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Professor Margaret Walshe
Professor In, Clin Speech & Language Studies

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

A. Gillman , M. Hayes, I. Walsh , M. Walshe , J.V. Reynolds & J. Regan, Long-term impact of aerodigestive symptoms on adults with oesophageal cancer: A qualitative study, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Glinzer, J., Flynn, É., Tampoukari, E., Harpur, I., & Walshe, M.., Dysphagia Prevalence in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Dysphagia, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 TARA - Full Text DOI

Machalicek, W., Gross, D. P., Armijo-Olivo, S., Ferriero, G., Kiekens, C., Martin, R., Walshe, M., Negrini, S., & 5th Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological Meeting participants (2024, The role of single case experimental designs in evidence creation in rehabilitation., European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text Other

Hirschwald J, Duncan SA, Warnecke T, Boyle G, Regan J, Walshe M, Development of a Core Outcome Set for Dysphagia Interventions in Parkinson's disease (COS-DIP), BMJ Open, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Machalicek, W., Gross, D. P., Armijo-Olivo, S., Ferriero, G., Kiekens, C., Martin, R., Walshe, M., Negrini, S., & 5th Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological Meeting participants, Machalicek, W., Gross, D. P., Armijo-Olivo, S., Ferriero, G., Kiekens, C., Martin, R., Walshe, M., Negrini, S., & 5th Cochrane Rehabilitation The role of single case experimental designs in evidence creation in rehabilitation, European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, October, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Arienti, C., Armijo-Olivo, S., Ferriero, G., Feys, P., Hoogeboom, T., Kiekens, C., Lazzarini, S. G., Minozzi, S., Negrini, S., Oral, A., Pollini, E., Puljak, L., Todhunter-Brown, A., Walshe, M., & Participants in the 5th Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological Meeting (2024)., The influence of bias in randomized controlled trials on rehabilitation intervention effect estimates: what we have learned from meta-epidemiological studies, European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 60, (1), 2024, p135 - 144 Journal Article, 2024 DOI Handle Other TARA - Full Text

Scharitzer M, Schima W, Walshe M, Verin E, Doratiotto S, Ekberg O, Farneti D, Pokieser P, Quaia E, Woisard V, Xinou E, Speyer R., ESSD-ESGAR Best Practice Position Statements on the technical performance of videofluoroscopic swallowing studies (VFSS) in Adult patients with swallowing disorders, European Radiolog, 2024 Journal Article, 2024

Hirschwald, Finnegan, Hofacker, Walshe, Underserved groups in dysphagia intervention trials in Parkinson"s disease: A scoping review, Ageing Research Reviews, 93, 2024, p1 - 6 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gillman A, Kenny C, Hayes M, Walshe M, Reynolds JV, Regan J, Nature, severity, and impact of chronic oropharyngeal dysphagia following curative resection for esophageal cancer: a cross-sectional study., Diseases of the Esophagus., 2024 Journal Article, 2024

Battel I, Arienti C, Del Furia MJ, Hirschwald J, Lazzarini SG, Walshe M., Rehabilitation interventions for oropharyngeal dysphagia in people with Parkinson's disease., Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, January, (1), 2024, pDOI: 10.1002/14651858. Journal Article, 2024 TARA - Full Text

Andriani C, Gandolfi S, Walshe M, Diagnostic Accuracy of Screening Tests for the Detection of Oropharyngeal Aspiration and Residue in Parkinson's Disease: A Diagnostic Accuracy Systematic Review, European Society of Swallowing Disorders - 14th Annual Congress, Münster, Germany, 23-27th September 20, 2024 Poster, 2024 TARA - Full Text

Battel I, Walshe M, An intensive neurorehabilitation programme with sEMG biofeedback to improve swallowing in Idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD): A feasibility study, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 58, (3), 2023, p813 - 825 Journal Article, 2023 Other DOI

Hirschwald J, Hofacker J, Duncan SA, Walshe M, Swallowing outcomes in dysphagia intervention in parkinson's disease: A scoping review, BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, 28, (2), 2023, p111 - 118 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

Dooley S, Furey S, O'Hanlon S, Walshe M., Conversation coaching in dementia: a feasibility study., European Geriatric Medicine, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Arienti, C., Armijo-Olivo, S., Ferriero, G., Feys, P., Hoogeboom, T., Kiekens, C., Lazzarini, S. G., Minozzi, S., Negrini, S., Oral, A., Pollini, E., Puljak, L., Todhunter-Brown, A., Walshe, M, The influence of bias in randomized controlled trials on rehabilitation intervention effect estimates: what we have learned from meta-epidemiological studies., European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI TARA - Full Text

Alsadhan N, Walshe M, Challenges and Opportunities for a Pediatric aerodigestive programme in Saudi Arabia, Dysphagia , 10th European Society for Swallowing Disorders Congress, Virtual , October 2020, 37, (3), Springer , 2022, pp40- Published Abstract, 2022

Moloney, J., Regan, J. & Walshe, M, Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Dysphagia Research Following Stroke: A Scoping Review and Qualitative Analysis., Dysphagia , Early Online , 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Balaski C, Walshe M, Videofluoroscopy practice patterns: An international survey, Dysphagia , European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Virtual , October 2020, 37, (3), Springer , 2022, pp13- Published Abstract, 2022 DOI

Gillman A, Hayes M; Sheaf G, Walshe M, Reynolds JV, Regan J, Exercise-Based Dysphagia Rehabilitation for Adults with Oesophageal Cancer: a Systematic Review, Dysphagia, 10th ESSD Congress, 2020, 2022 Published Abstract, 2022 DOI

Gillman A, Hayes M; Sheaf G, Walshe M, Reynolds JV, Regan J, Exercise-Based Dysphagia Rehabilitation for Adults with Oesophageal Cancer: a Systematic Review, BMC Cancer, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Battel I, Walshe M, Skill training with biofeedback for people with parkinson's disease and dysphagia: An interventional study , Dysphagia , European Society for Swallowing Disorders , Virtual , October 2020, 37, (3), Springer , 2022, pp37- Published Abstract, 2022

Hayes M, Gillman A, Wright B, Dorgan S, Brennan I, Walshe M, Donohoe C, Reynolds JV, Regan J, Prevalence, nature and trajectory of dysphagia postoesophageal cancer surgery: a prospective longitudinal study protocol, BMJ Open , 2022 Journal Article, 2022

Flynn E, Regan J, Radtke J, O' Dowd S, Walshe M, Dysphagia in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A scoping review protocol, Advances in Communication and Swallowing , Earl online, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Dooley S, Hopper, Walshe M, 'Profiling the Communication Ability of People with Dementia ', Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2022, 1 - 36 Test or assessment, 2022 URL

Rowland S, Mills C, Walshe M, Perspectives on Speech and Language Pathology Practices and Service Provision in Adult Critical Care Settings in Ireland and other International Settings: A Cross-Sectional Survey, International Journal of Language and Communication, early online , 2022, p1 - 12 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Baijens L, Walshe M, Aaltonen A.......Clave P, European White Paper: Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Head and Neck Cancer., European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 278, 2021, p577 - 616 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Speyer R, Cordier R, Farneti D, Nascimento W, Pilz W, Verin E, Walshe M, Woisard V, White Paper by the European Society for Swallowing Disorders: Screening and Non Instrumental Assessment for Dysphagia in Adults, Dysphagia, March , 2021, p1 - 17 Journal Article, 2021 TARA - Full Text Handle DOI

