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Dr. Julie Regan
Associate Professor, Clin Speech & Language Studies


Julie Regan is Associate Professor in Speech and Language Pathology in the Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies. She holds a BSc., MSc. and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin. She was awarded a Healthcare Professional Grant from the Health Research Board to complete her PhD in the School of Medicine.

Her research interests include instrumental evaluation of swallowing and evidence-based dysphagia rehabilitation in cancer and neurological populations. She has over ninety peer-reviewed publications, including five book chapters. She is a board member and Secretary General of the European Society of Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) and she is a member of the Dysphagia Research Society (DRS) International Interprofessional committee. She is Co-Editor of the IASLT-affiliated journal, Advances in Communication and Swallowing.

Her teaching is in the areas of acquired dysarthria, adult neurology and dysphagia across the lifespan. She received a Trinity Teaching Excellence Award in 2020. She was recently appointed a visiting Professor in the Faculty of Medicine in KU Leuven University where she lectures on the MSc in Deglutology.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Flynn, É, Regan, J, O'Dowd, S & Walshe, M., Dysphagia in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Sphere Network 11th Annual Conference, RCSI, Dublin, 04/03/2025, 2025 Oral Presentation, 2025

A. Gillman , M. Hayes, I. Walsh , M. Walshe , J.V. Reynolds & J. Regan, Long-term impact of aerodigestive symptoms on adults with oesophageal cancer: A qualitative study, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Gillman, A., Kenny, C., Hayes, M., Walshe, M., Reynolds, J.V., Regan, J., Nature, severity, and impact of chronic oropharyngeal dysphagia following curative resection for esophageal cancer: a cross-sectional study, Diseases of the Esophagus, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI URL

Miles, A. & Regan, J., Introducing the Framework for RigOr aNd Transparency In REseaRch on Swallowing (FRONTIERS): An Editorial, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Kenny, C., Regan, J., Balding, L., Higgins, S., O"Leary, N., Kelleher, F., McDermott, R., Armstrong, J., Mihai, A., Tiernan, E., Westrup, J., Thirion, P., Walsh, D., Oxaliplatin-related dysphagia: Mixed-methods study, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Hirschwald J, Duncan SA, Warnecke T, Boyle G, Regan J, Walshe M, Development of a Core Outcome Set for Dysphagia Interventions in Parkinson's disease (COS-DIP), BMJ Open, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Constantino Estupiñán Artiles, Claire Donnellan, Julie Regan, Mary Mooney, Dysphagia Screening in Residential Long"Term Care Settings in the Republic of Ireland: A Cross"Sectional Survey, Dysphagia, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Flynn E, Regan J, Radtke J, O'Dowd S, Walshe M., Dysphagia in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Scoping Review, Clinical Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Coyne, M, Anish, A, Flynn, E, Regan, J., The effect of bolus delivery method and verbal cueing on swallowing physiology in healthy adults: A pharyngeal high-resolution impedance manometry study, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Annual Meeting, 2023 Published Abstract, 2023 DOI

C. Estupiñán Artiles, C. Donnellan, , J. Regan , M. Mooney 1, REFERRAL PATTERNS AND ACCESS TO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY DYSPHAGIA SERVICES IN RESIDENTIAL LONG-TERM CARE SETTINGS IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A CROSS-SECTIONAL SURVEY, European Society for Swallowing Disorders, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Toulouse, November 28-December, ESSD, 2023, Conference Paper, 2023

Kelly, E., Hirschwald, J., Clemens, J. & Regan, J., Persistent Features of Laryngeal Injury Following Endotracheal Intubation: A Systematic Review, Dysphagia, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Coyne, M, Anish, A, Flynn, E, Regan, J., The effect of bolus delivery method and verbal cueing on swallowing physiology in healthy adults: A pharyngeal high-resolution impedance manometry study, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Annual Conference, 2022, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI

Casseli, A. & Regan, J., The Psychological Impact of Covid-19 on Speech and Language Therapists Working with Dysphagia: An Italian Perspective, Dysphagia, 11th European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, online, September 2021, 2022 Published Abstract, 2022 URL

Gillman A, Hayes M; Sheaf G, Walshe M, Reynolds JV, Regan J, Exercise-Based Dysphagia Rehabilitation for Adults with Oesophageal Cancer: a Systematic Review, BMC Cancer, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Gillman A, Hayes M; Sheaf G, Walshe M, Reynolds JV, Regan J, Exercise-Based Dysphagia Rehabilitation for Adults with Oesophageal Cancer: a Systematic Review, Dysphagia, 10th ESSD Congress, 2020, 2022 Published Abstract, 2022 DOI

Diver, E., Regan, J., Use of Pharyngeal High-Resolution Manometry to Evaluate Dysphagia in Adults with Motor Neurone Disease: A Scoping Review, Dysphagia, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Michelle Hayes; Anna Gillman; Brona Wright; Sean Dorgan; Ian Brennan; Margaret Walshe; Claire Donohoe; John V Reynolds; Julie Regan, Prevalence, nature and trajectory of dysphagia postoesophageal cancer surgery: a prospective longitudinal study protocol, BMJ Open, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

