Dissertation Archive

This archive lists MPhil dissertation titles from past students, showcasing the breadth of research over the years.


Name Dissertation Title

Marcela Lozano

Never again a Mexico without us” The transformation of indigenous women of Chiapas through their participation in Zapatismo

Dharvi Goyal

The discursive construction of Irish western identity over Postcolonial identity through Indian travel narrations

Fiona Deegan

Behind the Imperialist Veil of Western Media

Derek O’Brien

Some of the causes of football violence and hooliganism in Dublin, Ireland

Juliana Sassi

Homes for All

Erin Abu-Rizeq Welsh

The Aesthetics of Palestinian Belonging in ‘Post-Conflict’ Beirut.

Kathryn Barkley

Inescapable Justice: Intersectional Analysis of the Experiences of two Black Women Navigating an Oppressive United States Criminal Justice System

Tara Peggram

“Have we shifted the needle, and have we shifted it enough?” A critical exploration of the motivations of the commemoration of the Suffragettes as statues during the centenary of the partial enfranchisement of women in the United Kingdom.

Premila Imrith

An exploratory study of the life experiences of Mauritian migrant women who are married to EU nationals in Ireland.

Eric Rasmussen

Behind the Frame: Photojournalist Representations of Syrian Refugees and their Metonymies in Political Discourse

Dipak Panchal

A Black police officer’s experience of racism

Kea Saper

Reshaping the American Dream: An Investigation into the Current American Dreams, Experiences and Perspectives of Immigrant Advocacy Workers in Seattle, Washington, USA

Karl Smith

Pro-Migrant Activism and the Criminalisation of Solidarity in Europe


Name Dissertation Title
Jessica Balu Connected by currents of humanity: Climate migration narratives in the South Pacific
Harper Cleves

The Hidden Curriculum of Northern Ireland: How Affect and Cultural Performance Move Beyond Sectarian Division

Efrain Guererro          

100% Costa Rican, being Colombian: The Integration process of former refugees
Tara K Le Duc Irish Perceptions of the British Royal Family
Myriam Poizat

Peace and Security In Post-Conflict Countries: A study through the lens of working class women in the north of Ireland and Tunisia

Sierra Wilbar

Colonial Discourse in the New York Times Reporting of the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

Cemre Yapici

Resources, Ethnicity and Negotiation: Cross-national Couples and the Division of Domestic Labour

Ruth Stael  

Donovan Hicks

Do Black Lives Matter in South Carolina? The Effect of BLM on Local Media Reportage of Police Killings



Name Dissertation Title
Michael Krause Electronic Waste as an Externality. How the EU influences Welfare in Western Africa and how the Status quo can be improved
Will Mason What is the Potential Impact of Blockchain Technology on Reducing Corruption in the Supply and Distribution of International Aid
Lawrence Book McKnight Exposing the Practice of Everyday Resistance in Relation to the Berlin Wall
Gayanthi Ranatunga Nirvana to Nationalism: Buddhist Ritual and Practice in Post-Conflict Sri Lanka
Grace Rodgerson Building Civil Society in Post-Conflict Guatemala
Lucy Anne Reeve Sexy Conflicts: A Comparative Analysis of Ignored and Infamous Organised Violence
Melissa Syvanen

The Formation of a Sense of Belonging Amongst Young Adult Children of Russian-Speaking Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union

Yannic Widmann The discursive Construction of ‘Climate Change Migrants’
Chloé Kervorkian-Grier Keeping the Link: A Qualitative Analysis of Armenian Diaspora Participation in Cultural Activities
Nicolas Yahvaoui Assessing the nature of the crisis of the French political system: the 2017 French election



