Dissertation Archive

This archive lists MSc dissertation titles from past students, showcasing the breadth of research over the years.



Dissertation Title

Naziyeerke Baolati

Social Inclusion and Identity of Ethnic Minority Counsellors in the Chinese University System

Erin Barbery

Hook-Up Culture Impacts the Way People Talk and Act: An Exploration of College Men’s Discourse Surrounding Hook-Up Culture

Carla Caffrey 

The Anti-SJW’s: Guide to Gender Roles: Gender Hierarchies and Dominance in Alt-Right Livestreaming

Shannon Carley 

A Purchasing Pathway: The Commodification of Volunteer Tourism Programs as demonstrated in Participant Motivation

Lucie Duillon

Creating and Experiencing Belonging to the Feminine Divine: A Critical Analysis of the (Re)Creation of a “Feminine” New Age Movement by French and Irish Esoteric Healers

Kennedy Fiorella

“The Actual Republican Tradition”: Investigating Youth Membership and Motivations for Participation in Sinn Féin

Catalina Garcia

Criminals, Victims or Nothing: A Case Study Investigating the Legal and Public Discrimination of Migrant Prostitutes in Spain

Iryna Gokhman

The Integration of Syrian and Ukrainian Refugees in the Republic of Ireland: A Comparative Case Study

Alice McCarthy

The Effect of Parenting Styles and Parent/Child Relationships on School Bullying

Suzy Mooney

Exploring how to Improve Recruitment and Inclusion for People with Disabilities in Organisations across Ireland: Employers’ Perspective

Ziwei Niu

Hope Labour in the Livestream E-Commerce Industry in Yiwu, China

Zachary Porter 

Does the Proposal Matter? A Case Study of Collective Decision-Making in a Decentralised Autonomous Organization

Jenna Pryor

“I know I’m your student, but I’m a person”: The Teacher-Student Relationship from the Perspective of Black Louisiana High School Students

Grace Stynes

Exploring the Experiences of Womanhood through the Lens of Disability: An Intersectional Analysis on the Social Constructions of Femininity and Disability

Emma Taylor   

Motherhood and Femininity: An Intergenerational Study Examining the Construction of femininity and Perceptions of Motherhood in Ireland

Harriet Worrall Carter

From Black Squares to White Guilt: Studying the Effects of the Black Lives Matter Movement on Public Opinion of Indigenous Issues in Australia

Thomas Williamson

Exploring the Housing Experiences of the Hindu Indian Diaspora in Manchester and Dublin

Luming Xie

The Constructed Everyday Nationalism among Chinse Youth



Dissertation Title

Hanien Alouzi

Exploring the Impact of Traditional gender Roles on the Aspirations of Young Muslim Women: A  Case Study on Second-Generation Libyan-Maltese  Women

Titas Biswas   

Pedagogical Spatiality and the Politics of Identities: Analysing the Perception of ‘Privilege’ among 18-21-Year-Old Students in India  

Zhihong Chen   

From Exoticism to Extraterrestrialism: An Analysis of Heterotopias in Speculative Travel Writing

Megan Elliott

”Rights in Prison”: An Institutional Analysis on Irish Prisons and the Irish  Prison Services

Helen Hennessey

The Labour Behind Live Music: An Exploratory Study of the Experience of ‘Below the Line’ Workers in the American Live Music Industry in the Context of Neoliberalism

Aaron Koay

“People Would Have Died”: How the Involvement of Community Pharmacy in COVID-19 Vaccination was Delayed - A multi-method policy implementation case study in Ireland

Maria Khlebnikova

‘If You Survived Working During COVID, You Can Survive Anything’: An Investigation of Nursing Students’ Perceptions on howCOVID-19 Impacted their Education

Vanessa Moreno

Hegemony Under Threat: A Critical Analysis of Corporate Responses to the Black Lives atter Summer 2020 Protests

Aiden Murphy

Hindered by Tinder: A Comparative Analysis of Gender Differences on Dating Apps in Ireland and the USA

Charley Nordin

Afterschool Arts and the Californian Inner-City: Addressing Challenges of Recruitment and Retention

Tiffany Pereira

The Identity Construction Processes of 1.5and Second-Generation Portuguese Immigrants in France

Emily Ranken

Tolerable Queers  and Intolerant Migrants? A Study of Homonationalist Beliefs in Teachers in England

Sarah Shannon

Networks of Care: A Case Study of Virginia Abortion Support Networks from July 2016 to June 2022

Anais Simeral

Fast Fashion to Sustainable Fashion: Attitudes and Behaviours of Young Adults Regarding Shopping for Clothes and Protecting the Environment

Laura Watkins

Resilience Recovery and Justice: Low-Income Renters’ Experiences of Hurricane Ida in New York City