C. Estupiñán Artiles, J. Regan & C. Donnellan, Dysphagia Nursing Competencies in Residential Long-Term Care Settings in the Republic of Ireland: A Study Proposal. , International Journal of Nursing Studies , 13(Suppl 1):S1"S25, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 URL

Moloney, J., Regan, J. & Walshe, M, Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Dysphagia Research Following Stroke: A Scoping Review and Qualitative Analysis., Dysphagia , Early Online , 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Flynn, É., Hill, F. & Regan, J., Immediate Impact of Submental Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Swallowing Biomechanics: A Pharyngeal High Resolution Impedance Manometry Study, Dysphagia Research Society Annual Conference (online), Online, 17/03/2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Brady, R., McSharry, L., Lawson, S., & Regan, J., The impact of dysphagia prehabilitation on swallowing outcomes post‐chemoradiation therapy in head and neck cancer: A systematic review., European Journal of Cancer Care, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 URL DOI

Ciarán Kenny, Julie Regan, Lucy Balding, Stephen Higgins, Norma O'Leary, Fergal Kelleher, Ray McDermott, John Armstrong, Alina Mihai, Eoin Tiernan, Jennifer Westrup, Pierre Thirion, Declan Walsh, DYSPHAGIA IN SOLID TUMORS OUTSIDE THE HEAD, NECK OR UPPER GI TRACT: CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Hayes, M, Gillman, A, Walshe, M, Reynolds, J & Regan, J. , Prevalence, nature and trajectory of dysphagia post esophageal cancer surgery, 12th International Cancer Conference, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute , 13-14th October 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Estupinan Artiles C, Regan J, Donnellan C,, Physiological Mechanisms and Associated Pathophysiology of Dysphagia in Older Adults, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Anish, A., Coyne, M, Flynn, E, Regan, J., Investigating the Effect of Saline on Normal Swallow Biomechanics in Healthy Adults: An Experimental Study Using High-Resolution Pharyngeal Manometry, Dysphagia, 11th European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, online, September 2021, 2022 Published Abstract, 2022 URL

Flynn E, Regan J, Radtke J, O' Dowd S, Walshe M, Dysphagia in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A scoping review protocol, Advances in Communication and Swallowing , Earl online, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Regan, J., Gillman, A., Sheaf, G., McGrath, N., Public and patient involvement (PPI) in behavioural interventions for oro- pharyngeal dysphagia randomised control trials: a systematic review, PROSPERO - International prospective register of systematic reviews, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

McSharry, L, Brady, R, Lawson, S, Regan, J., The quality of clinical practice guidelines for fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing: A systematic review, Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 URL

Estupinan Artiles C, Regan J, Donnellan C, Establishing content validity of a survey determining dysphagia prevalence and practices in residential long-term care settings, Age and Ageing , Irish Gerontological Society Annual and Scientific Meeting New Frontiers in Gerontology , 2022 Poster, 2022

Gillman A, Hayes M; Sheaf G, Walshe M, Reynolds JV, Regan J, Exercise-Based Dysphagia Rehabilitation for Adults with Oesophageal Cancer: a Systematic Review, BMC Cancer, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Heslin, N. & Regan, J., Effect of effortful swallow on pharyngeal pressures during swallowing in adults with dysphagia: A pharyngeal high-resolution manometry study, International Journal of Speech and Language Pathology, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

Advances in Communication & Swallowing , 24 , 2, (2021), 73 - 155p, Walsh Irene , [eds.] Journal, 2021 URL

Rouse, Rachel & Regan, Julie, Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Speech and Language Therapists working with Adult Dysphagia: A National Survey, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL DOI

Barry, E. & Regan, J., An examination into the effect of genetic taste status and intensity of carbonation on swallowing and palatability in healthy young adults, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Regan J, Walshe M, Lavan S,Horan E et al., Post-Extubation Dysphagia and Dysphonia amongst Adults with COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland: a Prospective Multi-Site Observational Cohort Study, Clinical Otolaryngology, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL DOI

Advances in Communication and Swallowing, Netherlands, IOS Press, [Co-Editor in Chief], 2021-2022 Editorial Board, 2021 URL

Advances in Communication & Swallowing , 24 , 1, (2021), 1 - 72p, Walsh Irene , [eds.] Journal, 2021 URL

Julie Regan, Emerging Role of Pharyngeal High Resolution Manometry in Dysphagia Evaluation, ENTUK BACO International 2020, Trinity College Dublin, January 10th , 2021, BACO Invited Talk, 2021

Regan J, Walshe M, Lavan S, Horan E.... Whyte A, Dysphagia, Dysphonia and Dysarthria Outcomes amongst Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19 across Ireland, The Laryngoscope, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI URL