Dysarthria associated with hypoglossal nerve palsy and Covid 19. in, editor(s)Walshe M & Miller N , Clinical Cases in Dysarthria , London , Routledge, 2021, [Battel I, & Walshe M] Book Chapter, 2021 URL

The Psychosocial Impact of Dysarthria on the Speaker: A case report in, editor(s)Walshe M & Miller N , Clinical cases in Dysarthria, UK, Routledge, 2021, [Walshe M] Book Chapter, 2021

Reira S, Marin S, Serra-Prat M, Tomsen V, Arreola V, Ortega O, Walshe M, Clave P, A Systematic and Scoping Review on the Psychometrics and Clinical Utility of the V-VST in the Clinical Screening and Assessment of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia , Foods, 10, (1900), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Battel I, Calvo I, Walshe M, Interventions involving Biofeedback to improve swallowing in people with Parkinson's Disease and dysphagia: A systematic review, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102, (2), 2021, p314 - 322 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Dziewas R, Michou E, Trapl-Grundschober M,Lal A, Arsava M,Bath P, Clave P, Glahn J, Hamdy S, Pownall S, Schindler A, Walshe M, Wirth R, Wright D, Verin E, European Stroke Organisation and European Society for Swallowing Disorders Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Post Stroke Dysphagia, European Stroke Journal , 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Freeman-Sanderson A, Ward E, Miles A, De Pedro Netto I, Duncan SA, Inamoto Y, McRae J, Pillay N, Skoretz S, Walshe M, Brodsky M , A Consensus Statement for the Management and Rehabilitation of Communication and Swallowing Function in the ICU: A global response to COVID-19. , Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation , 2021 Journal Article, 2021 Other DOI

Regan J, Walshe M, Lavan S,Horan E et al., Post-Extubation Dysphagia and Dysphonia amongst Adults with COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland: a Prospective Multi-Site Observational Cohort Study, Clinical Otolaryngology, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL DOI

Walshe M, Miller N, Clinical Cases in Dysarthria , 1st Edition, London UK , Routledge, 2021 Book, 2021

Cattaneo C, Flynn E, Walshe M, Fidelity in Interventions for Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review, Dysphagia , 2021 Journal Article, 2021 Handle DOI

Senekki- Florent P, Walshe M , Prevalence, Aetiology, and Impact of Paediatric Feeding Disorders in Preterm Infants Admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Cyprus', Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 1, (1), 2021, p45 - 53 Journal Article, 2021

Regan J, Walshe M, Lavan S, Horan E.... Whyte A, Dysphagia, Dysphonia and Dysarthria Outcomes amongst Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19 across Ireland, The Laryngoscope, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL DOI

Manduchi B, Fainman G, Walshe M, Interventions for Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Adults with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review of the Evidence , Dysphagia, 2020, p207 - 219 Journal Article, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text

Moloney J, Walshe M, Challenges faced by SLT profession when addressing quality of life in dysphagia post stroke, Dysphagia, 9th European Society for Swallowing Disorders Congress , Vienna, Austria, 19th - 21st Sept, 35, (1), Springer , 2020, pp189 Published Abstract, 2020

Manduchi B, Walshe M, Burke E, Carroll R, McCallion P, McCarron M , Prevalence and risk factors for choking in adults with intellectual disability: Results from a national cross sectional study. , Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability , 46, (2), 2020, p126 - 137 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Gilheaney Ó, Bechet S, & Walshe M , Modified Diet Use in adults with Temporomandibular Disorders related to Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review., Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology, 31, (2), 2020, p183 - 189 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Duncan SA, McAuley D, Walshe M, McGaughey J, Anand R, Blackwood B , Interventions for oropharyngeal dysphagia in acute and critical care: A systematic review and meta analysis, Intensive Care Medicine, 46, (7), 2020, p1326 - 1338 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Gilheaney Ó & Walshe M, Rheumatologist's Views on Oral Stage Dysphagia in adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Temporomandibular Joint: An Irish Perspective, MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY, 31, (2), 2020, p225 - 229 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Cattaneo C, Flynn E, Walshe M, Treatment Fidelity in Behavioural Interventions for Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Parkinson's Disease , Dysphagia, 9th European Society for Swallowing Disorders Congress , Vienna, Austria, 19th - 21st Sept, 35, (1), Springer , 2020, pp143 Published Abstract, 2020

Regan J, Wiesinger T, Keane J, Walshe, M., Oesophageal Screening during Videofluoroscopy: International Practices and Perspectives of Speech-Language Pathologists, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22, (5), 2020, p591 - 600 Journal Article, 2020 DOI Other

Leitch E, Flynn E, Walshe M, Examining the effects of carbonation on swallowing for adults with oropharyngeal dysphagia using FEES and sEMG. , Dysphagia, 9th European Society for Swallowing Disorders Congress , Vienna, Austria, 19th - 21st Sept, 35, (1), Springer , 2020, pp154 Published Abstract, 2020

Llimos Ladika M, Flynn E, Walshe M, Diet modification to improve swallowing in Parkinson's Disease, Dysphagia, 9th European Society for Swallowing Disorders Congress , Vienna, Austria, 19th - 21st Sept, 35, (1), Springer , 2020, pp158 Published Abstract, 2020

Schindler A. Baijens L Clave P, Degen B, Duchac S, Dziewas R, Farneti D MD; Hamdy S Michou E, Pokieser P, Speyer , Walshe M, Verin E, Rommel N, ESSD commentary on oropharyngeal dysphagia management during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dysphagia , 2020 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text

Ceravolo M, Arienti C, De Sire A. Andrenelli F et al and Interprofessional Steering Group ( Kiekens C, Areienti A, Ceravolo M, Cote P, Cusick A, Gimigliano F, Heinemann A, Mills JA, Rathore F, Rizzi M Walshe M, Negrini S), Rehabilitation and Covid 19: The Cochrane Rehabilitation 2020 Rapid Living Systematic Review, European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Gilheaney Ó, Stassen L, & Walshe M, The Epidemiology, Nature, and Impact of Eating and Swallowing Problems in Adults presenting with Temporomandibular Disorders., CRANIO: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, 20, 2020, p1 - 9 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Andrenelli E, Negrini F, De Sire A, et al. and International Multiprofessional Steering Group, Cote P, Cusick A, Gimigiano F, Heinemann A, Kiekens C, Farooq R, Verheyden G, Walshe M , Systematic rapid living review on rehabilitation needs due to Covid-19: update to May 31st 2020 , European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Miller N, Walshe M, Walker R, Sialorrhea in Parkinson's Disease: Prevalence, Impact and Management Strategies, Research and Reviews in Parkinsonism , July 2019, (1), 2019, p17 - 28 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text

Case Reports in Dysphagia: An introduction in, editor(s)Walshe M & Huckabee ML , Clinical Cases in Dysphagia, UK, Routledge, 2019, pp1 - 8, [Walshe M & Huckabee ML] Book Chapter, 2019

Dooley, S & Walshe M , Assessing Cognitive Communication Skills in Dementia: A scoping review, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 54, (5), 2019, p729 - 741 Journal Article, 2019

Duncan SA, McGaughey J, McAuley D, Walshe M, Blackwood B , Interventions for oropharyngeal dysphagia in acute and critical care: A protocol for a systematic review and meta analysis, Systematic Reviews, 283, (8), 2019, p1 - 8 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text

Walshe M, Huckabee ML, Clinical Cases in Dysphagia, UK, Routledge, 2019 Book, 2019

