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Dr. Irena Yanushevskaya
Assistant Professor, C.L.C.S.


I studied Germanic Philology and Translation Studies, English and French at St Petersburg State University, Russia, and obtained my PhD in Phonetics there in 2001. I worked in St Petersburg State University at the Department of Phonetics, Faculty of Philology for several years as a Lecturer in Phonetics. I completed another PhD in Trinity College Dublin, also in Phonetics, in 2010. I worked as a Research Fellow / Senior Research Fellow in the Phonetics and Speech Laboratory, School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences, TCD, on a number of research projects (HUMAINE - Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion; Next Generation Localisation; FASTNET - Focus on Actions in Social Talk: Network-Enabling Technology; ABAIR). At the same time, I taught Phonetics and Instrumental Phonetics at the Discipline of Speech and Language Therapy, School of Health Sciences, University of Galway. I am currently an Assistant Professor in Linguistics at the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences, Trinity College Dublin.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Althagafi, A. and Yanushevskaya, I., The progression of phonetic transcription skills in a speech and language therapy training program [abstract], ICPLA 2025 [20th biennial conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association], Patras, Greece, June 25-27, 2025, 2025 Conference Paper, 2025

Yanushevskaya, I., O'Donnell, N., and O'Regan, S., Cepstral Peak Prominence in normophonic Irish-English speaking adults: the effect of gender, age, speech task segmental composition, recording conditions and CPP extraction method, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2024, p1-30 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

O'Donnell, N. & Yanushevskaya, I., Establishing Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPP) normative data for young adults in Ireland: the impact of gender, speech task and recording conditions, ICPLA 2023, Salzburg, Austria, July 4-7, 2023, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023 TARA - Full Text

O'Regan, S & Yanushevskaya, I., Cepstral peak prominence in normophonic adults: the effect of gender and speech task segmental composition, ICPhS, Prague, Czech Republic, August 7-11, 2023, 2023, pp1826 - 1830 Conference Paper, 2023 TARA - Full Text

O'Donnell, Niamh, Yanushevskaya, Irena, Establishing Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPP) normative data for young adults in Ireland: the impact of gender, speech task and recording conditions, ICPLA 2023, Salzburg, Austria, July 4th-7th, 2023, 2023, pp1 Poster, 2023 TARA - Full Text

Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Affect Expression: Global and Local Control of Voice Source Parameters, Speech Prosody, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022, pp1 - 5 Conference Paper, 2022 TARA - Full Text DOI

Yanushevskaya, I., Murphy, A., Gobl, C., Ní Chasaide, A., Global waveshape parameter Rd in signaling focal prominence: Perceptual salience in the absence of f0 variation, Frontiers in Communication, 2022, p1-23 Journal Article, 2022 TARA - Full Text DOI

Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., Integrating a voice analysis-synthesis system with a TTS framework for controlling affect and speaker identity, 2021 32nd Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), Athlone, Ireland, 10-11 June 2021, 2021, pp1 - 6 Conference Paper, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

Shaw, Á. and Yanushevskaya, I., Students' views and experiences of the training and use of phonetic transcription in speech and language therapy: the Irish perspective, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2021, p1 - 16 Journal Article, 2021 TARA - Full Text DOI

Shaw, Á., & Yanushevskaya, I., Shaw, Á., & Yanushevskaya, I. (2021). Students' views and experiences of the training and use of phonetic transcription in speech and language therapy: the Irish perspective [poster]. ICPLA 2021, Glasgow, UK., ICPLA 2021, Glasgow, UK, 2021, 2021 Poster, 2021 TARA - Full Text

Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., Testing the GlórCáil system in a speaker and affect voice transformation task, Speech Prosody 2020, Tokyo, Japan, May 25-28, 2020, 2020, pp950 - 954 Conference Paper, 2020 DOI

Chiat, S., Polišenská, K., Yanushevskaya, I., Antonijevic, S., 'Crosslinguistic Nonword Repetition Test (CL-NWR) Stimuli',, 2020, - Digital research resource production, 2020 URL

McAlister S., Yanushevskaya I., Voice assessment practices of speech and language therapists in Ireland, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text DOI

Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A., & Gobl, C., The role of voice quality in the perception of prominence in synthetic speech, Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria, Sept 15-19, 2019, 2019, pp2543 - 2547 Conference Paper, 2019 TARA - Full Text DOI