Coyne, M. & Regan, J., Measuring the social impact of contemporary dysphagia research: an altmetric analysis, Speech, Language and Hearing, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Burke, K, Healy, C. & Regan, J, Intra-Oral Cancer Awareness amongst Speech and Language Therapists, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Vienna, Austria, 17-18th September , Springer, 2020 Published Abstract, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists, 'COVID-19 Guidelines', 2020, - Protocol or guideline, 2020 URL

Julie Regan, Impact of Sensory Stimulation on Pharyngo-esophageal Swallowing Biomechanics in Adults with Dysphagia: A High-Resolution Manometry Study, Dysphagia, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Quigley, D. & Regan, J., Clinical Examination in Speech and Language Therapy Education: Student Perspectives, Folia Phoniatrica and Logopaedica, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Baijens, L, Walshe, M, Aaltonen, , L, Arens, C, Cordier, R, Crass, P, Cravier-Buchman, L, Curtis, C, Golusinski, W, Govender, R, Eriksen, J, Hansen, K, Heathcote, K, Hess, M, Hosal, S, Klussman, J, Leemans, C, MacCarthy, D, Manduchi, B, Marie, J, Nouraei, R, Parkes, C, Pflug, C, Pilz, W, Regan, J, Rommel, N, Schindler, A, Schols, A, Speyer, R, Succo, G, Wessel, I, Yilmaz, T, Clave, P., , EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR SWALLOWING DISORDERS - CONFEDERATION OF EUROPEAN OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY HEAD AND NECK SURGERY WHITE PAPER: OROPHARYNGEAL DYSPHAGIA IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Estupinan Artiles C, Regan J, Donnellan C, Dysphagia screening for post stroke patients living in residential care settings: a scoping review, International Journal of Stroke, European Stroke Organisation/World Stroke Organisation Conference 2020, Online , 7th-9th November , 15, (1 (Suppl)), 2020, pp353- Conference Paper, 2020 DOI

Seaver, E., Regan, J., Dysphagia Services in Irish Nursing Homes: a National Survey, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Vienna, Austria, 17-18th September , 35, Springer, 2020, pp133 - 205 Published Abstract, 2020 DOI

Regan J, Wiesinger T, Keane J, Walshe, M., Oesophageal Screening during Videofluoroscopy: International Practices and Perspectives of Speech-Language Pathologists, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22, (5), 2020, p591 - 600 Journal Article, 2020 Other DOI

Gillman, A., Walshe, M., Hayes, M., Reynolds, J., Regan, J., 'Exercise-based dysphagia rehabilitation for adults with oesophageal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis', PROSPERO International Register of Systematic Reviews, 2020, - Protocol or guideline, 2020 Other

Estupinan Artiles, C., Regan, J. & Donnellan, C., Dysphagia Screening in Residential Care Settings: A Scoping Review, International Journal of Nursing Studies , 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Julie Regan, Impact of sensory stimulation on pharyngeal swallowing biomechanics in adults with dysphagia: a high resolution manometry study, Dysphagia, Dysphagia Research Society, San Diego, USA, March 2019, Springer, 2019 Published Abstract, 2019 DOI

Kenny, C., Regan, J., Balding, L., Higgins, S., O'Leary, N., Kelleher, F., McDermott, R., Armstrong, J., Mihai, A., Tiernan, E. and Westrup, J., Dysphagia prevalence and predictors in cancers outside the head, neck, and upper gastrointestinal tract. , Journal of pain and symptom management., 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Mavrea, S. & Regan, J., The Diagnostic Accuracy of the Pitch Glide to Identify Aspiration in Patients with Respiratory Diseases: A Pilot Study, Folia Phoniatrica and Logopaedica, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text DOI

Mavrea, S., Regan, J., Perceptual and acoustic evaluation of pitch elevation to predict aspiration status in adults with dysphagia, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, September 2017, 2018 Published Abstract, 2018 DOI

Higgins, E., Regan, J., Impact of carbonation on swallow safety and efficiency in adults with neurogenic dysphagia: A FEES study, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, September 2017, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018 DOI

Kenny C., Regan J., Walsh D., Dysphagia in cancer patients: Common, dangerous, and under-diagnosed , 26 , (S2 ), 2018, ppS170 - Published Abstract, 2018

O'Hara, Daly, B., B. Walsh, I, Regan, J, "Decision-making means to me I can decide what I eat" : Exploring Experiences of Decision-Making in Adults with Cerebral Palsy and Dysphagia, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, September 2017, 2018 Published Abstract, 2018 DOI

Chronic dysphagia post traumatic brain injury in, editor(s)Walshe, M. & Huckabee, M. L. , Clinical Cases in Dysphagia, London, Routledge, 2018, pp26 - 40, [Regan, Julie] Book Chapter, 2018 Other

Kenny, C., Gilheaney, O, Walsh, D, Regan, J., Oropharyngeal Dysphagia Evaluation Tools in Adults with Solid Malignancies Outside the Head and Neck and Upper GI Tract: A Systematic Review, Dysphagia, 33, (3), 2018, p303 - 320 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Kenny, C., Regan, J. Walsh, D., CANCER CACHEXIA AND DYSPHAGIA: A NUTRITIONAL AND THERAPEUTIC DILEMMA?, Clinical Nutrition, ESPEN 2018, Madrid, Spain, 1-4 September 2018, 37, 2018, pp77 - 78 Published Abstract, 2018 DOI