Name Dissertation Title
Olivia Blunn After the Gap: how the gap year affects individuals’ entry into the labour market and their perception of ethnic communities
John Clarke Conflict Theory and the Construction and Governance of Urbanisation in Soaca, Bogota
Tressa Erickson Gaawiin Indoodemisiin: Non-Indigenous Learners of Indigenous Languages
Layli Foroundi Class wars or ethnic conflict? Urban gentrification discourses: Brixton
Goto Hirofumi The attitudes of local German residents towards Syrian refugees in Munich
Amrine Keegan Reindeer in the Tundra: Representations of the Sami in the Norwegian Tourism Industry
Gemma Kentish We'll Keep a Welcome? An Examination into Migrant Integration into Welsh Language Society
Jason Michael McCann Israel's most hated friend: Analysing the Thinking behind Christian Zionism
Calen Olesen The Campaign for a Neutral Race in World of Warcraft and the Community's Response: An Exploration through Autiethnography and Discourse Analyses of Forum Discussions
Ashleigh Payne Life on Lesvos: An Exploration of the Networks Responding to the 'Migrant Crisis'
Ivana Pericin The portrayal of the Syrian refugees in the Irish print media
Coralie Perinet The French Socialist Party's discourse on immigration following the 2015 Refugee Crisis and Paris Attacks
Enis Porat Reciprocal Perceptions of Turkish-Cypriots and Turkish-Migrants Towards Each other in Northern Cyprus
Xinyue Qin Multiculturalism, Mariage Migration and China
Casey Schell 'But Where Are You From?' A Qualitative Examination of Transracial Adoption
Rachel Taylor 'Asylum Seeker Destitution in the United Kingdom: The Impact of British Immigration Policy and the Responses of Third Sector Organisations'.
Margaret Whelan Are there Difficulties within the Traveller Community Regarding Their Acceptance of Members who are LGBT
Rachel Whitbeck Endorsing the Vision of our Forefathers: Political Discourses in Ireland's Marriage Equality Referendum



Name Dissertation Title
Munir Al Akari Shapig the European Neighbourhood: A Comparative Analysis of EU Democratisation Policies in Libya and Ukraine
Bashayer Al-Ali Living States: The Case of Qatar
Robert Barnes Inclusive Ireland? An Examination Into How The Irish State Has Dealt With Increased Migrant Related Diversity
Michael Daniel Currivan The Ummah in the Irish Press: a Study of the Portrayal of Muslims in an Irish News Publication
Gareth Aled Davies Imperial (Imagi)nations: The Discursive Construction of Russian Nationhood during the Annexation of Crimea
Gabriela De Carvalho Bezerra Order, Progress, Discipline and Tutelage: An exploration on indigenous penal colonies and nation-building in Brazil
Chiara De Cesaris The Role of Violence and Art in the Building of Palestinian Identity: Palestinian Political Posters’ Representations of Palestinian Violence.
Robert Francis Foran The discursive construction of migrants and migration in Ireland, and how these discourses inform and condition perceptions of newcomer students, their cultural capital and their academic outcomes.
Kelsey Elizabeth Gonzalez Teaching Locality: A Comparative Analysis Of The Promotion Of Local Culture in Postcolonial State Curricula
Liam Ezekial Gormley Emigration: Stagnation and Change
Aidan Thomas Kelly Organizing in Dunnes Stores: A Qualitative Study on Migrant Worker Participation in the Decency for Dunnes Workers Campaign
Aleksandra Kubiak Reconstruction of pathways into homelessness among Polish nationals living in Dublin
Pranav Kohli Denial Within Nostalgia: An Oral History of the Partition Accounts of the Indian Derawal Community
Chiara Maria Mizzoni Direct Provision as Spaces of Resistance: Contesting Institutional Living and the Asylum Seeker 'Identity'
Breifne Lynch O'Rourke Responses by Activists to Tensions within Practices of Transnational Solidarity: The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign and its Non-Leadership Members
Kate Cecilia O'Connell Cultural Clash at 40,000ft: A Study of Cultural Clashes experienced by Western Cabin Crew in the Gulf through the lens of Emotional Labour
Darwesh Obeid The Aftermath of Anfal Campaign, Survivors’ Memories and Trauma
Barry John Price Sovereignty, Biopolitics, Truth: Expert Knowledge in the CIA Torture Program


