Dissertation Archive

This archive lists PhD dissertation titles from past students, showcasing the breadth of research in the Department over the years.


Name Thesis Title
Dr Julia Leesch Trends and Consequences of Assortative Mating on Education and Social Class Origin
Dr Melissa Bohnert Digital Media, Child Development, and Wellbeing Outcomes in Ireland
Dr Arnie Trinidad The Social and Class-based Identities of Filipino Nurse Migrants in Ireland



Name Thesis Title
Dr Stefanie Sprong Explaining the 'migrant gap' among children in Ireland
Dr Ryan Alberto Ó Giobúin Diverging Pathways: social class and choice in Irish secondary education
Dr Sara Bojarczuk Polish Mothers in Ireland- A Comparative Study of the Role of Social Networks in Managing
Care and Employment


Name Thesis Title
Dr Sara Singleton What role does trust play in successful cooperation between the diverse actors involved in international peacekeeping missions?
Dr David Dunne Going Native: a critical study of theories of 'nativism' as technologies of Western intervention
Dr Ciaran Devlin Gender and Sexuality through the Screen: Using video games to tackle Misogyny and Homophobia



Name Thesis Title
Dr Phil Mullen Identity and Belonging in Ireland for mixed-race Irish women who grew up in the Irish institutional care system
Dr Inga Sabanova Migration and Social class: A Case Study of Migrant Families from the Baltics in Ireland


Name Thesis Title
Dr Egle Gusciute 'Who is Against Migration, and Why?'


Name Thesis Title
Dr Mariam Nagi Contesting Discourses of Sexuality: Sexual Identity Negotiation among Urban Educated Egyptian Women
Dr Vasiliki Theofilopoulou National Becoming through Aesthesis: Modern Literature Education in Greece
Dr Cliona Hannon Capital, Capabilities and Culture: A Human Development Approach to Student and School Transformation
Dr David Cichon The Political Economy of Labour Activism: Financial Capitalism and labour resistance in the Cambodian garment sector


Name Thesis Title
Dr Kathleen Sheehan A Network View of the Agencies that Serve Ireland's Asylum Seekers
Dr Cormac McNamara The Betting Shop: A Sociological Perspective
Dr Holly Foley A Longitudinal Study to Explore the Lives of Russian Speaking Youths in Ireland


Name Thesis Title
Dr Kasia Wodniak The Formation and Legacy of Networks: Poland Euro 2012
Dr Vanessa Stout 'Your Place or Mine'? An Examination of Nigerian Incorporation in Dublin and Los Angeles Cityspace
Dr Lisa Maria Reilly Cliques, conflict, clairvoyance: The emotionality of the university classroom for non-traditional students
Dr Caroline O'Sullivan From Scene to Flow: Music, Network, Evolution
Dr Caitriona Delaney An Explorative Study of Army Wives in Ireland: Focusing on the Curragh Camp in Co Kildare
Dr Paul Candon The Emerging Online Public Sphere in Ireland: A Case Study
Dr Gillian Kingston Immigration, Integration and Discrimination in Ireland a Longitudinal Analysis of Immigrants in the Irish Labour Market
Dr Yaqoub Bouaynaya Perceived Irishness: The (re)construction of Irish identity within the continuum of liquid modernity


Name Thesis Title
Dr Michael Murphy The Social History of the Irish Recorded Music Industry
Dr Penelope Muteteli Identity Polarization, Citizenship and Conflict Resolution: Governmentality in Cote d’Ivoire
Dr Waleed Serhan Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: From Co-Ethnics to a Racialized Minority
Dr Craig Considine Family, Religion, and Identity in the Pakistani Diaspora: A Case Study of Young Pakistani Men in Dublin and Boston.
Dr Damien O'Tuama Prising Open the Dublin Bikes' Journeys


Name Thesis Title
Dr Alessia Passarelli Beyond Welcoming the Stranger: Integration Policies and Practices in Protestant Churches in Ireland and Italy
Dr Beata Sokolowska Acculturation of Polish Teenagers in Ireland
Dr Marianna Prontera Return Migration and Integration: A Comparison of Italian Returnees from Argentina and Europe
Dr Lorraine Mancey Illusion and Disillusion in a Development Organisation