Ciaran Kenny, Julie Regan, Declan Walsh, Dysphagia in cancers outside the head, neck, and upper GI tract, Translating Health and Social Care Professions' Research into Policy and Practice, Dublin, 2018, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Regan, J. Lawson, S. De Aguiar, V., EAT-10 dysphagia rating scale predicts aspiration in adults with respiratory disease, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders., Milan, October 2016, Springer, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017 DOI

Zarkada, A., Regan, J., Inter-Rater Reliability of the Dysphagia Outcome Severity Scale., Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Milan, October 2016, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

J. Regan, L. Brogan, L. Kiefer, B. McArdle, A. Prickladnicki, N. Sivan, A. Zarkada, OESOPHAGEAL SCREENING DURING VIDEOFLUOROSCOPY: A PROSPECTIVE CLINICAL AUDIT OF CURRENT SLT PRACTICE, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Milan, October 2016, Springer, 2017 Published Abstract, 2017 DOI

R. Byrne, Nina Sivan, F. Duignan, D. Berry , J. Regan, DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENT DEVICE TO EVALUATE HYOLARYNGEAL EXCURSION DURING SWALLOWING AT THE BEDSIDE, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Milan, October 2016, Springer, 2017 Published Abstract, 2017 DOI

Regan, J, Lawson, S, De Aguair, The Eating Assessment Tool-10 Predicts Aspiration in Adults with Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Dysphagia, 32, (5), 2017, p714 - 720 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

C. Kenny, J. Regan, D. Walsh, PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF SCREENING AND EVALUATION TOOLS FOR ORO-PHARYNGEAL DYSPHAGIA IN ADULTS WITH CANCER OUTSIDE OF THE UPPER GI TRACT: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Milan, October 2016, Springer, 2017 Published Abstract, 2017 DOI

Zarkada, A., Regan, J., Inter-rater Reliability of the Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale (DOSS): Effects of Clinical Experience, Audio-Recording and Training, Dysphagia, 2017 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI

Teresa Wiesinger , M.B. McArdle , O. Ekberg , J. Regan, OESOPHAGEAL SCREENING DURING VIDEOFLUOROSCOPY: CURRENT SLT PRACTICES, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Milan, October 2016, 2017 Published Abstract, 2017 DOI

Walshe M, Ryan M, Regan J, Screening for Dysphagia: Perspectives and practices of speech and language therapists in the Republic of Ireland. , Folia Phoniatrica , 69, (5-6), 2017, p226 - 238 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

E Holmes, C Kenny, M Samuel, J Regan, J O'Rourke, C McCoubrey, The role of Speech and Language Therapy in Assessing and Managing Pharyngo-esophageal Diverticula, Irish Medical Journal, accpeted 2015, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Lawson, S. & Regan, J., Ability of the EAT-10 to predict aspiration during FEES in an adult dysphagia of mixed aetiology, 30th World Congress of the International Association for Logopedics & Phoniatrics, City West Dublin, August 2016, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Kenny, C., Gilheany, O., Walsh, D., Regan, J. , 'Oropharyngeal Dysphagia Evaluation Tools in Adults with Solid Malignancies Outside the Head and Neck and Upper GI Tract: A Systematic Review', PROSPERO International Register of Systematic Reviews, 2016, - Protocol or guideline, 2016 URL

Walshe M, Regan J, Looking for Evidence: Rehabilitation Management based on FEES and VFS, 6th ESSD Congress, Milan, Italy, 12th October, 2016, European Society for Swallowing Disorders Invited Talk, 2016

J Regan, S Lawson, B Hall, G Holleran, M Murphy, B McMahon, D McNamara, Transnasal gastroscopy: a faster procedure and better tolerated than standard endoscopy in a feasibility, safety and acceptability comparative study, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Society of Gastroenterology Summer Meeting, June 2014, 184, (s90), GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND: SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2015, 2015, pps90 - s91 Published Abstract, 2015

Lottrup, Christian, Hans Gregersen, Donghua Liao, Lotte Fynne, Jens Brøndum Frøkjær, Klaus Krogh, Julie Regan, Peter Kunwald, and Barry P. McMahon, Functional lumen imaging of the gastrointestinal tract, Journal of Gastroenterology,, 50, 2015, p1005 - 1016 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Regan J, Walshe M, Timon C, McMahon B, Endoflip: Evaluation of pharyngo-oesophageal segment tone and swallowing in a clinical population: A total laryngectomy series. , Clinical Otolaryngology, 40, (2), 2015, p121 - 129 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

S. Lawson, J. Keane, J. Regan, Is Our New Fees Service in an Acute Hospital Setting Changing, Dysphagia, 4th European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Belgium, 23-25 October 2014, 30, Springer, 2015, pp213 - 271 Published Abstract, 2015 DOI