Name Dissertation Title
Alexandra Camacho Tweeting Hate: Social Media as Recruitment and Propaganda for White Supremacists
Cormac Durkin Contesting the facts: A discourse analysis of the ‘will to truth’ surrounding Peter Harts ‘The IRA and Its Enemies’
Kristin Einarsdottir The Role of Art and Culture Experiences: Exploring issues of importance to young people, living in an Irish estate, through culture peace programmes in Beirut and Istanbul
David Finn Anti-Racism Campaigns: A case study of an anti-racism campaign in League of Ireland football
Anna Gwiazda The invocation of genocide in justifying humanitarian intervention: An analysis of discourse on the Bosnian War
Alexandra Hoffman Surveillance and revolution: A panoptic perspective on Egyptian graffiti from 2011 to the present
Marion Lieutaud ‘He’s my bonus’: French-Irish Relationships as Milieu and Token of Mobility Capital
Claudia Pelagatti Privacy and Surveillance in the Digital Era: A comparative study of students’ and academics’ level of privacy awareness on social media platforms
Nancy Roe ‘Saving’ Girls from Prostitution: A Case study of Social Constructions regarding Children’s involvement in the Sex Industry in the Philippines
Jessica Ryan Disavowed Whiteness and the Politics of Power and Privilege in the Irish Service Industry
Ciaran Sammon Dragged Up: Pantigate, Wedding Bands & the Requirements for Inclusion in Ireland


Name Dissertation Title
Baptiste Alfano-Giacometti An analysis of the state support structures for Muslim communities in France and Ireland
Paul Bermingham A search for the Terrorist Subject in a Domestic Counterterrorism Practice: The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative
Thomas Delaney Conceptualising the ‘Other’: A case study of teachers and students in two British schools
David Dunne The trouble with tribe: social science intervention and expert knowledge
Peter Gardner Ulster Scots victimhood discourse in Ullans magazine
Malte Hergaden Reinventing the ‘Native’ in Discourses of Genocide Prevention: An Analysis of Representations of Rwanda, Darfur and Congo
Kayla Mackay Dole skaggin': An analysis of white appropriation, authenticity and regional identity in the Irish hip-hop scene
Derek Morris Of Monomyth and Melancholia: Reflections on regimes through the journey of autoethnography and veterans' narratives
Robert O'Keeffe The discursive construction of Nigerian taxi drivers in Dublin
Tolulope Omoyele, Nigerian sartorial behavior
Molly Onufer Parallel Societies: An exploratory case study og high skilled migrants in Dublin
Laura Simocko Racialisation and the construction of deportability in Ireland
Tina Smedegaard Language identity and colonialism: a case study of Greenlandic students at Aarhus University
Aya Takomori Healthcare provision for refugees and asylum seekers in Ireland: An Exploration of Voluntary Sectors
Paloma Viejo Otero The role of South American migration within the Spanish social movement