Battel I, Calvo I, Walshe M, Biofeedback to improve safety and efficiency of swallow function in people with Parkinson's disease and dysphagia, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 25-29th Sept 2018, 34, (5), 2019, pp720 - 819 Published Abstract, 2019

Duncan S, McAuley D, Walshe M, Blackwood B, Swallow Pathophysiology and dysphagia treatment tolerance in cardiac/surgical intensive care patients following tracheostomy and/or prolonged intubation, Journal of Intensive Care Society, Intensive Care Society, London, 10-12th Dec 2018, 20, (2), Sage, 2019, pp135 - 136 Published Abstract, 2019 DOI

Moloney J, Walshe M, Managing and supporting quality of life issues in dysphagia: A survey of clinical practice patterns and perspectives in the UK, Ireland, and South Africa, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 54, (1), 2019, p41 - 49 Journal Article, 2019

Manduchi B, Walshe M , Managing swallowing disorders in adults with intellectual disability: A systematic review of the evidence , Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Dublin , 25th-29th Sept 2018 , 34, (5), 2019, pp720 - 819 Published Abstract, 2019

Gilheaney O, Walshe M , Oral stage dysphagia in adults presenting with temporomandibular disorders , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 25-29th Sept 2018, 34, (5), 2019, pp720 - 819 Published Abstract, 2019 TARA - Full Text

Walshe M, Swallowing and Ageing, Speech, Language and Hearing, 22, (1), 2019, p2 - 8 Journal Article, 2019

Dysphagia in an Individual with Alzheimer's Disease in, editor(s)Walshe M, & Huckabee ML , Clinical Cases in Dysphagia , UK, Routledge, 2019, pp84 - 96, [Walshe M, Flynn E, Dolan M. ] Book Chapter, 2019

Bhagwat A, Walshe M, Effectiveness of chin tuck in preventing aspiration in acquired neurological disorders, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Dublin, 25-29th Sept 2018 , 34, (5), 2019, pp720 - 819 Published Abstract, 2019

Duncan S, Blackwood B, McCauley DF, Walshe M, Prevalence, pathophysiology and treatment of dysphagia in cardiac, surgical intensive care patients following tracheostomy and/or prolonged intubation: A case series, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 25-29th Sept 2018, 34, (5), 2019, pp720 - 819 Published Abstract, 2019

Ioannou M, Koutsouridis K, Walshe M, Dysphagia associated with upper oesophageal sphincter dysfunction in inclusion body myositis: A systematic review of the evidence , Dysphagia , European Society for Swallowing Disorders , Dublin, Ireland , 25-29 Sept 2018, 34, (5), 2019 Published Abstract, 2019

Koutsouridis K, Ioannou M, Walshe M, Are pharmacological interventions effective for drooling in children with cerebral palsy? A review of the evidence, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Dublin, 25-29th Sept 2018 , 34, (5), 2019, pp720 - 819 Published Abstract, 2019

Aldeghather S, Gilroy T, Walshe M , Parents' experiences of feeding and swallowing problems with 22Q11 Deletion Syndrome , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 25-29th Sept 2018, 34, (5), Springer, 2019, pp720 - 819 Published Abstract, 2019

Greene Z, Walshe M , Saving bed days in neonatal intensive care ( NICU) by supporting feeding progression and discharge: Cost savings calculation, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Dublin , 25-29th Sept 2018, 34, (5), 2019, pp720 - 819 Published Abstract, 2019

Wilson F, Walshe M, O'Dwyer T, Bennett K, Mocker D, Bleakley C, Exercise, orthoses and splinting for treating Achilles tendinopathy , British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52, (24), 2018, p1564 - 1574 Journal Article, 2018

Gilheaney O, Bechet S, Kerr P, Kenny C, Smith S, Kouider R, Walshe M. , Prevalence of oral stage dysphagia in adults presenting with TMD: A systematic review and meta analysis, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 76 , (6), 2018, p448 - 458 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Gilheaney O, Stassen L. Walshe M, Prevalence, Nature and Management of oral stage dysphagia in adults with temporomandibular joint disorders: Findings from an Irish cohort , Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 76, (8), 2018, p1665 - 1676 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Battel I, Calvo I, Walshe M, Cross-Cultural Validation of the Italian Version of the Functional Oral Intake Scale, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 70, 2018, p117 - 123 Journal Article, 2018

Gilheaney O, Kerr P, Walshe M, Use of modified diets by adults with TMD: Systematic review and meta analysis, Journal of Irish Dental Association, 64, (5), 2018, p249 - 255 Journal Article, 2018

Broderick J, Vancomfort D, Mocker D, Bennett K, Waugh A, McDonough C, Cramer H, Walshe M, Yoga for Schizophrenia , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Dooley S, Doyle R, O'Neill D, Walshe M, Profiling Communication Ability in Dementia (P-CAD): Validation of a Functional Cognitive-Communication Assessment, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Cavan, 47, (suppl_5), 2018, ppv13-v60 Published Abstract, 2018 DOI

Moloney J, Walshe M, 'I had no idea what a complicated business eating is ': A qualitative study of the impact of dysphagia during stroke recovery., Disability and Rehabilitation , 40, (13), 2018, p1524 - 1531 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Huckabee M L, Macintosh T, Fuller L, Curry M,Thomas P, Walshe M, McCague E, Battel I, Nogueira D, Frank U, van den Engel-Hoek L, Sella Weiss O. W, The Test of Mastication and Swallowing Solids (TOMASS) : Reliability, Validity and International Normative Data , International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 53, (1), 2018, p144 - 156 Journal Article, 2018

Moloney J, Walshe M, DYSPHAGIA REHABILITATION FOLLOWING STROKE: MORE THAN JUST FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY, European Stroke Journal , European Stroke Organisation Conference , Gothenburg Sweden , May 2018 , 3, (15), Sage , 2018, pp203 - 203 Published Abstract, 2018

Flynn E, Smith CH, Walshe CD, Walshe M, Modifying the consistency of food and fluids for swallowing difficulties in dementia , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 24, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Stack A, Walshe M, Oromotor and Feeding Patterns in Children with Down Syndrome: An epidemiology Study, Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15th October 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp153- Published Abstract, 2017

Hill F, Miller N, Walsh R, Mockler D, McDowell R, Walshe M, Is botulinum toxin effective as an intervention for drooling in idiopathic parkinson's disease: Deciphering the evidence , Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15 October 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp163- Published Abstract, 2017

Walshe M, Ryan M, Regan J, Screening for Dysphagia: Perspectives and practices of speech and language therapists in the Republic of Ireland. , Folia Phoniatrica , 69, (5-6), 2017, p226 - 238 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Gilheaney O, Zgaga L, Harpur I, Sheaf G, Kiefer L, Bechet S, Walshe M, Prevalence of OD in Adults with TMD associated with RA: Examining the evidence, Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15 October 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp178 Published Abstract, 2017

Kiefer L, Walshe M, Dysphagia in Myasthenia Gravis , Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15 October 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp176 Published Abstract, 2017

Quigley K, Walshe M, Free Water Protocol use in Republic of Ireland: Challenges and Opportunities , Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15 October 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp197 Published Abstract, 2017

Gilheaney Ó., Zgaga L., Harpur I., Sheaf G., Kiefer L., Béchet S., Walshe M., The Prevalence of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Adults Presenting with Temporomandibular Disorders Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Dysphagia, 32, (5), 2017, p587 - 600 Journal Article, 2017 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Ryan M, Walshe M, Swallow Screening in the Republic of Ireland: Speech and Language Therapists' Practices, Opportunities and Challenges , Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15th October 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp137- Published Abstract, 2017