J. Keane, S. Lawson & J. Regan, There is a Significant Association Between Airway Protection, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Belgium, 23rd-25tOctober 2014, 30, Springer, 2015, pp213 - 271 Published Abstract, 2015 DOI

Regan, J. , Role of the Functional Lumen Imaging Profile in Dysphagia evaluation, 13th OESO Conference, Monte Carlo, September , 2015 Invited Talk, 2015

J Regan, M Murphy, D McNamara , Can dysphagia referrals to acute gastroenterology service be diverted to a dysphagia evaluation clinic? , IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, Irish Gastroenterology Society Summer Meeting , Kilashee House Hotel, Kildare, June 12-13th 2014, 184, (236), GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND: SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2015., 2015, pp84 - 84 Published Abstract, 2015

Lawson, S, Hall, B, Holleran, G, Murphy, M, Regan, J, McMahon, B, McNamara, D, TRANSNASAL GASTROSCOPY: WILL IT WORK?, Dysphagia, Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, 5-8th March 2014, (29), 2014, pp766- Published Abstract, 2014 DOI

Regan J, Murphy A, Chiang M, McMahon BP, Coughlan T, Walshe M., Botulinum toxin for upper oesophageal sphincter dysfunction in neurological swallowing disorders. , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , ( Issue 5. ), 2014 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Regan, J. , New Measures of Upper Oesophageal Sphincter Distensibility, European Society of Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) Congress, Brussels, October , 2014 Invited Talk, 2014

Miller L, Clavé P, Farré R, Lecea B, Ruggieri MR, Ouyang A, Regan J, McMahon BP, Physiology of the upper segment, body, and lower segment of the esophagus., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1300, 2013, p261-77 Journal Article, 2013

Regan, J., The Dysphagia Team- The European Experience, 3rd European Society for Swallowing Disorders Congress, Malmo, Sweden, October, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, & McMahon B, Non radiological measurement of extent and duration of UES opening during swallowing , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27th October 2012, 28, 2013, pp292 Conference Paper, 2013 DOI

Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, Tack J, McMahon BP, New measures of upper esophageal sphincter distensibility and opening patterns during swallowing in healthy subjects using EndoFLIP®., Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society, 25, (1), 2013, pe25-34 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text DOI

Regan J, Walshe M, Rommel N, McMahon BP, A new evaluation of the upper esophageal sphincter using the functional lumen imaging probe: a preliminary report., Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus / I.S.D.E, 26, (2), 2013, p117-23 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text

B Hall, G Holleran, S Lawson, J Regan, M Murphy, B McMahon, D McNamara, Who nose? Transnasal gastroscopy might be best- a pilot, Gut, 01/2013, 62, 2013, ppA32 - A33 Published Abstract, 2013

Neuromuscular Conditions in, editor(s)RD Newman & J Nightingale , Videofluoroscopy - A Multidisciplinary Approach, San Diego, Plural Publishing , 2012, [Regan, J & Walshe M] Book Chapter, 2012

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon BP, Current evaluation of upper oesophageal sphincter opening in dysphagia practice: an international SLT survey., International journal of language & communication disorders / Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists, 47, (2), 2012, p156-65 Journal Article, 2012

Regan J, Walshe M, Murphy A, McMahon B, Coughlan T, Botulinum toxin for UES dysfunction, UK Swallow Research Group, London , 16-17th February, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, challenges in evaluating the upper esophageal sphincter in dysphagia practice, Dysphagia , Dysphagia Research Society , Austin Texas USA, March 2011, 26, 2012, pp454- Conference Paper, 2012

Regan J, Walshe M, Murphy A, McMahon B, Coughlan T. , Botulinum toxin for upper oesophageal sphincter dysfunction in neurological swallowing disorders, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7), 2012 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text DOI

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, Use of Functional Lumen Imaging Probe to Measure Extent and Duration of UES Opening , Dysphagia Research Society , San Antonio, Texas USA, March 2011, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Regan, J., Dysphagia Rehabilitation: Postures and Manoeuvres, FRANC dysphagia conference, Bad Homburg, Germany, February, 2011 Invited Talk, 2011

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, Instrumental evaluation of the upper oesophageal sphincter in dysphagia practice: Satisfaction amongst Irish SLTs. , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference , Dublin, November 24th & 25th, 2011 Poster, 2011

Texture Modified Diets in, Ickenstein, G. W., & Clavé, P. , Diagnosis and treatment of neurogenic dysphagia., Germany, UNI-MED-Verlag., 2011, [Julie Regan] Book Chapter, 2011

Regan, J, McMahon, B, Distensibility Testing Using the Functional Lumen Imaging Probe to Measure Duration and Extent of UES Opening-Preliminary Data, Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 10th World Congress of OESO, Boston, August 28-31st 2010, 45, (2), 2011, pp190 - 190 Published Abstract, 2011