Name Dissertation Title
Mara Achetraritei Continuation or mitigation of conflict by other means? A study of the murals of West Belfast
Nivelton Alves De Farias Negotiating Social Capital: An analysis of the experiences of Brazilian languae students in Dublin
Daniel Bertoli Pharaohs on the Emerald Isle: How an ethno-religious group mobilizes social capital in times of hardship. A case study of male Egyptian Muslims in Ireland
Alexandra Boylan Effects of Intergroup Contact on Conceptualisations of Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Study of Varied Demographics
Jade Brady Specific hegemonic understandings surrounding the nation, Irish presidency and sexuality in Ireland are analysed to discover how such understandings are articulated and diffused in the media coverage of Senator Norris’s bid for President of Ireland
Michelle Carpenter Responding to Racism: The Attitudes and Practices of Westerners in Dubai
Naomi Clear-Vekinis Racism in English Football: A Prevailing Issue
Julianne Cox Integrated education in Northern Ireland
Michael Donohoe Does Radicalism beget Radicalism? Perspectives on the Neoliberal Academic Industrial Complex
Ismay Dunne Nigerian ‘wives’: Conceptions of polygamy and family practices from the perspective of Nigerian immigrants living in Ireland
Kate Goodrich Jim Bro Laws: A study of Racism in Southern Fraternities
Luisa Kuhlman Confounding Freedom: On the costs of Intra-European Mobility
Fiona Markey Falling between the cracks of forced labour: A study of contemporary slavery in Ireland
Vanessa Sheridan Development Education: How development education at senior primary level in Ireland affects children’s attitudes to ‘poorer countries through an examination of the Trocaire 2012 Lenten campaign
Vanessa Stout Your Place or Mine: The experiences of Nigerian immigrants in Dublin’s cityspace
Selma Toohey From Home Rule to Independence: A study of the political opinions of urbanised Greenlanders regarding political autonomy from Denmark
Veronika Vitkova Limits of external state-building: The case of the International Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Name Dissertation Title
Lejla Abdulahovic Population censuses in transitional societies: A case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Anita Beloiu The architecture of the Criminal court of Justice in Dublin and is impact on those present in court
Siobhan Beaver Jesus and the White Man: Tea Party Conservatism in Post-Racial America
Maria Elena Bottigliero EU politics of 'partnership' and 'cooperation': Managing migration in Ghana?
Yaqoub, Jemil Bouaynaya Perceiver Irishness: An exploration of the superficiality of identity using a reflexive social experimental approach
Laura Callaghan Access to disability services for children living in direct provision in Ireland
Mark Chahine-Warrington A critical review of the welfare policy of a weak state, Lebanon
Benjamin Ives Hammond History, culture, development and the meaning of graffiti
Tiffany Hearsey Embodying monstrosity: Irish representations and agency
Barry Hollywood Experience of Self-Identified Atheists from Lower Socio-Economic Backgrounds
Kathryn Ann King The Heart of Doha? The Narrative of Qatari National Identity offered by the Msheireb Urban Development Project
Diliyana Kiryakova-Ryan The Human Right to Food and Asylum Seekers in Ireland: Between Freedom from Hunger and the Right to Adequate Life
Melanie Nicole Labor Life on the threshold: Finding ways of resistance within the Irish direct provision system
Shamal Mirza Social integration of young Kurdish refugees in Ireland
Katryn Mudrick Troubled museums: The exploration of contested history displays in museums and their impact on healing and reconciliation
Courtney Walker Illumination of the discourse of power structures between the United States and Palestine within the Israeli-Palestinian peace processes as seen through the language of the Palestinian Papers


Name Dissertation Title
Judy Brown Contesting citizenship in the altic States: an analysis of the evolving status of Russian-speaking minority in Estonia from independence to accession and beyond
Diarmaid Ward Counter-space and counter-hegemony: Palestinian narratives of resistance (distinction)
Niamh McTiernan Is the foregrounding of Traveller culture and identity a problematic phenomenon or a comforting answer in explaining violent conflict within Traveller society?
Robert Boyd Economic versus Lifestyle migration: A case study of the motivating factors for migration of young Irish graduates and professionals to Canada during and after the 'Celtic Tiger' era between 2000 and 2010
Sarah Lambert We have made Europe, now we must made Europeans: The construction and negotiation of European identity in the 'Talk to EU' campaign
Paul Peterson Leashing the dragon: Seeking 'clarity' in the construction of national identity in Bhutan