Brogan L, Leavy D, Walshe M, Development and Validation of the ROC Scale in Adults with Intellectual Disability , Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12h-15thOctober 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp135- Published Abstract, 2017

Gilheaney O, Zgaga L, Harpur I, Kerr P, Walshe M, 'Prevalence of OD in Adults with TMD: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis', PROSPERO International Register of Systematic Reviews, NHS National Institute for Health Research , 2017, - 1-5 Protocol or guideline, 2017 TARA - Full Text URL

Battel I, Calvo I, Harpur I, Lawler M, Walshe M, 'Biofeedback to improve the safety and efficiency of the swallow function in people with Parkinson's disease and dysphagia', PROSPERO International Register of Systematic Reviews, NHS National Institute for Health Research , 2017, - 1-5 Protocol or guideline, 2017 URL TARA - Full Text

Sinclair J, Greene Z, Cotter C. Brogan L, O'Neill F, Walshe M, Perspectives of Nursing Staff on the Readiness, Oral Skills, Safe, Efficient ( ROSE) Feeding Checklist: Towards establishing validity , Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15thOctober 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp138- Published Abstract, 2017

Kiefer L, Humphreys C, Prikladnicki A, Walshe M, Investigating the use of FEES by SLTs in Swallowing Assessments in UK, Brazil and Republic of Ireland , Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15 October 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp143- Published Abstract, 2017

McArdle B, Weisinger C, Humphreys C, Walshe M, Free Water Protocols for Adults with Dysphagia: Establishing the evidence for implementation, Dysphagia , 6th ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 14-15th October , 2017, pp167- Published Abstract, 2017

Bree K, Sheehy A, Walshe M, Family carers' lived experience of oropharyngeal dysphagia as a primary result of multiple sclerosis , Dysphagia, ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12-15 October 2016, 32, (1), 2017, pp171 Published Abstract, 2017

Dooley S, Walshe M, Assessing Functional Retained Communication Skills in Dementia, AAIC, London, July 2017, 2017 Poster, 2017

Calvo I, Conway A, Henriques F, Walshe M, The Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Feeding Evaluations in detecting aspiration in children: A diagnostic test accuracy systematic review , Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology , 2016, p314- Journal Article, 2016

Gilheaney O, Kerr P, Bechet S, Walshe M, Effectiveness of endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy in adults with neurological disease: systematic review, Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 130, (12), 2016, p1077 - 1085 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text

Flynn E, Smith C, Walsh C, Walshe M, Modification of food and fluid consistency for swallowing difficulties in dementia, Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp319- Published Abstract, 2016

Walshe M, Dooley S, Hopper T, Doyle R, McCabe R, Moore M, O'Neill D, Profiling communication ability in people with dementia: development of a new instrument to inform management of cognitive communication difficulties, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Killarney, Co Kerry, 30 Sept - 1 Oct, 45, (Supplement 2), 2016, ppii3 - ii3 Published Abstract, 2016 DOI URL

Hill F, Miller N, Walsh RA, Mockler D, McDowell R, Walshe M, Botulinum toxin for drooling in Parkinson's disease, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 10, 2016 Review, 2016

Furey S, La Morgia F, Walshe M, Diagnostic accuracy of cervical auscultation in the identification of oropharyngeal aspiration: A systematic review, Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp250 - 250 Published Abstract, 2016

Kerrigan O, Walshe M, Botulinum toxin as an intervention for drooling in children with cerebral palsy" A systematic review , Dysphagia , Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp294- Published Abstract, 2016

Jazzar O, Walshe M, Role and current practice of SLTs in NICUs in Saudi Arabia: A national survey , Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp280- Published Abstract, 2016

Baijens L, Clave P, Cras P, Ekberg O, Forster A, Kolb G, Leners JC, Masiero S, Mateos-Nazal, Ortega O, Smithard G, Speyer R, Walshe M, European Society for Swallowing Disorders- European Union Geriatric Medicine Society White Paper: Oropharyngeal Dysphagia as a Geriatric Syndrome, Clinical Intervention in Aging, 11, 2016, p1403 - 1428 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text

Gilheaney O, Harpur I, Sheaf G, Zgaga L, Walshe M, 'The Prevalence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in adults presenting with temporomandibular disorders and rheumatoid arthritis: Systematic review and meta analysis ', PROSPERO International Register of Systematic Reviews, NHS National Institute for Health Research , NHS National Institute for Health Research , 2016, - 1-6 Protocol or guideline, 2016 URL

Carey A, Barrett A, Walshe M, Finger stimulation protocols prior to oral or gavage feeds to promote oral feeding in pre term infants , Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp294- Published Abstract, 2016

Gilheaney O, Kerr P, Bechet S, Walshe M. , Effectiveness of endoscopic CP Myotomy on UES dysfunction in adults with neurological dysphagia , Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp318- Published Abstract, 2016

Bechet S, Hill F, Gilheaney O, Walshe M, Diagnostic accuracy of the Modified Evan's Blue Dye Test in Detecting Aspiration in Patients with Tracheostomy: A systematic review of the evidence, Dysphagia, 31, (6), 2016, p721 - 729 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

McEntee A, Walshe M, La Morgia F, , Evaluating the effectiveness of a dysphagia training programme in a residential care setting: Applicability of the Kirkpatrick model. , Dysphagia , Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp260- Published Abstract, 2016

Greene Z and Walshe M, Oral Stimulation for Promoting Oral Feeding in Preterm Infants, World Health Organisation Guideline Development Group, Florence, Italy , 9th November , 2016, World Health Organisation Invited Talk, 2016

Henriques F, Walshe M, La Morgia F, Examining speech and language therapy services for people with lung cancer: International practice and key challenges, Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp280- Published Abstract, 2016

Woods R, Constantinou A, Walshe M, The diagnostic accuracy of the Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability for detecting dysphagia and aspiration in a cohort of people with Multiple Sclerosis, Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp250- Published Abstract, 2016

Greene Z, O Donnell C, Walshe M, Oral stimulation for promoting oral feeding in preterm infants, Cochrane Database of Sstematic Reviews, 9, 2016 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text URL

Bechet S, Hill F, Walshe M, Diagnostic accuracy of the Modified Evan's Blue Dye Test in detecting aspiration in patients with tracheostomy: A systematic review. , Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp250- Published Abstract, 2016

McCague E, Kerrigan O, Walshe M. , Validation of the TOMASS in healthy Irish adults, Dysphagia, Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, 31, 2016, pp304- Published Abstract, 2016

Walshe M, Regan J, Looking for Evidence: Rehabilitation Management based on FEES and VFS, 6th ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12th October, 2016, European Society for Swallowing Disorders Invited Talk, 2016

Barrett A, Carey A, Walshe M, A Mixed Methods Study Examining the Experiences of dysphagia for people with MS, Dysphagia , Congress European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 1st - 3rd Oct 2015, (31), 2016, pp298- Published Abstract, 2016

Woods B, Walshe M, Constantinou A, Diagnostic Accuracy of the MASA for detecting dysphagia in a cohort of people with MS , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists, Dublin, April 23rd - 24th., 2015 Oral Presentation, 2015