Regan, J., Prevention of Dysphagia: Linking Research to Practice, 1st Congress of the European Society of Swallowing Disorders , Leiden, The Netherlands, 8th September, 2011, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Invited Talk, 2011

Regan J, Walshe M & McMahon B, Working Towards an Objective and Reliable Evaluation of the Upper Esophageal Sphincter, UK Swallowing Research Group, London UK, 4th - 5th February, 2010 Poster, 2010

Regan, J, McMahon, B, T1907 a novel distensibility technique for measuring upper esophageal function-pilot data, Gastroenterology, Digestive Diseases Week (DDW) 2009, Chicago, Illinois, May 30th-June 4th , 138, (5), 2010, ppS604- Published Abstract, 2010

Regan, J. , Oral Nutrition in Dysphagia- A True Alternative, European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN), Nice, France, September, 2010 Invited Talk, 2010

Schizophrenia in, editor(s)H. Jones J.Rosenbeck , Dysphagia in Rare Conditions: An Encyclopaedia., San Diego, Plural Publishing Inc., 2009, pp523 - 525, [Regan, J., Sowman, R., & Walsh, I.P. ] Book Chapter, 2009

Regan, Julie, Walshe, Margaret, Tobin, Oliver, Immediate effects of thermal-tactile stimulation on swallowing in Idiopathic Parkinsons Disease, Dysphagia, 25, (3), 2009, p207 - 215 Journal Article, 2009

Regan, J, The effectiveness of Ireland's first videofluoroscopy analysis course, Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists Annual Conference, London, March 2009, 2009 Oral Presentation, 2009

Regan J, Symptoms of dysphagia across neurological conditions during videofluoroscopy, European Journal of Neurology, European Neurological Society Conference, Venice, June 2008, 16, 2009, pp42 - 42 Conference Paper, 2009

Regan J, Walshe M, McMahon B, Evaluation of Upper Oesophageal Sphincter Opening: Room for Improvement , IASLT Biennial Conference , Galway , 22nd - 23rd October , 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Biploar Affective Disorder in, H. Jones J. Rosenbeck , Dysphagia in Rare Conditions: An Encyclopaedia., San Diego, Plural Publishing Inc., 2009, pp47 - 57, [Sowman, R., Regan, J. & Walsh, I.P. ] Book Chapter, 2009

Regan, J & Keane, J, SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF SWALLOWING IN IPD-IS TIME OF THE ESSENCE?, Dysphagia, Dysphagia Reserch Society, New Orleans, March 2008, 24, (4), 2008, pp463 - `463 Published Abstract, 2008

Regan, J., De Roiste, M., Greene, J., Murray, D., Donnolly, S., Hill, F., McCabe, D. & Murphy, R. , A Multidisciplinary Education and Support Group for Individuals with MND and their Carers, Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation Therapy and Research Society 3rd Annual Conference, Jordanstown, April 2007, 13, (2), 2008, pp119 - 142 Published Abstract, 2008 DOI

Regan, J & Walshe, M, Thermal tactile stimulation- "Throwing the baby out with the bathwater", Physical Reviews, Rehabilitation and Research Society Meeting, University of Ulster, Belfast, NI, April 2007, 13, (2), 2008, pp127- Conference Paper, 2008

Walsh, I.P., Regan, J., Sowman, R., Parsons, B. & Mc Kay, A.P., A needs analysis for the provision of a speech and language therapy service to adults with mental health disorders", Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , 24, (3), 2007, p89 - 93 Journal Article, 2007 URL

Regan, J & Walshe, M , Thermal Tactile Stimulation in people with ideopathic Parkinson's disease, IASLT Biennial Conference , Kilkenny, Ireland, March 7-9, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

De Roiste, M., Regan, J., Greene, J., Murray, D., Donnolly, S., Hill, F., McCabe, D. & Murphy, R. (2007). , A Multidisciplinary Education & Support Group For People with MND and their Carers. , Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) Conference, May 2007, 2007 Poster, 2007

J. Regan, I. Walsh, R. Sowman, B. Parsons, A.P. Mc Kay , 'Prevalence of dysphagia in acute and community mental health settings" , Dysphagia, 21, (2), 2006, p95 - 101 Journal Article, 2006 URL

J. Regan, R. Sowman and I. Walsh, Dysphagia in mental illness, Bulletin , Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists , July 2004, 2004 Report, 2004

T. Fennell, M. O'Grady, M. Hennigan, P. Munnelly, P. Neary, L. Parkes, J. Regan, H. Daly, E. Murtagh, S. J. Lane, Pilot oxygen prescription audit, Irish Thoracic Society Conference, Citywest, November 2002, 2002 Poster, 2002

T. Fennell, M. O'Grady, M. Hennigan, P. Munnelly, P. Neary, L. Parkes, J. Regan, H. Daly, E. Murtagh, S. J. Lane, Domiciliary Peak flow meter usage amongst asthmatic patients, Irish Thoracic Society Conference, Citywest, November 2002, 2002 Poster, 2002