Pan Yuwen

Precarious Voice: A Case Study of Small-Town Swot in Modern China

Yiyi Xiao

Chinese Female International Students’ Struggles with Identity and their Experiences in Ireland: A Qualitative Study

Rong Zhou

The Influence of Modernisation on Social Values and Regional Variation in China



Dissertation Title

Oscar Arranz Videla

Educational Aspirations and Parental Expectations: A Case Study of the  Chinese Community in Spain

Shelley Barcoe    

Healthcare in Ireland A Commodity Unfairly Divided: A Comparative Study to Explore the Disparities and Unmet Needs of Three Patient Categories

James  Conroy

An Investigation into Professional Academics and their Experiences with Imposter Syndrome

Henry DuBeau

Waking the Feminists: Identifying Opportunities for Social Mobilization in the Irish Theatre Sector

Daniel Guigui

I was a Stranger, and You Welcomed Me: Exploring the Cosmopolitan Outlooks and Practices of Undergraduate Students in Ireland

Monica Lievsay

The Development of Procrastination in School Children

Xingyao Liu

Negotiation of the Demographic Dilemma: Ageing Population and Changing Structure of Household in China

Diane O’Carroll

‘Beyond Revenge Porn’: Examining Factors Inherent in Irish Society Influencing the Prevalence of Image-Based Sexual Abuse in Ireland

Arzu Ozben

Femicides in Turkey and its Workings as an Invisible Way of Necropolitics

Alejandra Perez-Leon

The Experiences of Returned Migrants in Guatemala: An Exploration of Identity Loss through the Hardships of Deportation and Reintegration

Cobhla Surlis

An Analysis of Online Commentary Pertaining to Irish Women who Engage in Digital Sex Work on ‘OnlyFans’

Clare Tormey

Investigating the Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Initiation and Cessation in Women Working in the Department of Social Protection in the Republic of Ireland

Yi Xu

On the Change of China’s Gender Awareness in Recent Ten Years from the Official Weibo of People’s Daily

Yifei Yang

How have the Online Classrooms During the Covid-19 Pandemic Affected International Students’ Academic and Social Integration? A Case Study of Female Chinese International Students in Irish Universities

Qianyu Zhou

Values and Parental Involvement in Mate Selection and Marriage: A Study among Urban Younger Generations and their Parents in China

Zhuohong Hou

The Development of Higher Education under the Economic Boom: A Comparative Study between Ireland and China

Ziyu Wang

Marriage Experiences, marriage Decisions of Gays’ Wives and Influencing Factors in China



Dissertation Title

John Erik Åndahl

Between Assimilation and Multiculturalism? A Case Study of the Argentine Education System 

Sivan Banu    

The Impact of Political Events on Social Media Discourse Twitter and Xenophobia

Tanisha Barkakaty

The Assimilation of English Language in Assamese Culture: A Study in the Light of Media and Politic

Peter Bothwell

Gold Under Every Rainbow: The Irish LGBTQ Movement and Business Interests

Michelle Bruno

Love, Hate and Brazilian Feminist Nationalism: UnderstandingCollective Identity Narratives Among Migrant Women in Ireland

Meghna Dutta

Witch Hunting and Assam’s Hidden War on Women: A Comparative Study on The Rabha and The Bodo Community

Fanghan Gao

Online Classroom Experience of Students from Different Regions of China's Wealth Gap during Covid-19

Alannah Hannigan

The Concept of Ethnic Diversity in Irish Primary Initial Teacher Education

Con Keohane

An Investigation into the Role of Language Activists in the Formation of an Urban Neo-Gaeltacht on the Shaws Road in Belfast in the 1960s and early 70s, and their Effect on the Wider Linguistic Movement

Viktorija Kursite

Online Surveillance Capitalism and GDPR

Isabel Kelly-Russo

Obstetric Violence: Evaluating Cesarean Overuse through the Lens of Patient Experience in the United States

Li Ma

Workers' Well-Being in Ireland: Comparing the Full-Time and the Part-Time

Haoxiang Ma

The Influence Mechanism of Postmaterialism on Creativity: The role of Uncertainty Avoidance and Subjective Well-Being: An Empirical Research based on WVS Wave 6 

Erica Meslin

The Irish Government and Development Organisations

James Oreoluwa

A Descriptive Study on Social media functionality and the Drive Towards Social and Political Consciousness in the Nigeria Social Space 

Aanya Sagheer

Self-Understanding of National Identity: Citizens of Colour and the Irish Language 

Rasika Savale

Change in Ethnocultural Identification and Practices: Pre- and Post-Immigration Experiences of Indian Professionals in Ireland

Sebastiano Sessa

From Liberalism to Neoliberalism: Ruling Classes, State, Labour and the Making of Italian Citizenship (1861-2014) 