Name Dissertation Title
Shiree Nicole Acosta Voices in the classroom: Exploring teachers’ and students’ discourse on diversity
Shannette Budhai How separated children become missing children: Uncovering factors that contribute to their disappearance in Ireland
Catherine Anne Delaney An exploration of Irish soldiers’ experiences on overseas peace building missions
Jacqueline Marie Hansom Questioning the dichotomy of ‘us’ versus ‘them’: A case study with a Memphis lawyer
Orla Marie McAndrew From Asylum to Belonging: Reflections on New Irish Citizens on their Pathways to Irish Citizenship
Kieran McGrane Good relations Policy in Northern Ireland: Identity, individuality and ethnicity
Lra Maria Pohjolainen ‘Talking specifically about Roma gypsies - the race whose culture it is to rob and make money from others’: Netnographic inquiry into understanding and representing Roma beggars and begging
Lisa-Maria Reilly ‘An oasis of poverty in a desert of wealth’: A case study of education and power in post-Celtic Tiger Ireland
Jorge Vega Perez Discursive representation of Spanish Muslims before and after the Terrorist Attach on 11th of March 2004 in Madrid



Name Dissertation Title
Johanna Elisabeth Beers Still the ‘Ugly American’?: The Cultural Understanding and Intercultural Competencies of Global American Executives in one Multinational Corporation
Donald Alexander Bell Adaptation of Indian and Filipino Nuses to Hospital Based Working life in Northern Ireland
Martina Byrne An examination of the attitudes of the professional and managerial social classes towards immigrants and immigration in Ireland
Agnes Kakasi Interculturalism and Anti-Racism in Irish Public Service Broadcasting: Policies and Television Programming
Robert Burns MacKenna Irish vote No: The beginning or end of Pan-European democracy
Faith Yvonne Matranga Women Ruggers: Using Sport as a Means of Integration
Margaret O’Connor Language Maintenance in Immigrant Communities in Ireland. Case Study: The Muslim Community of Ballyhaunis Co. Mayo
Anna Bates Emergency Schools and Crisis Racism: Ireland and “Emergency Schools” 2007-8
Wanjiku Migunda-Greene “A Sense of Belonging”: Stories by mixed “race” Irish Women



Name Dissertation Title
Catelin Blowers ‘Just like other crimes’: Irish policy and procedure for racially motivated incidents
Brenden Cavlan “No Se Si Se Puede”: San Franscisco Print Media Discourse on the 2006 Day Without an Immigrant
Angeliki Georgilea The Side Effects of Counter-Terrorism on Civil Liberties of Minorities - The Case of Greec
Siphathisiwe Maphosa Negotiating exclusion: Experiences of African women in the asylum process
Ariene Faralis Modern diaspora and the example of the Polish language in creating and influencing social networks on the Irish website daft.ie
Pierangela Contini Constructing ethnic boundaries: A fieldwork among the Gitanes in Fuente Vaqueros
Katherine Walsh Symbolic Gender Separation in context: Islamic gender performance of female members within Clonskeagh Mosque, Dublin
Vivien Rupp Outside the gated community: Geduldete and ‘Illegal’ migrants in Berlin
Dimma Van Dulmen “Cultural Celebration in Ireland? An examination of the discourses surrounding the 2006 Festival of World Cultures in Dun Laoghaire
Tara Sheena Wakely ‘Duidelike Kleurlinge’: The migratory experiences of Cape coloured South Africans in London
Diren Valayden ‘Integrating’ Muslims: Irish media discourses and the development of a doxa
David Zeliff Keepin’ it real: Constructions of Whiteness Expressions of Irishness in the Dublin Hip-Hop scene