Gobl, C., Yanushevskaya, I., Murphy, A., Ní Chasaide, A., Comparison of time and frequency domain measures of the voice source, ICPhS 2019: the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, pp3290 - 3294 Conference Paper, 2019 URL TARA - Full Text

Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Voice Source Contribution to Prominence Perception: Rd Implementation, INTERSPEECH 2018, Hyderabad, India, 2018, pp217 - 221 Conference Paper, 2018 DOI

Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Cross-language differences in how voice quality and f0 contours map to affect, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144, (5), 2018, p2730 - 2750 Journal Article, 2018 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gobl, C., Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I. and Ní Chasaide, A., On the relationship between glottal pulse shape and its spectrum: correlations of open quotient, pulse skew and peak flow with source harmonic amplitudes, INTERSPEECH 2018, Hyderabad, India, 2018, pp222 - 226 Conference Paper, 2018 DOI

Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Cross-speaker variation in voice source correlates of focus and deaccentuation, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp1034 - 1038 Conference Paper, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI

Connaughton, K., Yanushevskaya, I., Measuring vocal fatigue in sports coaches, Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 23, (1), 2017, p1 - 20 Journal Article, 2017 DOI TARA - Full Text

Ní Chasaide, A., Yanushevskaya, I. and Gobl, C., Voice-to-affect mapping: Inferences on language voice baseline settings, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp1258 - 1262 Conference Paper, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI

Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Rd as a control parameter to explore affective correlates of the tense-lax continuum, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp3916 - 3920 Conference Paper, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI

Yanushevskaya, I, Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., The interaction of long-term voice quality with the realisation of focus, Speech Prosody 2016, Boston, MA, 2016, pp931 - 935 Conference Paper, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text

Yanushevskaya, I., Murphy, A., Gobl, C., Ní Chasaide, A., Perceptual salience of voice source parameters in signaling focal prominence, Interspeech 2016, San Francisco, CA, 2016, pp3161 - 3165 Conference Paper, 2016 TARA - Full Text DOI

De Looze, C., Yanushevskaya, I., Murphy, A., O'Connor, E., and Gobl, C. , Pitch declination and reset as a function of utterance duration in conversational speech data, Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany, 7-10 September, 2015, pp3071 - 3075 Conference Paper, 2015 TARA - Full Text

Yanushevskaya, I. and Bun"i", D., Illustrations of the IPA: Russian, Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 45, (2), 2015, p221 - 228 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Ní Chasaide, A., Yanushevskaya, I., and Gobl, C. , Prosody of voice: declination, sentence mode and interaction with prominence, The 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, UK, August 10-14, 2015, pp1-5 Conference Paper, 2015 URL Other TARA - Full Text

Gobl, C., Yanushevskaya, I., and Ní Chasaide, A., The relationship between voice source parameters and the Maxima Dispersion Quotient (MDQ), Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany, September 7-10, 2015, pp2337 - 2341 Conference Paper, 2015 TARA - Full Text

Yanushevskaya, I., Kane, J., De Looze, C., Ní Chasaide, A., The distribution of pitch patterns and communicative types in speech chunks preceding pauses and gaps, Speech Prosody 7, Dublin, Ireland, May 20-13, 2014, 2014, pp959 - 963 Conference Paper, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Kane, J., Aylett, M., Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. , Phonetic feature extraction for context-sensitive glottal source processing, Speech Communication, 59, 2014, p10 - 21 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

De Looze, C., Yanushevskaya, I., Kane, J., Ní Chasaide, A. , Pitch range declination and reset in turn-taking organisation, Speech Prosody 7, Dublin, Ireland, May 20-23, 2014, 2014, pp1100 - 1104 Conference Paper, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Dalton, J., Kane, J., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., GlóRí - the glottal research instrument, Speech Prosody 7, Dublin, Ireland, May 20-23, 2014, 2014, pp944 - 948 Conference Paper, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Kane, J., Yanushevskaya, I., Dalton, J., Gobl, C., Ní Chasaide, A., Using phonetic feature extraction to determine optimal speech regions for maximising the effectiveness of glottal source analysis, Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013, 2013, pp29 - 33 Conference Paper, 2013 TARA - Full Text DOI

Ní Chasaide, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Kane, J., Gobl, C. , The voice prominence hypothesis: the interplay of F0 and voice source features in accentuation, Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France, August 25-29, 2013, 2013, pp3527 - 3531 Conference Paper, 2013 TARA - Full Text

Yanushevskaya I., Gobl C., Ní Chasaide A., Voice quality in affect cueing: does loudness matter?, Frontiers in Psychology, 4, (335), 2013, p1 - 14 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text DOI

