Dissertation Archive
This archive lists PhD dissertation titles from past students, showcasing the breadth of research in the Department over the years.
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Julia Leesch | Trends and Consequences of Assortative Mating on Education and Social Class Origin |
Dr Melissa Bohnert | Digital Media, Child Development, and Wellbeing Outcomes in Ireland |
Dr Arnie Trinidad | The Social and Class-based Identities of Filipino Nurse Migrants in Ireland |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Stefanie Sprong | Explaining the 'migrant gap' among children in Ireland |
Dr Ryan Alberto Ó Giobúin | Diverging Pathways: social class and choice in Irish secondary education |
Dr Sara Bojarczuk | Polish Mothers in Ireland- A Comparative Study of the Role of Social Networks in Managing Care and Employment |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Sara Singleton | What role does trust play in successful cooperation between the diverse actors involved in international peacekeeping missions? |
Dr David Dunne | Going Native: a critical study of theories of 'nativism' as technologies of Western intervention |
Dr Ciaran Devlin | Gender and Sexuality through the Screen: Using video games to tackle Misogyny and Homophobia |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Phil Mullen | Identity and Belonging in Ireland for mixed-race Irish women who grew up in the Irish institutional care system |
Dr Inga Sabanova | Migration and Social class: A Case Study of Migrant Families from the Baltics in Ireland |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Egle Gusciute | 'Who is Against Migration, and Why?' |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Mariam Nagi | Contesting Discourses of Sexuality: Sexual Identity Negotiation among Urban Educated Egyptian Women |
Dr Vasiliki Theofilopoulou | National Becoming through Aesthesis: Modern Literature Education in Greece |
Dr Cliona Hannon | Capital, Capabilities and Culture: A Human Development Approach to Student and School Transformation |
Dr David Cichon | The Political Economy of Labour Activism: Financial Capitalism and labour resistance in the Cambodian garment sector |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Kathleen Sheehan | A Network View of the Agencies that Serve Ireland's Asylum Seekers |
Dr Cormac McNamara | The Betting Shop: A Sociological Perspective |
Dr Holly Foley | A Longitudinal Study to Explore the Lives of Russian Speaking Youths in Ireland |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Kasia Wodniak | The Formation and Legacy of Networks: Poland Euro 2012 |
Dr Vanessa Stout | 'Your Place or Mine'? An Examination of Nigerian Incorporation in Dublin and Los Angeles Cityspace |
Dr Lisa Maria Reilly | Cliques, conflict, clairvoyance: The emotionality of the university classroom for non-traditional students |
Dr Caroline O'Sullivan | From Scene to Flow: Music, Network, Evolution |
Dr Caitriona Delaney | An Explorative Study of Army Wives in Ireland: Focusing on the Curragh Camp in Co Kildare |
Dr Paul Candon | The Emerging Online Public Sphere in Ireland: A Case Study |
Dr Gillian Kingston | Immigration, Integration and Discrimination in Ireland a Longitudinal Analysis of Immigrants in the Irish Labour Market |
Dr Yaqoub Bouaynaya | Perceived Irishness: The (re)construction of Irish identity within the continuum of liquid modernity |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Michael Murphy | The Social History of the Irish Recorded Music Industry |
Dr Penelope Muteteli | Identity Polarization, Citizenship and Conflict Resolution: Governmentality in Cote d’Ivoire |
Dr Waleed Serhan | Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: From Co-Ethnics to a Racialized Minority |
Dr Craig Considine | Family, Religion, and Identity in the Pakistani Diaspora: A Case Study of Young Pakistani Men in Dublin and Boston. |
Dr Damien O'Tuama | Prising Open the Dublin Bikes' Journeys |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Alessia Passarelli | Beyond Welcoming the Stranger: Integration Policies and Practices in Protestant Churches in Ireland and Italy |
Dr Beata Sokolowska | Acculturation of Polish Teenagers in Ireland |
Dr Marianna Prontera | Return Migration and Integration: A Comparison of Italian Returnees from Argentina and Europe |