Name Thesis Title
Dr Martina Byrne Performing Distance: The response of Irish professionals to Immigrants and Immigration
Dr Ying Yun Wang The Economic, Family and Identity Experiences of the First and Second Generation Hong Kong Chinese in Ireland
Dr Il-Haam Petersen

A Multi-Methods Network Approach for Developing STI Capabilities in Southern Africa


Name Thesis Title
Dr Maja Halilovic-Pastuovic The Case Study of Bosnian Post-refugee Transnationalism
Dr Andrea Rigon

Co-producing Development: Participation, Power and Conflict in the Upgrading of Informal Settlements in Nairobi

Dr Jonathan Lacey In Search of Legitimacy: An exploration of the Gülen movement’s Strategic Engagement in the Western context
Dr Justyna SalamoĊ„ska Moving Across Countries, Labour Markets and the Life Cycle: Polish and Central/Eastern European Migration to Ireland
Dr Michael Byrne Depoliticisation and the Post-Conflict State in Northern Ireland: Sovereignty, Citizenship and Universality


Name Thesis Title
Dr Patrick Bresnihan Transforming the Fisheries: The Politics of Environmental Sustainability
Dr Alicja Bobek Polish Migrants in Ireland: Migration Patterns, Social Networks and 'Community'
Dr Olivia Freeman Accomplishing Consumer Selves and Relations: Analysing the Talk-in-Interaction of Preschoolers' Focus Groups
Dr Antje Röder Socio-Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Europe: A Multi-level Analysis of Patterns and Determinants
Dr Anaheed Al-Hardan Remembering the Catastrophe: Uprooted Histories and the Grandchildren of the Nakba



Name Thesis Title
Dr Suzanne Harkins Food, Obesity and Families: Practices in Irish Households with Young Children


Name Thesis Title
Dr David Landy British Jewish Opposition to Israel: The Relationship Between Local and Distant Fields of Contention in a Social Movement
Dr Jean Cushen Shareholder Capitalism, Normative Smokescreens and the Angry, Insecure Knowledge Worker
Dr Emma Calvert Considering the 'Work' in Workplace Bullying: A Sociological Approach


Name Thesis Title
Dr Sean Reynolds Liquid Citizens? Towards a Sociology of Lesbian and Gay Intimate Citizenship in the Republic of Ireland
Dr Neil O'Boyle Knowing What It Means to be Irish: Cultural Identity and the Production of Irish Advertising
Dr Naoimh McMahon Food, Biotechnology, Science and Politics: Policymakers Engaged in Codex Alimentarius
Dr Sean Dunne Fluid Constellation: Hybrid Dynamics of the Irish Bottled Water Industry
Dr Carla De Tona Diaspora, Gender and Narrative Journeys: Italian Migrant Women in Ireland
Dr Brid O'Farrell The Spiralling Swallow: A Sociological Auto-Ethnography of 'Eating Disorder(S)'


Name Thesis Title
Dr Elaine Moriarty Ireland and Race: Ideas, Intellectuals and Identities
Dr Abel Ugba Shades of Belonging: Identity Construction among Pentecostal Africans in 21st century Ireland
Dr Matt Bowden Policing and the Youth Question: Civil Society and the State in Urban Periphery Ireland
Dr Christian Gheorghiu Globalisation, Christian Churches and Ecumenism
Dr Andrew Whelan Coprolalia and Shibboleths: Musical and Textual Interaction in the Breakcore Room

Dr Aloysius Kahindi

The Impact of Global Business Models in a Developing Country: The Case of Human Resource Management in Two Multi-National Banks Operating in Tanzania
Dr Aisling McCormack Transition, Reconstruction, and Decline: A Portrait of NGO Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Dr Joanne McCarthy The Principles and Discourses of the Social Model: Exploring their use and usefulness in the Irish context