Regan J, Walshe M, Timon C, McMahon B, Endoflip: Evaluation of pharyngo-oesophageal segment tone and swallowing in a clinical population: A total laryngectomy series. , Clinical Otolaryngology, 40, (2), 2015, p121 - 129 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Walshe M, Harding C, Rehabilitating Dysphagia in Children: Current evidence and directions for research , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Brussels, Oct 23rd - 25th 2014, 30, 2015, pp213- Conference Paper, 2015

Conway A, Walshe M, Management of Non Progressive Dysarthria: Practice patterns of speech and language therapists in the Republic of Ireland , International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 50, (3), 2015, p374 - 388 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Calvo I, Conway A, Walshe M, The Diagnostic Accuracy of Clinical Feeding Evaluation in Detecting Aspiration in Children: Exploring the Evidence, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 22nd - 23rd Oct 2014, 30, 2015, pp213- Conference Paper, 2015

Flynn E, Walshe M, Respiratory Parameters in Healthy Adults: Impact of bolus presentation and carbonation , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 22nd - 23rd Oct 2014, 30, (2), 2015, pp225- Conference Paper, 2015

O' Reilly A, Walshe M , Perspectives on the role of the speech and language therapist in palliative care, , Palliative Medicine, 29, (8), 2015, p756 - 761 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Senekki-Florent P, Karaoili C, & Walshe M, Pre-Term Infants in Cyprus: A large epidemiological study, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 22nd - 23rd Oct 2014, 30, (2), 2015, pp223- Conference Paper, 2015

Hill F, McCabe D, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Walshe M, Respiratory Swallow Phase Patterns and Swallow Apnoea Duration in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 22nd - 23rd Oct 2014, 30, (2), 2015, pp232- Conference Paper, 2015

Conway A, Gilheaney O, McTiernan K, Walshe M, Validating a Novel Tongue Pressure Measurement Device: Research challenges, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 23-25 October, 30, 2015, pp242- Conference Paper, 2015 TARA - Full Text

Constantinou A, Pantzaris M, Nzani E, Tziakouri C, Walshe M, Dysphagia in Multiple Sclerosis: Prevalence, Nature and Associated Risk Factors, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 22nd -23rd Oct 2014, 30, (2), 2015, pp230- Conference Paper, 2015

Flynn E, Smith C, Walsh C, Walshe M, PROTOCOL Modifying the consistency of food and fluids for swallowing difficulties in dementia, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 2014 Review Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Seehaus S, Wicke K, Walshe M, Reference Standard Tools for Evaluating New Tongue Pressure Instruments: Issues and Challenges. , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Malmo, Sweden, 12-14th Sept 2013, 29, 2014, pp166 Poster, 2014

Leavy D, Barragry L, O' Connor S, Walshe M, Developing a Scale to Identify Choking Risk for Adults with Intellectual Disability: Initial Pilot Data, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Malmo, Sweden, 12-14th Sept 2013, 29, 2014, pp136 Published Abstract, 2014

Flynn E,, Smith C, Walsh C, Walshe M, Modification of Food Consistency to Prevent Aspiration in People with Dementia: A protocol, Cochrane in Ireland 2014, Dublin , January 2014, 2014 Poster, 2014

Wicke K, Senekki-Florent P, Walshe M, Nature, Risk and Prevalence of Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Preterm Infants, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Malmo, Sweden, 12-14th Sept 2013, 29, 2014, pp160 Published Abstract, 2014

Chiang M, Walshe M, Rehabilitation for Upper Oesophageal Dysfunction for Adults with Neurological Dysphagia: An Evidence Based Systematic Review, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Malmo, Sweden, 12-14th Sept 2013, 29, 2014, pp149 Published Abstract, 2014

Walshe M, O' Connor C, Constantinou A, Psychological and Social Impact of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia on People with Multiple Sclerosis, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Malmo, Sweden, 12-14th Sept 2013, 29, 2014, pp139 Conference Paper, 2014

Perry A, Casey V, Conway R, McCormack J, Hickey C, Ni Chualain C, Walshe M, The Oropress: A new safe valid reliable wireless tool for measuring swallowing and isometric pressures, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Malmo, Sweden, 12-14th Sept 2013, 2014 Published Abstract, 2014

Walshe M , Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Neurodegenerative Disease, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 29, (9), 2014, p1265 - 1271 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text

Regan J, Murphy A, Chiang M, McMahon BP, Coughlan T, Walshe M., Botulinum toxin for upper oesophageal sphincter dysfunction in neurological swallowing disorders. , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , ( Issue 5. ), 2014 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Lettanneux A, Walshe M, Viallet F & Pinto S, The Dysarthria Impact Profile: A preliminary French experience with Parkinson's disease., Parkinson's Disease - Rehabilitation and Parkinson's Disease (2013 Special Issue)., 2013, p1-6 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Greene Z, Senekki-Florent P, Walshe M, Feeding and Swallowing in the preterm infant: Clinical and research challenges , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, 18-19 April, 2013 Oral Presentation, 2013

Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, & McMahon B, A new evaluation of the upper esophageal sphincter using the functional lumen imaging probe: - A preliminary report, Diseases of the Esophagus, 26, (2), 2013, p117 - 123 Journal Article, 2013

Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, McMahon B, Tack, J, New measures of upper esophageal sphincter distensibility and opening patterns during swallowing in health subjects using EndoFlip , Neurogastroenterology Motility, 25, (1), 2013, pe25 - e34 Journal Article, 2013

Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, & McMahon B, Non radiological measurement of extent and duration of UES opening during swallowing , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27th October 2012, 28, 2013, pp292 Conference Paper, 2013 DOI

Walshe M , Lingual exercise in people with oropharyngeal dysphagia post stroke: Are we wasting our time?, Irish Association of Speech and lLanguage Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, 18-19 April, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Conway A, Walshe M, Working with non progressive dysarthria in Ireland, Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, 18-19 April, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

Greene Z, O' Donnell C, Walshe M, Oral Stimulation Techniques In Preterm Infants - International Research Challenges, Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 19, 2013, p168 - 174 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text DOI

O' Reilly A, Dolan M, Lawson S, O Neill D, Walshe M , Evaluating the communication environment for people with dementia in the acute hospital environment, Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, 18-19 April, 2013 Poster, 2013

Downes S, Curran A, Walshe M, Clinical Consistency in Tracheostomy Management in ROI, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27th October 2012, 28, 2013, pp296 Conference Paper, 2013 DOI

Sakellariou V, Walshe M, Medication Swallowing Difficulties reported by adults with IPD and dysphagia, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27th October 2012, 28, 2013, pp314- Published Abstract, 2013

Tegou G, Stravou K, Dagdilis L. Walshe M, Carbonated liquids as a compensatory strategy for people with dysphagia post stroke, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27th October 2012, 28, 2013, pp299 Conference Paper, 2013 DOI

Downes S, Walshe M, Curran A, Practice patterns in tracheostomy management amongst SLTs in Republic of Ireland. Can we do better?, Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, 18-19 April, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

Greene Z, O' Donnell C, Walshe M, Teaching preterm infants to suck and feed: Do oral stimulation interventions make a difference?, Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27th October 2012, (28), 2013, pp290 Conference Paper, 2013 DOI

Regan J, Walshe M, Murphy A, McMahon B, Coughlan T. , Botulinum toxin for upper oesophageal sphincter dysfunction in neurological swallowing disorders, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7), 2012 Journal Article, 2012 DOI TARA - Full Text