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Dysphagia Diagnosis: Non Instrumental Assessment in, editor(s)Clave P & Ortega O , A Multidisciplinary Approach to Managing Swallowing Dysfunction in Older People, London UK, Elsevier, 2024, [Walshe M, Riera S, Regan J] Book Chapter, 2024

Diagnosis of Dysphagia in the Older Person in, editor(s)Clave P & Ortega O , A Multidisciplinary Approach to Managing Swallowing Dysfunction in Older People, London UK, Elsevier, 2024, [Walshe M, Schindler A, Martin A] Book Chapter, 2024

Regan, J., Nature and assessment of oropharyngeal dysphagia in oesophageal cancer, European Society of Diseases of the Esophagus (ESDE), Leuven, Belgium, 9-10th February 2023, 2023 Invited Talk, 2023

Coyne, M, Anish, A, Flynn, E, Regan, J., The Effect of Bolus Delivery Method and Verbal Cueing on Swallowing Physiology in Healthy Adults: A Pharyngeal High-Resolution Impedance Manometry Study, International Journal of Nursing Studies , 2022 Journal Article, 2022

Regan, J, Walshe, M, Lavan, S, Horan, E, Langan, C, Healy, A, Gillivan Murphy, P, Flynn Murphy, B, Curley, J, Cremin, M, Persistent Dysphagia and Dysphonia Among Adults with Covid-19 at Time of Hospital Discharge: A Multisite Prospective Cohort Study, Dysphagia, 11th European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, online, March 2021, Springer, 2022 Published Abstract, 2022 URL

Regan, Julie, COVID-19 and Dysphagia, 3rd Portugues Congress on Dysphagia, Lisbon, 21st May , 2022, Portuguese Dysphagia Society Invited Talk, 2022

Flynn, E., Hill. F. & Regan, J., Immediate Impact of Submental Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Swallowing Biomechanics: A Pharyngeal High Resolution Impedance Manometry Study, Dysphagia, Dysphagia Research Society 30th Annual Meeting, online, March 2022, 2022 Published Abstract, 2022

Regan, J. & Walsh, I. , A new journal for a new research landscape, Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 24, (1), 2021, p1 - 1 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Regan, J., Pharyngeal high resolution manometry to promote adherence in dysphagia intervention: a case study​ , European Society of Swallowing Disorders, Vienna, Austria, 17-18th September , 2019 Invited Talk, 2019 TARA - Full Text

Regan, J., Advanced Dysphagia Conference, October 20-21st 2019, In:Advanced Dysphagia Conference, 2019, Trinity College Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2019

Ciaran Kenny, Julie Regan, Declan Walsh, Dysphagia in Cancers outside the Head, Neck, and Upper GI Tract, BACO, Manchester, UK, June 2018, 2018, British Association for Clinical Otolaryngology Invited Talk, 2018

Walshe M, Regan J, Kenny C. , 8th Annual ESSD Congress, 25th - 29th Sept , In:Dysphagia: Shaping the Future, 2018, Aviva Stadium Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2018

Regan, J., The Upper Oesophageal Sphincter and Dysphagia: Role of the Speech and Language Therapist, High Resolution Manometry Masterclass: UOS and Dysphagia- How Useful is High Resolution Manometry, St. James' Hospital, Dublin, 26th March , 2018, Irish Institute of Clinical Measurement Science Invited Talk, 2018

Walshe, M & Regan, M, Managing dysphagia in dementia - can we do better?, Irish Medical Times, 2017 Review Article, 2017 URL

Regan, J. & Walshe, M., Giving Voice to Dysphagia in the Irish Healthcare System, Irish Medical Times, 2017 Review Article, 2017 URL

Walshe M, Regan J, Conducting a Cochrane Systematic Review of Interventions, HSCP - HSE Annual Conference, Dublin , 16th November , 2016, HSE Invited Talk, 2016

Regan, J. & Walshe, M, Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Swallowing and Voice: Exploring the Aerodigestive Tract, 10th & 11th Nov 2016, 2016, Trinity College Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2016

Regan, J, Consistent Consistencies in Dysphagia, British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN), Harrogate, UK, November, 2008 Invited Talk, 2008