Name Dissertation Title
Slavka Krizalkovicova Immigration to ‘the new Europe’: Case study of public attitudes towards asylum seekers and refugees in Eastern Slovakia
Jonathan Lacey Transnational Engagements of the Tukish-Irish Educational and Cultural Society (TIECS)
Sarah McNally Asylum Seekers and residency: One year on
Nicola Yau Celtic tiger, hidden dragon: Exploring identity among second generation Chinese in Ireland
Valentina Verardo ‘Gorgeous butterflies in the greenhouse of global culture’: An auto-ethnographic study on Italian post graduate students and young professionals living in Dublin
Laura Hakala Finnish Equality Discourse - Myth or reality?
Nel Sung Experiencing the other and the memory of imperialism: South Korean attitudes and perceptions towards non-Koreans
Brid Ni Chonnail ‘There’s a hell of a lot of immigrants in Dublin 15’: An exploratory study of the views of Irish people working and living in the Blanchardstown area on migrants and their impact on the area
Nadine Cosgrove The Dublin street riots of February 2006: A complex and irreconcilable amalgam of nationalist conflict, misplaced multicultural definition and socio-economic disaffection
Charles Aketch Mental health and wellbeing of asylum seekers and refugees in hostel accommodation in Ireland
Aoife Titley Paddy ethnic-man: Representations of race in stand-up comedy
Arthur Sealy Asylum and Sexuality in Ireland



Name Dissertation Title
Greg O’Reilly Why white men skank! White appropriation of Black Popular culture:  A socio-historical look at reggae in Irelan
Kirsten Fjoser (De) Constructing Canadian identity through humour
Emily Rauscher Adding 'colour' to the town: Boundaries and social capital in the lived experiences of asylum seekers dispersal in Ireland
Noel Casey ’Do me justice, treat me fair’: An examination of racialization in the taking of statement by Gardai­ from women survivors of domestic violence
Raluca Munthiu European borders and local boundaries: A Study of the boundaries between Roma and Romanian communities in a village in west Romania, in the post Communist era
David Landy The Role of Zionism in the production of Irish-Jewish Identity
Anna Truchard Globalisation and the nation state: A discourse analysis of the Swedish media
Jessica Kirk-Bowman Who’s the man? Primary print media discourse on the Cincinnati 2001 Riot
Chu Chun Yu Imagining Taiwanese Identity, Translation and Transition: A cultural analysis of the contemporary development of Taiwanese consciousness
Mary Quigley Has Ireland as a nation-state facing the pressures of a European and globalised environment, anything to learn from the pre-independence experiences of Constance Markievicz, a prominent Irish female social nationalist of the early twentieth century?
Elena Moreo Vamos Jogar Capoeira! Migrant women’s narratives of belonging, home, sameness and difference
Ama Peters Ethnic minorities strategically seeking recognition: Theoretically exploring the ‘lived experiences’ of the Ogoni
Nora Casey The print media as an influence on attitudes to Travellers: An example from rural north Tipperary
Itayi Viriri The racial state and asylum seekers
Sam Olinger ‘Guarding the Peace’ and the construction of ‘Difference’ in today’s ethnically diverse Dublin: an exploration of Gardai’s discursive constructions of the ‘Others’ they police
Charlotte Woods ‘They couldn’t see that I could ever leave the Englishness behind’: A study of British born residents of Ireland



Name Dissertation Title
Marguerite Bourke The visual and the invisible: Reinstating African American women back into the frame through te photography of Lorna Simpson.
Anne Marie Campbell Scientific racism and the construction of HIV/AIDS as an African disease
Sheenagh D’Arcy Social work and the racial state
Emma Louise Dunphy Questioning queer nationalism in Ireland
Rebecca Feliciano An exploration of mixed heritage identity
Oonagh Hogan Unaccompanied minors seeking asylum and their sexuality/sexual health: The service they receive and the perception of the service providers to these minors
David McInerney Intercultural Ireland: Developing the role of ethnic liaison officers within An Garda Siochana
Alysson Mills The visibility and invisibility of Hispanic migrants in Oxford, Mississippi
James Norton Pre-gendered, post-modern, or in-between
Joe O’Brien Institutional racism in Irish post-primary education and prospects of anti-racism in teacher education
David Schwartz Exploring the ethnicity of Irish Travellers through interviews with five Traveller activists
Martina Smyth The ‘other white’: White Irish Catholic legal immigrants in the United States of America and the issue of stereotyping at the dawn of the millennium
Wayne Stanley Crisis racism: The Citizenship Referendum in context
Lauren Swift Managing ‘Third World’ through Longly Planet: A categorization of ethnic tourism’s sense-making procedures
Elish Tansey ‘Designers wake dead’: Ethnography of what happens to a dead body in an Irish Christian funeral, the site where the interaction between religion, society and practice converge
Elizabeth Toal Exclusion through recognition
Sarah Van Norman Under the blanket of whiteness: Autoethnographic confessions of a young Canadian knitter
Claire Williams Misplaced, mistreated, misunderstood: The reality of living in direct provision for asylum seekers and their children



