay, A., Nationalism and Multiculturalism, Variations on an Irish Theme: Reflections, Reactions and Realities, The Queen's University of Belfast, 4-5 August 2004, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Finlay A., Diversity in the New Ireland- Understanding the Census 2002, Consultation on Diversity and Religion in Public Service Broadcasting, Church of Ireland Broadcasting Committee, Dublin, 14 October 2004, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004 URL

Finlay A., Pluralism Old and New: The Challenges For TCD, Proceedings of a Workshop on Working and Teaching in a Multicultural University, MPhil in Ethnic and Racial Studies Dept of Sociology, Trinity College, HEA Equality Unit, Dublin, 16 November 2002, edited by Lenitn R. , 2003 Conference Paper, 2003 URL

Finlay A., Beware of Communal Rights, Fortnight, 419, (9), 2003 Journal Article, 2003

Finlay A., Cultural Identity and Political Transformation, A summary of the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Irish Association, Dun Laoghaire, 11-12 October, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Finlay A., Stephen McGonagle , Journal of the Irish Labour History Society, 27, 2002, p7 - 8 Journal Article, 2002

Finlay A., Cultural Identity and Political Transformation, A summary of the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Irish Association, Dun Laoghaire, 11-12 October, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Finlay A., Identity, Criticism and Decadent Strata, Proceedings of a Seminar on Emerging Irish Identities, MPhil in Ethnic and Racial Studies Dept of Sociology and NFCAR Seminar, Trinity College, Dublin, 27 November 1999, edited by Lentin R. , 2000 Conference Paper, 2000

Finlay A., Rethinking Northern Ireland, Economic and Social Review, 30, (1), 1999 Review, 1999

Finlay A., Colonialism, Postcolonial Theory and the Northern Protestant 'Condition', Defining ColoniesThird Galway Conference on Colonialism, Galway, 1999 Conference Paper, 1999

Whittington, D., and Finlay, A., A Qualitative Study of Adolescent Reproductive Behaviour in the West of NI,, Proceedings of the Fourth Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, 1998, pp64 Conference Paper, 1998

Finlay A., ATGWU Action Programme - Working for Equality Final Report, Unpublished Evaluation Report, Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union and the Central Community Relations Unit, 1998 Report, 1998

Finlay A., Saothar, Journal of the Irish Labour History Society, 20, 1995, p84 Review, 1995

Finlay, A., Shaw, N., Whittington, D. and McWilliams, M., Adolescent Reproductive Behaviour In the Western Health & Social Services Board Area - Executive Summary, University of Ulster/Western Health and Social Services Board, Coleraine, 1995 Report, 1995

Finlay A., Adolescent sexuality, teenage pregnancy and the notion of an underclass: reflections from Northern Ireland, Sexualities in Social Context, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, 1994, pp20 Conference Paper, 1994

Finlay, A., Shaw, N., Whittington, D. and McWilliams, M., Teenage Pregnancy and Adolescent Reproductive Behaviour in the Western Board Area - Final Report, University of Ulster/Western Health and Social Services Board, Coleraine, 1994 Report, 1994

Finlay A., Adolescent sexuality, teenage pregnancy and the notion of an underclass: reflections from Northern Ireland', Sexualities in Social Context, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, March, 1994, pp20 - 20 Conference Paper, 1994

Finlay, A. and Shaw, N., Brook in Belfast and the 'problem' of teenage pregnancy, Termonfechin, Bulletin of the Sociological Association of Ireland, Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference: Sociology - Themes and Tensions, May, 70, (4), 1993 Conference Paper, 1993

Finlay, A., McCree, C., Whittington, D. and Thompson, K., Royal Group of Hospitals Arts and Environment Project - Report of an Evaluation carried out between April and November 1991, University of Ulster, 1992 Report, 1992

Bloor, M., Frischer, M., Taylor, A., Haw, S., Finlay, A., Covell, R., Possible reasons for the continuing low HIV prevalence among Glasgow's injecting drug users. PoC 4109, VIII International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, July, 1992 Conference Paper, 1992

Haw, S., Finlay A., Frischer, M., Covell, R., Bloor, M., Follet, E., Goldberg, D., Green, S., and McKeganey, N. P., HIV Infection and Risk Behaviour Among Injecting Drug Users in Glasgow, ANSWER, Communicable Diseases (Scotland) Unit, Glasgow 91/31, 1991, p1 - 4 Journal Article, 1991

Bloor, M. J., Finlay, A., Barnard, M. A. and McKeganey, N. P., Male Prostitution and Risks of HIV Infection in Glasgow: Final Report, ANSWER, Communicable Diseases (Scotland) Unit, Glasgow 91/33, 1991, p1 - 3 Journal Article, 1991

Normand, C., Ditch, J., Dockrell, J., Finlay, A., Gaskell, G., Henderson, G., and Whittington, D., Clinical Audit in Professions Allied to Medicine and Related Therapy Professions, Vol 3, Dept. of Health (GB), May, 1991 Report, 1991

Frischer, M., Bloor, M., Covell, R., Goldberg, D., Green, S., Finlay. A., Haw, S., McKeganey, N., Platt, S., A new method of estimating the prevalence of HIV infection among injecting drug users in an urban population. Abstract W.C. 3049, VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, June, 1991 Meeting Abstract, 1991

Frischer, M., Bloor, M., Covell, R., Goldberg, D., Green, S., Finlay. A., Haw, S., McKeganey, N., Platt, S., An ecological approach to estimating the prevalence of injecting drug use in urban populations: results from a Scottish city, Society for Social Medicine, 35th Annual Scientific Meeting, Southampton, September, 1991 Conference Paper, 1991

Haw, S., Covell, R., Finlay, A., Frischer, M., Bloor, M., Follet, E., Goldberg, D., Green, S., McKeganey, N., Platt, S., A serial period prevalence study of HIV infection and HIV risk behaviours in a Scottish city, Abstract M.D. 4070, VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, June, 1991 Meeting Abstract, 1991

Haw, S., Covell, R., Finlay, A., Frischer, M., Bloor, M., Follet, E., Goldberg, D., Green, S., McKeganey, N., Platt, S., A serial period prevalence study of HIV infection and HIV risk behaviours among injecting drug users recruited in Glasgow, Abstract 18, MRC AIDS Epidemiology Workshop, Warwick, September, 1991 Meeting Abstract, 1991

Research Expertise


Anthropology; Citizenship; CONFLICT; Ethnic Studies; Ethnography; Government Studies; Identity politics and social change; Nationalism; peace agreements