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, Current Evaluation of Upper Oesophageal Sphincter Opening in Dysphagia Practice: An International SLT Survey, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 47, (2), 2012, p156 - 167 Journal Article, 2012

Walshe M, Smith M, Pennington L, Interventions for drooling in children with cerebral palsy., Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 2, 2012, pCD008624 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Walshe M, Smith M, Pennington L, Botulinum toxin as an effective treatment for drooling in children with cerebral palsy: a review of the evidence, UK Swallow Research Group, London, 16-17th February , 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

Walshe M, Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Neurodegenerative Disease, European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, 27th October , 2012 Invited Talk, 2012

Sdravou K, Walshe M, Dagdilelis L, Effects of carbonated liquids on oropharyngeal swallowing measures in people with neurogenic dysphagia, Dysphagia, 27, 2012, p240 - 250 Journal Article, 2012

Gialatzopoulou E & Walshe M, Dysphagia practice in Greece: International comparisons, UK Swallow Research Group, London, 16-17th February, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

Greene Z, Walshe M, O' Donnell C, Effects of Oral Stimulation for Oral Feeding in Pre-term Infants, 2012 Review Article, 2012 DOI

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, challenges in evaluating the upper esophageal sphincter in dysphagia practice, Dysphagia , Dysphagia Research Society , Austin Texas USA, March 2011, 26, 2012, pp454- Conference Paper, 2012

Neuromuscular Conditions in, editor(s)RD Newman & J Nightingale , Videofluoroscopy - A Multidisciplinary Approach, San Diego, Plural Publishing , 2012, [Regan, J & Walshe M] Book Chapter, 2012

Regan J, Walshe M, Murphy A, McMahon B, Coughlan T, Botulinum toxin for UES dysfunction, UK Swallow Research Group, London , 16-17th February, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

Senekki-Florent P & Walshe M, Profile of Preterm Infants admitted to a NICU in Cyprus (2009-2010), Dysphagia , Dysphagia Research Society Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 7th - 10th March , 27, 2012, pp613- Conference Paper, 2012

Walshe M, Traditional Interventions for Dysphagia: Perspectives from Ireland and the UK, Dysphagia Research Society Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 7-10th March , 2012, Dysphagia Research Society Invited Talk, 2012

Miller N, Andrew S, Noble E & Walshe M , Changing perceptions of self as a communicator in Parkinson's Disease: a longitudinal follow-up study, Disability and Rehabilitation , 33, (3), 2011, p204 - 210 Journal Article, 2011

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, Instrumental evaluation of the upper oesophageal sphincter in dysphagia practice: Satisfaction amongst Irish SLTs. , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, November 24th & 25th, 2011 Poster, 2011

Walshe M & Miller N, Living with Acquired Dysarthria: The speaker's perspective, Disability and Rehabilitation , 33, (3 ), 2011, p195 - 203 Journal Article, 2011

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, Use of Functional Lumen Imaging Probe to Measure Extent and Duration of UES Opening , Dysphagia Research Society , San Antonio, Texas USA, March 2011, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Dolan M, Walshe M, Lawson S, Sowman, R, O' Neill D. , Opportunities and barriers to communication for people with dementia in the acute hospital setting , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, November 24th & 25th, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Walshe, M, Smith, M & Pennington L, Approaches to managing drooling in children with cerebral palsy: Systematic review of the evidence , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, November 24th & 25th, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Gialatzpoulou E, Walshe M, Dysphagia evaluation practices of SLTs in Greece: Clinical assessment and instrumental decision making, Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, November 24th & 25th, 2011 Poster, 2011

McWeeney C, Walshe M & Hardiman O, The Experience of Dysphagia in People with Motor Neurone Disease and Its Impact on Their Quality of Life, UK Swallowing Research Group, London, UK, 4th - 5th February, 2010 Poster, 2010

Walshe M, Smith M, Pennington L. , Interventions for drooling in children with cerebral palsy (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD008624. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008624., 2010 Review Article, 2010 DOI

Walshe, M. Peach, R & Miller N , Psychometric properties of the Dysarthria Impact Profile, Conference on Motor Speech , Savannah, Georgia USA, 4-7th March, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Leahy,M., McTiernan, K., Smith, MM,, Sloane, P,. Walsh, I,, Walshe, M,, Ni Cholmain, C. , Foundation studies in education for therapy practice: curriculum updating, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopedica: Special Education Issue., 62, (2), 2010, p255 - 259 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Walshe, M , Dysarthria Following Stroke: Challenges for Evidence Based Practice, Symposium on Communication following Stroke, Mater Hospital, 14-15th October , 2010 Invited Talk, 2010

Walshe, M. Peach, R & Miller N , Communicative Participation and Motor Speech Disorders: , American Speech and Hearing Association, Philadelphia USA, 19th November , 2010 Oral Presentation, 2010

Walshe, M , The Psychosocial Impact of Dysarthria: what do we know? , Social Perspectives in Acquired Communication Disorders, University College London UK, 15th -16th June , 2010 Invited Talk, 2010

The Psychosocial Impact of Acquired Motor Speech Disorders in, editor(s)Lowit, A & Kent, R , Assessment of Motor Speech Disorders, San Diego, Plural Publishing, 2010, [Margaret Walshe] Book Chapter, 2010

Hill, F, Walshe M & Counihan, C, Evaluating Social Networks as a Measure of Participation Following Onset of Dysarthria , Conference on Motor Speech, Savannah, Georgia USA, 4-7th March, 2010 Poster, 2010

Regan J, Walshe M, Tobin WO , Immediate Effects of Thermal-Tactile Stimulation on Timing of Swallow in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease., Dysphagia , 25, (3), 2010, p207 - 215 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Regan J, Walshe M & McMahon B, Working Towards an Objective and Reliable Evaluation of the Upper Esophageal Sphincter, UK Swallowing Research Group, London UK, 4th - 5th February, 2010 Poster, 2010

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, Evaluation of Upper Oesophageal Sphincter Opening: Room for Improvement , IASLT Biennial Conference , Galway , 22nd - 23rd October , 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Sowman R, Peach, R & Walshe M, Hidden Complexities: What underlies the use of referential communication in Alzheimer's Disease, RCSLT Scientific Conference , London UK , 17th - 18th March , 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Walshe, M., Peach, R.,& Miller, N., The Dysarthria Impact Profile: Validation of an instrument to measure psychosocial impact in dysarthria , International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 44, (5), 2009, p693 - 715 Journal Article, 2009

Healy A & Walshe M, Swallow Screening in Acute Hospital Care: Preparing the Groundwork , IASLT Biennial Conference, Galway Ireland , 22nd - 23rd October , 2009 Poster, 2009

Healy, A & Walshe M. , Water Swallow Tests: A Critical Appraisal , Focus on Feeding Conference , Dublin, 12th March , 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Walshe, M., Miller, N., Leahy, M. & Murray, A, Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech: Exploring the Perceptions of Dysarthric Speakers, Speech-Language Pathologists and Naïve Listeners, International Journal of Communication and Language Disorders, 43, (6), 2008, p633 - 648 Journal Article, 2008

Regan, J & Walshe, M, Thermal tactile stimulation- "Throwing the baby out with the bathwater", Physical Reviews, Rehabilitation and Research Society Meeting, University of Ulster, Belfast, NI, April 2007, 13, (2), 2008, pp127- Conference Paper, 2008