Name Thesis Title
Dr Michael Doherty Does the Union Still Make Us Strong? Irish Trade Unions Membership in the Partnership Era
Dr Kay Inckle On the Cutting Edge? Marking Gender, Embodiment and Knowledge
Dr Damien Brennan The Sociology of Institutionalisation of the 'Mentally Ill' in Ireland
Dr Martha Van Der Bly The Universal Surname: A Theoretical-Empirical Enquiry into the Relationship Between Globalisation and Sameness


Name Thesis Title
Dr Petra Aigner Discourses About Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Upper Austria


Name Thesis Title
Dr Aileen O'Carroll In the Shadow of the Clock: Working Time in the Irish Software Sector


Name Thesis Title
Dr Susanna Rance Changing Voices: Abortion Talk in Bolivian Medical Settings
Dr Ewan Speed Discourses of Mental Health Services and Mental Health Users Movements
Dr Martha Herrero Towards a Sociology of Art Collections: The Making of An Art Collection for the Irish Museum of Modern Art
Dr Jonathan Pratschke The Responses of Hospital Nurses in Ireland and Southern Italy to the Rationalisation of Public Health Care, 1985-2000


Name Thesis Title
Dr Gerard Boucher The Small Island Scarcely Heard: Ireland's Multiple Integration and Identity
Dr Anne Good European Union Supra State Feminism: Redistributional Gender Equality Policy and Training in Europe and Ireland, 1971-1997


Name Thesis Title
Dr Roland Tormey The Part-Time Soul : Case Studies in the Management of Culture and Flexibility in Irish Retail



Name Thesis Title
Dr Carol MacKeogh Television and Adolescents: A 'Critical' Audience? A Participant Observation Study
Dr Laurence Cox Building Counter Culture: The Radical Praxis of Social Movement Milieu
Dr Anne Coakley Poverty and Social Inclusion: The Managment Strategies and Views of Mothers in Social Welfare Households


Name Thesis Title
Dr Maria E. Lohan The Transvestite Telephone: A Male Technology Dressed Up in Feminine Clothes
Dr Brian O'Neill Discourses of the Arts and the Art Show: A Study of Middlebrowism in Irish Society


Name Thesis Title
Dr Mairin Kenny The Routes of Resistance: Travellers and Second Level Education
Dr Ronit Lentin Reoccupying the Territories of Silence: A Feminist Auto/biographical Exploration of the Gendered Relationship Between Israel and the Shoah


Name Thesis Title
Dr Patricia Carr Reconceptualising Enterprise Culture


Name Thesis Title
Dr Carmel Duggan Economic Diversity on Small-Holdings: A Study of Pluriactivity in West Connemara
Dr Brendan MacPartlin The Restructuring of the Irish Trade Union Movement 1987-1993


Name Thesis Title
Dr Patricia O'Hara  Women, Farm and Family in Contemporary Ireland


Name Thesis Title
Dr Aodh Ó Canainn Engineers in Management
Dr Gerard Hanlon Flexible Accumulation and the Rise of the Commercialised Service Class: An Examination of Irish Accountancy


Name Thesis Title
Dr Josephine Browne The Juridification of the Employment Relationship: A Study of the Impact of the Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977
Dr Ali Reza Kaldi Modernisation and Social Change in Iran: A Study of the Values of Tehran Residents Who Have Studied Abroad
Dr Kieran Allen Fianna Fail and the Irish labour movement 1926-1982: From Populism to Corporatism


Name Thesis Title
Dr Lorna Harding

Computer Skills Acquisition: An Examination of the Development of Computer Expertise in a Social Learning Context

Dr Jean Tubridy Social Experiences of Physical Disability in Ireland



Name Thesis Title
Dr Gerald Sullivan  From Moral to Ethical Economics: An Irish Exemplar


Name Thesis Title
Dr Jo Murphy-Lawless Women and Childbirth: Male Medical Discourse and the Invention of Female Incompetence
Dr Eamonn Slater A Contribution to a Critique of the Idealisation of Irish Agricultural Development 1847 - 1882
Dr Peter Corrigan Backstage Dressing:Clothing and the Urban Family, With Special Reference to Mother/Daughter Relations


Name Thesis Title
Dr Peter Murray Citizenship, Colonialism and Self-Determination: Dublin in the United Kingdom 1885-1918