Name Dissertation Title
Stephen Colbert The extreme right in Ireland: No room to grow?
Deirdre Coghlan The (un)deserving refugee/asylum seeker?Racism and the Irish state
Matteo Cullen Positive vibrations: Musical communities in frican Dublin
Elvy DaCosta Is the economic contribution of immigration in Ireland Ignored by the state and the media?
Estibaliz Errazquin Hybridity and migrant women artists
Chizu Fukuoka The Irish language and post colonial Irish identities
Maja Halilovic-Pastuovic ‘Going home for the summer’: Bosnian refugee women in ‘intercultural’ Ireland
Marthe Hamran Latvian nationalism
Aoife Hayden Speech therapists as service providers to refugee Clients
Torben Krings 'Putting our people first': The new-racism discourse and right-wing populism in Western Europe
Nicola Jordan The views of female community workers on integrating issues facing married refugee women in the Republic of Ireland
Cristina Santa Maria Ethnicity and schooling in Ireland: (re)Representing separated children asylum seekers in primary and post-primary education
Chinedu Onyejelem How black people feel about media representations
Ruairi Quinn, The roots of assimilation and related anti-migrant sentiments in rural Irish communities: with County Donegal as a case study
Marie Robinson Dependency on misfortune: A case study of Latvian agricultural migrant labourers in Ireland
Almut Schlepper ‘They don’t really want to know us’: Experiences of international students at the Dublin Institute of Technology
Alain Spitzer Analysis of Israeli-Jewish identity formation



Name Dissertation Title
Angelique Kelly Bell Young Boundaries: An Overview of Opinions and Views of 'Sameness' and 'Otherness' within a Disadvantaged Youth Population
Niamh Campbell Children of refugees in settled white Irish foster families: An exploratory stud
Marna Carroll Female Genital Mutilation: Legitimate Cultural Practice or Violation of Human Rights?
Alessandra Fantini The Management of Ambiguity: tensions and challenges in the management of voluntary organisations
Siobhan Catherine Malone The Migration Experience of Filipina Nurses
Ciara O'Hara Men in Nursing: A Gendered Experience?
Freda Quinlan Identity Politics versus Strategic Essentialism: A Case Study of African Women's Mobilisation in Ireland
Gabriele Santi Stigmatisation in the Context of the Impact of HIV/AIDS in Relation to Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Ireland
Elisabeth Dreier Sorvik 'Norwegian-ness' and 'The Others': Racism, Nationalism and the Media
Brendan Tobin Antiracist Space in Dublin: Towards a Best Practice



Name Dissertation Title
Ernesto Alejandro Abraham Minority Language Rights: The right to be different (regarding the Basque language
Svetlana Drakulic When Neighbours Turn Into Enemies: Ethnic nationalism and genocide in the former Yugoslavia as the outcome of the silenced past
Christine Fox ‘Common Sense’ Racism: A discourse analysis of the Mississippi vote over the State Flag in the Sun Herald
Christian Gheorghiu Media discourses on Roma in Romania: How does it affect public and political opinion?
Declan Hayden Homosexuality and Human Rights
Adrian Langan The construction of ethnicity: A study of international workers in Bosnia
Rachel Magee The discursive construction of asylum-seekers and refugees in the Irish press
Joshua Moon The DC Quartet: ‘race’, ethnicity and the city
Emer McCarthy Reforging Social Networks: African businessmen in Dublin
Rosaleen McDonagh Gender, ethnicity and racism: The construction of gender and ethnicity in novels and its relation to the Traveller experience
Gabriel Okenla The contemporary meaning of Pan-Africanism and its relevance to the anti-racism struggle in Ireland
Remba Osengo Code Switching: A conversational ethnic style used by Lingala speaking refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Inbal Sansani The provision of health services in Ireland to refugee women who have survived gender-based torture