Regan, J & Walshe, M , Thermal Tactile Stimulation in people with ideopathic Parkinson's disease, IASLT Biennial Conference , Kilkenny, Ireland, March 7-9, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Walshe, M , Update on the management of dysphagia after stroke, Irish Heart Foundation Council on Stroke, Dublin, 26th May , 2006 Invited Talk, 2006

Walshe, M, The impact of acquired neurological dysarthria on the speaker's self-concept, Journal Of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 12/13, 2004, p9 - 33 Journal Article, 2004

Walshe, M, Ni Loinsigh, S., Do we need a hospital-based post to provide a domiciliary speech and language therapy service?, Journal Of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 7, (1), 1997, p72 - 89 Journal Article, 1997

McGuinness, A., Walshe, M., Dysphagia Management: A Team Approach, Health and Nutrition, 2, (2), 1996, p15 - 16 Journal Article, 1996

The management of dysphagia and dribbling in MND in, The Management of Motor Neurone Disease, London, The Ciba Foundation, 1991, [Walshe, M.] Book Chapter, 1991

Stroudley, J., Walshe, M., Radiological assessment of dysphagia in Parkinson's disease, British Journal of Radiology, 64, 1991, p890 - 893 Journal Article, 1991

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Dysphagia Diagnosis: Non Instrumental Assessment in, editor(s)Clave P & Ortega O , A Multidisciplinary Approach to Managing Swallowing Dysfunction in Older People, London UK, Elsevier, 2024, [Walshe M, Riera S, Regan J] Book Chapter, 2024

Diagnosis of Dysphagia in the Older Person in, editor(s)Clave P & Ortega O , A Multidisciplinary Approach to Managing Swallowing Dysfunction in Older People, London UK, Elsevier, 2024, [Walshe M, Schindler A, Martin A] Book Chapter, 2024

Gandolfi S, Andriani C, Walshe M, 'Swallowing Outcomes in Dysphagia in Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Protocol for a scoping review', 2024, 1 - 12 Protocol or guideline, 2024 TARA - Full Text

Hirschwald J, Groppa S, Walshe M, Skill training with biofeedback for people with parkinson's disease and dysphagia: Protocol for a feasibility study during covid 19. , Dysphagia , European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Virtual , October 2020, 37, (3), Springer , 2022, pp15- Published Abstract, 2022 DOI

Hirschwald J, Groppa S, Walshe M, Skill training with biofeedback for people with parkinson's diase and dysphagia: Protocol for a feasibility study during covid 19. , Dysphagia , European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Virtual , October 2020, 37, (3), Springer , 2022, pp15- Published Abstract, 2022

Hirschwald J, Hofacker J, Duncan, SA, Walshe M, , 'Swallowing Outcome Measures in Dysphagia Interventions in Parkinson's Disease: Protocol for a Scoping Review', TCD , 2021, - Protocol or guideline, 2021 TARA - Full Text

Radtke J, Tampoukari E, Harpur I, Walshe M , 'Protocol for Epidemiology Of Dysphagia In Adults With Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis', Submitted to PROSPERO, 2021, - Protocol or guideline, 2021 TARA - Full Text

Dooley S, Walshe M , Management of Cognitive Communication Difficulties in Dementia: A Cross Sectional Survey of Speech and Language Therapists , 2020, - Miscellaneous, 2020 Handle TARA - Full Text

Walshe M, Battel I, Intervention for Dysphagia post Covid-19: Overview with Single Case Study, 38th ESSD Live Stream Webinar , Virtual , 20th July , 2020, European Society for Swallowing Disorders Invited Talk, 2020

Walshe M, Regan J, Kenny C. , 8th Annual ESSD Congress, 25th - 29th Sept , In:Dysphagia: Shaping the Future, 2018, Aviva Stadium Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2018

Walshe, M & Regan, M, Managing dysphagia in dementia - can we do better?, Irish Medical Times, 2017 Review Article, 2017 URL

Dooley S, Walshe M , Assessing Functional Retained Communication Skills in Dementia: A Scoping review, SPHeRE Conference , RCSI, Dublin, 12th January , 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

Regan, J. & Walshe, M., Giving Voice to Dysphagia in the Irish Healthcare System, Irish Medical Times, 2017 Review Article, 2017 URL

Walshe M, Management of Dysphagia in Acute Stroke, European Stroke Organisation Congress, Prague, 15th - 18th May , 2017, ESOC Invited Talk, 2017

Walshe M, Dysphagia associated with upper oesophageal dysfunction: Signs, symptoms, and clinical management, XXIV Pacific Voice Conference , Warsaw, Poland, 5-8th October , 2016, Polish Otorynolaryngologiczny Review , 16- Invited Talk, 2016

Walshe M , Missing Evidence in Dysphagia Research , IALP 30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics , Dublin, Ireland , 21-25 August , 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Walshe M, Regan J, Conducting a Cochrane Systematic Review of Interventions, HSCP - HSE Annual Conference, Dublin , 16th November , 2016, HSE Invited Talk, 2016

Leahy, M., Walsh, I. & Walshe, M, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Clinical Guidelines, Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 15, (1), 2005, p61-68 Review, 2005

McGuire, A & Walshe, M. , Living with Cleft Lip and Palate: an exploration of a pre-adolescent's experience. , Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 15, (1), 2005, p1 - 13 Journal Article, 2005

Walshe, M, Review: Head Injury: A Practical Guide (Revised Edition) (T. Powell, 2004), Journal of Clinical Speech & Language Studies, 14, 2004, p132-134 Review, 2004

O'Neill, G. & Walshe, M. , The use of a new computer programme in the treatment of dysarthria: A single case study, IASLT Biennial Conference , Mullingar, November 26th - 27th, 2004 Poster, 2004

Walshe, M., Miller, N. & Leahy, M. , Exploing the Perception of Dysarthric Speech: Speech Language Pathologists, Speakers and Naive Listeners, American Speech and Hearing Association Conference, Philadelphia, USA, November 2004, 2004 Poster, 2004

Walshe, M , Review of Visual Analogue Self-Esteem Scale (Brumfitt & Sheeran, 1999), UPDATE (IASLT), (November ), 2004, p45-47 Review, 2004

Research Expertise


My clinical background underpins my research on communication and swallowing disorders (dysphagia). Speech and Language Therapy is relatively young profession. We lack reliable assessments and interventions in aspects of communication and swallowing with negative consequences for patient care. Building evidence for better patient outcomes and improving research design is a consistent theme in my research. Measuring change as a result of treatment is fundamental in research and clinical practice. I devised Dysarthria Impact Profile ((Walshe et al. 2009) to assess psychosocial impact of dysarthria (acquired speech disorder) on the speaker. This remains one of the few instruments available in this area worldwide and is translated into 8+ languages. Furthermore, to address an urgent need for communication assessment in dementia, I secured funding and led development Profiling Communication Ability in Dementia (P-CAD) (Dooley et al. 2022). Other examples of leadership include examining the accuracy of current diagnostic dysphagia tests (Bechet et al. 2016; Calvo et al. 2016; Walshe et al. 2017), contributed to international test validation (Huckabee et al. 2018), published a European Position Statement on swallowing assessment (Speyer et al. 2021) and translation of a test for clinical use in Italy (Battel et al. 2018). Amalgamating evidence on existing dysphagia management led to my involvement with the international Cochrane Collaboration. I secured funding to lead three Cochrane reviews with international teams and am an invited member of Cochrane Rehabilitation contributing to evidence updates during COVID-19 (REH-COVER project) (Negrini et al. 2021). Exploring new treatments, and improving trial design is important to me. Clinical trials use different outcomes, and measure these differently making it impossible to conclude if treatments are effective overall. I lead the TCD COS-DIP project to improve trial design in dysphagia in Parkinson's disease. I currently collaborate on two funded UK clinical trials in critical care and cancer.