Dr Lorraine Mancey | Illusion and Disillusion in a Development Organisation |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Martina Byrne | Performing Distance: The response of Irish professionals to Immigrants and Immigration |
Dr Ying Yun Wang | The Economic, Family and Identity Experiences of the First and Second Generation Hong Kong Chinese in Ireland |
Dr Il-Haam Petersen |
A Multi-Methods Network Approach for Developing STI Capabilities in Southern Africa |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Maja Halilovic-Pastuovic | The Case Study of Bosnian Post-refugee Transnationalism |
Dr Andrea Rigon |
Co-producing Development: Participation, Power and Conflict in the Upgrading of Informal Settlements in Nairobi |
Dr Jonathan Lacey | In Search of Legitimacy: An exploration of the Gülen movement’s Strategic Engagement in the Western context |
Dr Justyna SalamoĊska | Moving Across Countries, Labour Markets and the Life Cycle: Polish and Central/Eastern European Migration to Ireland |
Dr Michael Byrne | Depoliticisation and the Post-Conflict State in Northern Ireland: Sovereignty, Citizenship and Universality |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Patrick Bresnihan | Transforming the Fisheries: The Politics of Environmental Sustainability |
Dr Alicja Bobek | Polish Migrants in Ireland: Migration Patterns, Social Networks and 'Community' |
Dr Olivia Freeman | Accomplishing Consumer Selves and Relations: Analysing the Talk-in-Interaction of Preschoolers' Focus Groups |
Dr Antje Röder | Socio-Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Europe: A Multi-level Analysis of Patterns and Determinants |
Dr Anaheed Al-Hardan | Remembering the Catastrophe: Uprooted Histories and the Grandchildren of the Nakba |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Suzanne Harkins | Food, Obesity and Families: Practices in Irish Households with Young Children |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr David Landy | British Jewish Opposition to Israel: The Relationship Between Local and Distant Fields of Contention in a Social Movement |
Dr Jean Cushen | Shareholder Capitalism, Normative Smokescreens and the Angry, Insecure Knowledge Worker |
Dr Emma Calvert | Considering the 'Work' in Workplace Bullying: A Sociological Approach |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Sean Reynolds | Liquid Citizens? Towards a Sociology of Lesbian and Gay Intimate Citizenship in the Republic of Ireland |
Dr Neil O'Boyle | Knowing What It Means to be Irish: Cultural Identity and the Production of Irish Advertising |
Dr Naoimh McMahon | Food, Biotechnology, Science and Politics: Policymakers Engaged in Codex Alimentarius |
Dr Sean Dunne | Fluid Constellation: Hybrid Dynamics of the Irish Bottled Water Industry |
Dr Carla De Tona | Diaspora, Gender and Narrative Journeys: Italian Migrant Women in Ireland |
Dr Brid O'Farrell | The Spiralling Swallow: A Sociological Auto-Ethnography of 'Eating Disorder(S)' |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Elaine Moriarty | Ireland and Race: Ideas, Intellectuals and Identities |
Dr Abel Ugba | Shades of Belonging: Identity Construction among Pentecostal Africans in 21st century Ireland |
Dr Matt Bowden | Policing and the Youth Question: Civil Society and the State in Urban Periphery Ireland |
Dr Christian Gheorghiu | Globalisation, Christian Churches and Ecumenism |
Dr Andrew Whelan | Coprolalia and Shibboleths: Musical and Textual Interaction in the Breakcore Room |
Dr Aloysius Kahindi |
The Impact of Global Business Models in a Developing Country: The Case of Human Resource Management in Two Multi-National Banks Operating in Tanzania |
Dr Aisling McCormack | Transition, Reconstruction, and Decline: A Portrait of NGO Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa |
Dr Joanne McCarthy | The Principles and Discourses of the Social Model: Exploring their use and usefulness in the Irish context |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Michael Doherty | Does the Union Still Make Us Strong? Irish Trade Unions Membership in the Partnership Era |
Dr Kay Inckle | On the Cutting Edge? Marking Gender, Embodiment and Knowledge |
Dr Damien Brennan | The Sociology of Institutionalisation of the 'Mentally Ill' in Ireland |
