Dr. Hongfei Wang is a Teaching Fellow in the School of Linguistic, Speech, and Communication Sciences. In addition to co-coordinating Trinity Language and Culture elective modules, she teaches Chinese to students of MPhil in Chinese Studies at the Trinity Centre for Asian Studies (TCAS). Hongfei holds a BA in TESOL, an MA in TCSOL, and a PhD in Applied Linguistics. Her PhD focused on the implementation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in post-primary education in Ireland. She offers expertise and consultation to relevant agencies in the field of Chinese language education at the secondary level in Ireland. Her research interests include TCFOL, Teaching Methodology, Language Pedagogy, Language Evaluation and Assessment, CALL, and ICALL.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Hongfei Wang, The design and evaluation of intelligent computer-assisted language learning tools for beginner learners of Mandarin Chinese, 2024
Hongfei Wang, Adapting to Innovation: The changes of learners' Perceptions about the role of Generative AI in Chinese Language Learning within Irish Higher Education, AI IN EDUCATION / (DIS)EMBODIED INTERACTIONS, PARIS, FRANCE, OCTOBER 24-25, 2024, 2024
Chang Zhang and Hongfei Wang, From UDL to AEN: Prospects of teaching and implementing new curricular languages in Irish schools, UDL International Symposium:Learning Together, Maynooth University, 8-9 June 2023, 2023
Hongfei Wang & Neasa Ni Chiarain, Evaluate an Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning Tool for Beginner Learners of Mandarin Chinese in Ireland, IRAAL Conference 2022, Munster Technological University, 30/09-01/10, 2022, 2022
Towards the design of iCALL tools for beginner Mandarin Chinese learners in Ireland in, editor(s)Fanny Meunier, Julie Van de Vyver, Linda Bradley, and Sylvie Thouësny , CALL and complexity - short papers from EUROCALL 2019,, 2019, pp385 - 390, [Hongfei Wang, Neasa Ní Chiaráin]
Chang Zhang & Hongfei Wang, The Development of Chinese Language Education in Ireland: Issues and Prospects, TEANGA, the Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 25, 2018, p34 - 51
Demotivation of Learning Chinese Characters: A Study of Irish Chinese Learners in, editor(s)Binghan ZHENG, Zhiyan GUO , 2016, pp142 - 151, [Chang Zhang and Hongfei Wang]