  • Title
    • Profiling the Communication Abilities in People with Dementia
  • Summary
    • This project resulted in the development and validation of an assessment focused on profiling the communication abilities and disabilities of people with dementia
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Research Board
  • Date From
    • January 2016
  • Date To
    • December 2017
  • Title
    • Botulinum toxin to reduce drooling in people with Parkinson's disease
  • Summary
    • Fiona Hill, Senior SLT at Tallaght Hospital is the PI on this project. My role is that of supervisor.
  • Funding Agency
    • HRB
  • Date From
    • January 2015
  • Date To
    • January 2017
  • Title
    • Methods to improve physical health in people with schizophrenia: an overview of Cochrane and Non Cochrane Systematic Reviews
  • Summary
    • Jule Broderick, Assistant Professor, School of Physiotherapy is the PI on this project. My role is that of supervisor.
  • Funding Agency
    • HRB
  • Date From
    • January 2015
  • Date To
    • January 2017
  • Title
    • Examining the Concurrent Validity of the Oropress
  • Summary
    • PI with undergraduate JS student Orla Gilheaney
  • Funding Agency
    • HRB
  • Date From
    • June 2013
  • Date To
    • August 2013
  • Title
    • Diet modification for oropharyngeal dysphagia in adults with dementia
  • Summary
    • This project is in collaboration with Ms Eadaoin Flynn, Dr Cathal Walsh TCD and Dr Christina Smith UCL, London UK
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Research Board
  • Date From
    • December 2012
  • Date To
    • December 2014
  • Title
    • Systematic Review of Oromoror Interventions for Neonates
  • Summary
    • This project is in collaboration with Zelda Greene and Dr Colm O' Donnell.
  • Funding Agency
    • HRB
  • Date From
    • January 2011
  • Date To
    • January 2013
  • Title
    • Systematic Review of Interventions in Drooling for Children with Cerebral Palsy
  • Summary
    • Cochrane Fellowship.
  • Funding Agency
    • HRB
  • Date From
    • January 2009
  • Date To
    • January 2011
  • Title
    • Towards an Objective and Reliable Evaluation of the Upper Oesophageal Sphincter
  • Summary
    • This project is in collaboration with Julie Regan, PhD Student and Dr Barry McMahon,School of Medicine, TCD
  • Funding Agency
    • HRB
  • Date From
    • September 2009
  • Date To
    • September 2013
  • Title
    • Evaluation of the Health Services Executive Northern Area Speech and Language Therapy Waiting list Initiative
  • Summary
    • In January 2003, the Speech and Language Therapy Service in the HSE Northern Area introduced a new waiting list initiative in an attempt to deal with the crisis of long waiting lists for assessment and therapy. This project was commissioned to evaluate the impact of this initiative and to examine its effectiveness.
  • Funding Agency
    • HSE Northern Area
  • Date From
    • September 2004
  • Date To
    • March 2005
  • Title
    • The Role of Videofluoroscopy in Influencing Dysphagia Management
  • Summary
    • This retrospective study examined the factors that influenced decision making in people with dysphagia who had undergone videofluoroscopy at Charing Cross Hospital, London.
  • Funding Agency
    • North Thames Regional Authority, UK
  • Date From
    • October 1990
  • Date To
    • October 1991
  • Title
    • Investigating the Feasibility of Domiciliary Based Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Summary
    • This qualitative study examined the difficulties people with acquired neurological communication diorders experience in attending outpatient speech and language therapy clinics and examined the service delivery options for this client group within the Dublin area.
  • Funding Agency
    • The Monkstown Trust
  • Date From
    • September 1995
  • Date To
    • March 1996


Acquired Motor Speech Disorders; Communication Difficulties following Stroke; Dysphagia; Evidence based practice; Outcome measures; Swallowing Disorders



Board Member and Vice President of European Society of Swallowing Disorders 2012 -2019

Visiting Professor, Masters in Deglutology Programme, KU Leuven, Belgium Current

Member of the Multi-Professional Steering Group in the REH-COVER project for Cochrane Rehabilitation Field Current

Visiting Professor, Masters in Dysphagia programme, Universitate Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain

Clinical Trial Steering Group Member: SIP-SMART 2 Trial funded by the NIHR UK September 2021 - September 2025

Clinical Trial Steering Group on Early ICU Rehabilitation Trial funded by Belfast Trust Northern Ireland November 2022- November 2025

Invited Expert Reviewer for World Health Organisation Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation (PIR) for Communication and Swallowing in Stroke November 2021-May 2022

Associate Editor journal Folia Phoniatrica et Logopedia Current

Editorial Board member for journal Advances in Communication and Swallowing Current

Editorial Board of Interventions for Rehabilitation (specialty section of Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences). Current

External examiner University of Nottingham, UK May 2021

External Examiner M.Sc (Research) University of Malta April 2016

External Examiner PhD Thesis Griffith University, Australia April 2020

International expert advisor for the position of assistant/associate/professor at the University of Helsinki. January 2020

External Examiner PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Australia January 2020, July 2022

External examiner doctorate in speech and language therapy (DST), University College London, UK. July 2015

External Examiner PhD, University of Milan, Italy November 2019

External Examiner PhD Theses, University College London, UK Oct 2013, June 2014, Jan 2018, July 2018

External Examiner PhD Thesis, Technical University Sydney, Australia November 2022

External expert for review of funding proposals associated with COST. COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology Current

External Examiner for M.Sc thesis. Munster Technological University, Kerry, Ireland August 2022

Professional Representative on National Clinical Effectiveness Committee on Education and Training in Clinical Effectiveness November 2016 - March 2017

External Examiner PhD thesis, Newcastle University, UK. October 2003

SLT representative for European Stroke Organisation and European Society for Swallowing Disorders Guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of post-stroke dysphagia Jan 2019

Member of IASLT Dysphagia Competency Committee and advisor on clinical guidelines 2007

Member of Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Clinical Advisory Group in Dysarthria 1997

Reviewer for the following journals: Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Disability and Rehabilitation, Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, Parkinson's Disease, Annals of Oral Biology Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Dysphagia, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine Member of the Advisory Editorial Board for Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies

External Reviewer for Grant Applications: (1) NHS National Institute for Health Research (2) Parkinson's UK (3) Dunhill Medical Trust

Member of Steering Committee on Dying in a Disability Service in Ireland ( Joint Policy Development Initiative between St Francis Hospice Raheny and Cheshire Ireland. Project funded by Irish Hospice Foundation December 2013 - February 2014

IASLT Representative on HSE Health and Social Care Professional Research Group June 2014 - to Sept 2017

Speech and Language Therapy representative on HSE Committee Developing Online Learning ( Writing for Publication). 2014-2015

Awards and Honours

Elected to Fellowship of Trinity College Dublin April 2022

Provosts PhD Award September 2021

Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Mentorship Award September 2021

Health Research Board Cochrane Fellow January 2009

Trinity College Dublin Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund September 2012 & January 2021


Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists 2009 – Current date

CORU Registered Speech and Language Therapist 2015 – Current date

International Affiliate American Speech and Hearing Association 2004 – Current date

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists 1983 – Current date

Dysphagia Research Society 2007 – Current date

European Society for Swallowing Disorders 2011 – Current date