Dr Martha Van Der Bly | The Universal Surname: A Theoretical-Empirical Enquiry into the Relationship Between Globalisation and Sameness |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Petra Aigner | Discourses About Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Upper Austria |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Aileen O'Carroll | In the Shadow of the Clock: Working Time in the Irish Software Sector |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Susanna Rance | Changing Voices: Abortion Talk in Bolivian Medical Settings |
Dr Ewan Speed | Discourses of Mental Health Services and Mental Health Users Movements |
Dr Martha Herrero | Towards a Sociology of Art Collections: The Making of An Art Collection for the Irish Museum of Modern Art |
Dr Jonathan Pratschke | The Responses of Hospital Nurses in Ireland and Southern Italy to the Rationalisation of Public Health Care, 1985-2000 |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Gerard Boucher | The Small Island Scarcely Heard: Ireland's Multiple Integration and Identity |
Dr Anne Good | European Union Supra State Feminism: Redistributional Gender Equality Policy and Training in Europe and Ireland, 1971-1997 |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Roland Tormey | The Part-Time Soul : Case Studies in the Management of Culture and Flexibility in Irish Retail |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Carol MacKeogh | Television and Adolescents: A 'Critical' Audience? A Participant Observation Study |
Dr Laurence Cox | Building Counter Culture: The Radical Praxis of Social Movement Milieu |
Dr Anne Coakley | Poverty and Social Inclusion: The Managment Strategies and Views of Mothers in Social Welfare Households |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Maria E. Lohan | The Transvestite Telephone: A Male Technology Dressed Up in Feminine Clothes |
Dr Brian O'Neill | Discourses of the Arts and the Art Show: A Study of Middlebrowism in Irish Society |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Mairin Kenny | The Routes of Resistance: Travellers and Second Level Education |
Dr Ronit Lentin | Reoccupying the Territories of Silence: A Feminist Auto/biographical Exploration of the Gendered Relationship Between Israel and the Shoah |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Patricia Carr | Reconceptualising Enterprise Culture |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Carmel Duggan | Economic Diversity on Small-Holdings: A Study of Pluriactivity in West Connemara |
Dr Brendan MacPartlin | The Restructuring of the Irish Trade Union Movement 1987-1993 |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Patricia O'Hara | Women, Farm and Family in Contemporary Ireland |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Aodh Ó Canainn | Engineers in Management |
Dr Gerard Hanlon | Flexible Accumulation and the Rise of the Commercialised Service Class: An Examination of Irish Accountancy |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Josephine Browne | The Juridification of the Employment Relationship: A Study of the Impact of the Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 |
Dr Ali Reza Kaldi | Modernisation and Social Change in Iran: A Study of the Values of Tehran Residents Who Have Studied Abroad |
Dr Kieran Allen | Fianna Fail and the Irish labour movement 1926-1982: From Populism to Corporatism |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Lorna Harding |
Computer Skills Acquisition: An Examination of the Development of Computer Expertise in a Social Learning Context |
Dr Jean Tubridy | Social Experiences of Physical Disability in Ireland |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Gerald Sullivan | From Moral to Ethical Economics: An Irish Exemplar |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Jo Murphy-Lawless | Women and Childbirth: Male Medical Discourse and the Invention of Female Incompetence |
Dr Eamonn Slater | A Contribution to a Critique of the Idealisation of Irish Agricultural Development 1847 - 1882 |
Dr Peter Corrigan | Backstage Dressing:Clothing and the Urban Family, With Special Reference to Mother/Daughter Relations |
Name | Thesis Title |
Dr Peter Murray | Citizenship, Colonialism and Self-Determination: Dublin in the United Kingdom 1885-1918 |