Name Dissertation Title
Glikera Arapi Greekness and Europeanness in and throgh language: the intellectuals’ discourse
Jenny Daly Confronting and challenging whiteness in the identity of white Irish development workers
Tomas DeBrun Masculinity and Irishness: emerging identities, diverging trajectories
Carla De Tona ‘We are trees with roots in the sky’: Italian women in Dublin telling the diaspora
Christine Dibelius Lone but not alone: A case study of the social networks of African refugee women in Ireland
Patrick Guerin Personal narratives of people involved in anti-racism in Ireland
Thomas Killoran Adrift in the New World: Displacement and transformation in the writings of Michael Ondatje, Salman Rushdie and V.S. Naipaul
Therese Madden A critical review of the introduction of racial awareness training to the local authority, Dublin Corporation
Natalie McDonnell Dublin Says No: Responses to the proposed Orange Order Parade in Dublin
Louise McElduff Re-membering Cissy: A legacy of Russian-Jewish roots
Siobhan McKenna First nation narratives
Elaine Moriarty A critical consideration of the role of intellectuals in interrupting, perpetrating or subverting hegemonic discourses of Irishness and ‘otherness’ in Ireland
Kathryn O’ Donnell Coming home? Returning Irish emigrants: An experiential account of return and re-entry
Simon O’ Donnell Tackling cultural difference: sports and community relations in Northern Ireland
Annemarie O’ Meara The role of religion in ethnic identity maintenance and adaptation: An example of a sample of Vietnamese people in Ireland
Vibeke Walther Pakistani women in Norway



Name Dissertation Title
Petra Aigner Racism in Austria: continuities and change
Derek Byrne Misguided masculinities: renegotiating masculinities in a changing Ireland
Correa Clinton Marketing: Satisfying the postmodern consumer
Anne Donaghy Ethnic representation in Irish second level school textbooks from the 1960s to the 1990s
Roxanne Issurdatt Minority women in Ireland: Their views on integration
Karla Kelly A maze in stories: deconstructing and confronting identity
Anna Fiona Keogh Talking about the other - discourse analysis of secondary school pupil's attitudes to refugees and asylum seekers
Kevin Morley Attitudes towards refugees in Dublin
Don Niall Our significant 'other': unfolding new antisemitism in Ireland
Richard Tomkin From normalisation to stigma: approaches to providing health care to refugees in Ireland
Marshall Tracy Racism and immigration in Ireland: a comparative analysis




Name Dissertation Title
Niamh Bermingham Media Representation of Refugees
Breda Cass Irish women's identity and religious adherence (other than Roman Catholic)
Tara Coogan 'Be a mountain or lean upon me': Finnish multiculturalism and the Somali experience
Imelda Dyas Nationalism, ethnicity and sexuality in the trials of Oscar Wilde
Mary Harvey-Ling Interethnic marriage: building cultural bridges
Amy Horde Living in Northern Italy: A case study of Southern Italian Migrants
Niamh Humphries Accommodation Provision for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Dublin
Michael J. McAuley Imprisoned Irish Masculinities
Marie O'Donnell The changing English perspectives on race and racial image with particular emphasis on the Irish and Jewish communities at the close of nineteenth century
Kim S. Rolle The Experience of Single Black Women in Northern Ireland
David Walsh Policing Multiculturalism: An examination of the need for anti-racism and cultural diversity training in An Garda Siochana