Language matters in the perception of affect from voice in, editor(s)Verbickaja L. V., Ivanova N. K. , "elovek govor'aš"ij. K 80-letiju so dn'a roždenija L. V. Bondarko (Speaking man. To commemorate the 80th anniversary of L. V. Bondarko), Ivanovo, Russia, Ivanovo State University of Technology, 2012, pp172 - 180, [Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C.] Book Chapter, 2012 TARA - Full Text Other

Kane, J., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Exploiting time and frequency domain measures for precise voice source parameterisation, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Shanghai, China, 2012, pp143 - 146 Conference Paper, 2012 TARA - Full Text URL

Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Universal and language-specific perception of affect from voice, The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII), Hong Kong, China, 2011, pp2208 - 2211 Conference Paper, 2011 URL TARA - Full Text

Ní Chasaide, A., Yanushevskaya, I. and Gobl, C., Voice source dynamics in intonation, The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII), Hong Kong, China, 2011, pp1470 - 1473 Conference Paper, 2011 URL TARA - Full Text

Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C., Kane, J. and Ní Chasaide, A., An exploration of voice source correlates of focus, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2010, Makuhari, Japan, 2010, pp462 - 465 Conference Paper, 2010 DOI TARA - Full Text

Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C., Ní Chasaide, A., Perceived loudness and voice quality in affect cueing, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2009, Brighton, UK, 2009, pp1979 - 1982 Conference Paper, 2009 TARA - Full Text DOI

Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Voice parameter dynamics in portrayed emotions, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop: Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications, Florence, Italy, edited by Claudia Manfredi , Firenze University Press, 2009, pp21 - 24 Conference Paper, 2009 TARA - Full Text URL

Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Voice quality and loudness in affect perception, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Campinas, Brazil, 2008, pp709 - 712 Conference Paper, 2008 URL TARA - Full Text

Tooher, M., Yanushevskaya, I. and Gobl, C., Transformation of LF parameters for speech synthesis of emotion: regression trees, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, International Conference on Speech Prosody, Campinas, Brazil, ISCA, 2008, pp705 - 708 Conference Paper, 2008 TARA - Full Text URL

Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C. , Cross-language study of vocal correlates of affective states, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008, pp330 - 333 Conference Paper, 2008 URL

Time- and amplitude-based voice source correlates of emotional portrayals in, editor(s)A. Paiva, R. Prada, R. W. Picard , Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 2007, pp156 - 170, [Yanushevskaya, I., Tooher, M., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A.] Book Chapter, 2007 DOI TARA - Full Text

Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Mapping Voice to Affect: Japanese listeners, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Speech Prosody, International Conference on Speech Prosody, Dresden, 2-5 May, ISCA, 2006, pp1-4 Conference Paper, 2006 TARA - Full Text URL

Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Voice quality and f0 cues for affect expression: implications for synthesis, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, INTERSPEECH 2005, Lisbon, Sept, 4-8, 2005, pp1849 - 1852 Conference Paper, 2005 URL TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise


I am an expert phonetician. My research over the past decade has been concerned with the role of the voice source in speech communication, in particular voice source dynamics in the signalling of linguistic prosody (e.g., prominence, accentuation, deaccentuation) and in the signalling of emotion and affect. I have worked on the development of robust tools for voice analysis. I have a strong interest in clinical applications of phonetic sciences. Recently I have been working on collecting normative data for Cepstral Peak Prominence, a voice parameter currently suggested as a robust tool for clinical voice assessment. My research explores how speaker gender, age, speech task segmental composition, recording conditions and CPP extraction method affect CPP values.


LINGUISTICS; Phonetics; SPEECH PROSODY; Voice; Voice quality



External examiner for MSc in Speech and Language Therapy at University College London From September 2024

Associate Editor for the 'Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics' journal (Taylor & Francis) September 2023-present

Member of the Board of Assessors for the Discipline of Speech and Language Therapy, University of Galway January 2024

Reviewer for international journals: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Journal of Phonetics, Speech Communication, Journal of the International Phonetic Association, Journal of Communication Disorders, Frontiers in Communication, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders

Reviewer for international conferences: Speech Prosody, Interspeech, International Congress of Phonetic Sciences


International Phonetic Association 2003 – current

International Association of Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics 2014 – current

Irish Federation of University Teachers 2021 – current

ISCA - International Speech Communication Association 2005 – current

Irish Research Staff Association 2018 – 2023