Name Dissertation Title
Eda Aslan

Places of Memory: An Inductive Research on Syrian Refugee Women

Camille Canter     Towards Quotidian Utopia: Alternative Reproduction and Utopia as Practice in Two Worker Cooperatives
Ann-Kathrin Cloppenburg The Role of Childcare in the Modern Welfare State: An Exploratory Study of the Irish Childcare System
Lucy Eviston

Cycling in Dublin: A Solution to Congestion and the Climate Crisis

Esheksha Flanagan “Because I’m a Hustler”: Identity and Opportunity in Social Movement Organisations
Sophia Gonsalves-Brown Indelible Narratives: A Framing Analysis of the Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford Testimonies
Marine Hayward Democratic Equality or Gendered Citizenship? Women, Swiss Democracy and National Community
Natalie Holland

“The More You Know the More You Owe”: A Case Study of Upward Mobility through Increased Access to Independent Schools in the United States

Carla Lips Climate Change: The Underlying Mechanisms Leading to Environmentally-Friendly Individual Actions
Lowery McNeal

Bloody Sunday in Black and White: A Comparative News Framing Analysis of Derry’s Bloody Sunday in 1972 and 2019

Jianfei Niu The Chinese in Ireland: A Study in Attitudinal Change Regarding Gender Roles
Qiannan Zhang Have Cultural Distinction been Presented Between Different Classes in Parenting? The Class Division of Objectified and Embodied Cultural Capital in China
Leila Reynolds

Sharing Stories to Build Power: A Bill of Rights for Domestic Workers in Seattle

Adrien Sautereau Constructing National Identity: A Comparative Study of Secondary School Curricula in France and Ireland
Caroline Shanahan Acceptance and Non-Acceptance in Psychiatric Diagnosis: The Coercive Power of Stigma and the Biomedical Model of Psychiatry
Kathleen Winston

What Does it Mean to be Canadian? Developing Understandings of National Identity in Alberta Schools

Yewa Zhang Is Dai Tattoo Dying? Viewing Social Changes Through Ethnic Minority Art: Identity, Gender Equality and Social Control
Yuchen Zhang

“Who Wears the Trousers and Does it Matter?” A Comparative Study on Reversed Gender Gap among Couples in Europe and China



Name Dissertation Title
Neelakhi Dutta    

Higher Education Funding in Ireland, UK, Germany and Sweden: Between critical reflections and policy analysis

Elizabeth Finder         Does Molly Malone Stand Alone? An Exploration of Gender Representation in Dublin’s Public Art
William Foley Why People Protested in the Austerity Era: Incorporating the “new new” perspective
Andrew Gilliland

Neoliberalization and its Effects on the Built Environments of Dublin and Seattle

Adrienne Greenwalt Gender Egalitarianism and Gender Parity in the Olympic Games
Elaine Haskins

Varieties of Interdisciplinarity: An exploration of the interdisciplinary archipelago of global environmental change (GEC) research

Aisling Hill Changing Ireland, Changing Values: A Mixed Methods Study
Torie Howes

The Past in the Present: Collective Memory and Social Change in Belfast and Dublin

Andrew Mackay High Tech Myths and Masculinities: Contrasting perspectives on gender inequality in the American technology sector
Darragh Miller

Social Change in an Irish Civil Society Organisation: Deepening Governmentality and Evolving Voluntarism

Tom Noonan Going Green for Good: An Interpretive Analysis of the Accounts of Climate Change Activists
Conall Ó Brolchain De Donde Eres?” “Éire”: A Study of Intercultural and Multilingual Education in an Irish Primary School Setting
Priyanka Ranganath

Gender Egalitarianism and Attitudes towards Immigration in Europe: The role of human values

Denise Smith

Migration in an Era of Economic Globalisation: The Role of the Irish State



Name Dissertation Title
Marta Antonetti

Gender​ ​and​ ​Political​ ​suitability​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Irish​ ​Dàil: A Vignette Experiment on the perception of legislators’ suitability for office

Niall Foster Educating and Accommodating Ethnic and Religious Diversity in the Irish Primary School: A case study of urban Catholic, Educate Together and Community National Schools
Mayel Hadi

Assessing integration of non-native English speaking students in TCD and UCD through student unions and societies

Samantha Litwinczuk Bargain Sex in Thailand: A Critical Analysis of Discourse and Commodity Chains
Courtney Marsh An Garda Síochána adversity in a changing time: Making do with what they can from a US perspective
Maren Miller

Where Are All The Women? A study of the role of women in the 1916 Uprising, and their absence in the history lessons

Monika Pedroso

Indigeneity, Educational Achievement and Bilingual Education in Post-Colonial Latin America: A Comparative Study

Philip Ryan

Joining the everyday nation: A study of naturalisation rates and attitudes towards immigration

Zoe Van Nostrand

A Framing Analysis of the Dakota Access Pipeline Opposition Movement

Alexandra Woods Mitigating Risk in an Uncertain World: The Structural Relationship That Exists Between the Irish State and U.S. Multinational Corporations