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Adaption of the Functional Lumen Imaging Probe for non-radiological evaluation of the upper oesophageal sphincter
  • Summary
    • This PhD research focused on the clinical adaption of the Functional Lumen Imaging Probe to evaluate the upper oesophageal sphincter (UES) during swallowing. In intially, the safety and feasibility of probe positioning and dilation was investigated in healthy and clinical populations during videofluoroscopy. Secondly, UES compliance was piloted in healthy adults during ramp distensions using the EndoFLIP. This data collection took place with collaborators Prof. Nathalie Rommel and Prof. Jan Tack in KU University Hospital, Leuven, Belgium. This initial study informed the acquisition of normative data on UES distensibility and estimated UES diameter and intra-balloon pressure changes during swallowing events in a healthy adult cohort. Finally, distensibility of the pharyngo-oesophageal segment was evaluated in adults with laryngectomy in St. James' Hospital Dublin and differences between clinical and healthy profiles were calculated. Findings from these studies suggested that the functional lumen imaging probe has the potential to provide new insights into UES dynamics which could be of great value to clinical dysphagia practice.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Research Board
  • Date From
    • 2009
  • Date To
    • 2012
  • Title
    • Impact of a novel swallow prehabilitation programme on clinical and quality of life outcomes in adults with oesophageal cancer
  • Summary
    • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) is the most common presenting symptom of oesophageal cancer. It is multifactorial, initially caused by a narrowing of the gullet (oesophagus), preventing food and drinks from passing into the stomach. Following treatment with surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, or various combinations of these modalities, swallowing problems often persist. Surgery for instance can lead to significant anatomical and physiological alterations (e.g., removal of part of the oesophagus) which impact on swallowing. Additionally, the recurrent laryngeal nerve can be damaged during oesophagectomy surgery which can further exacerbate swallowing. Consequently, dysphagia is a prominent issue for survivors of oesophageal cancer (Kaneoka et al, 2018). While compensatory treatments have been developed to relieve the symptoms of dysphagia in people with oesophageal cancer (e.g., stents, dilatation, laser therapy, photodynamic therapy, alcohol injection), no evidence-based rehabilitation programmes are in place within clinical practice to prevent, minimise or reverse the presence of a swallowing difficulty. This is a major service gap with dreadful ramifications both on the person and the healthcare service. There is clearly an unmet need for an evidence based treatment to optimise swallowing in this population. This PPA funded project is in collaboration with Prof. John Reynolds, Professor of Surgery and Consultant Surgeon in the National Oesophageal Cancer Centre in St. James' Hospital, Dublin. The aim of this pioneering research is to establish if a novel swallow prehabilitation programme can improve clinical and QOL measures in adults with oesophageal cancer. Initially, a feasibility study will be conducted in the National Oesophageal Cancer Centre in St. James' Hospital (SJH) to ensure the programme is safe and acceptable. Findings will inform a randomised control trial. Clinical and quality of life measures will be obtained from participants post-diagnosis. Participants will be randomised into treatment and control groups. Within the treatment group, participants will embark on a novel 12 week dysphagia intervention programme with weekly on-site meetings in SJH. Tests will be conducted before and after the dysphagia programme and six months post prehabilitation to determine change from clinical and quality of life perspectives.
  • Funding Agency
    • Provost Project Award
  • Date From
    • Sept 2019
  • Date To
    • Sept 2022
  • Title
    • Expiratory muscle strength training to improve swallowing outcomes post oesophagectomy
  • Summary
    • Respiratory muscle strength training has been shown to improve aspiration status in adults with head and neck cancer. While respiratory muscle strength training is used to optimise respiratory reserve and prevent physical decline in adults with oesophageal cancer, its benefits have not been explored fro ma dysphagia perspective. This research aims to investigate the feasibility of expiratory muscle strength training at different time points throughout the oesophageal cancer treatment pathway and to determine the impact of this exercise-based rehabilitation on clinical and quality of life outcomes.
  • Funding Agency
    • PhD scholarship, School of Language and Communication Sciences
  • Date From
    • Sept 2020
  • Date To
    • Sept 2026
  • Title
    • Sensory stimulation to alter pharyngeal swallow dynamics in neurogenic dysphagia: a high resolution manometry study
  • Summary
    • I am leading this research project which is in collaboration with the speech and language therapy department in Tallaght Hospital. Ethical approval has been obtained from the Joint (TUH/SJH) Research Ethics Committee. This project will initially investigate factors (mode of drinking, neuromuscular stimulation and saline intensity) on pharyngeal pressure and impedance recordings during swallowing using metrics recommended by the International Pharyngeal High Resolution Manometry working group. Data will be analysed using Swallowgateway, an online semi-automated analysis system. In the second stage of this research, the impact of sensory stimulation (cold, sour, carbonation) will be investigated in adults with Parkinson's Disease and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The impact and acceptability of sensory stimulation on pressure and impedance metrics will be determined and the role of genetic taste status in response to stimulation will be explored. Differences in response to sensory stimulation between neurogenic (i.e., Parkinson's disease) and non-neurogenic (COPD) cohorts will be examined.
  • Date From
    • July 2020
  • Title
    • Dysphagia and Communication Difficulties amongst Hospitalised adults with COVID-19 across Ireland (DISCOVER): a multi-site observational cohort study
  • Summary
    • This study aims to establish the clinical characteristics of dysphagia and communication difficulties amongst adults with COVID-19 admitted in hospital settings across Ireland. It also seeks to identify the factors associated with successful patient outcomes. Thirdly, it aims to establish the rehabilitation needs and services provided to this clinical population. Ethical approval was been obtained from the National Research Ethics Committee- COVID-19 (NREC) in June 2020. Speech and language therapy departments from 21 clinical sites across Ireland will provide data for analysis. Data collection will begin in June 2020. Study findings will advance our understanding of this distinct clinical cohort and tailor future service delivery to optimise patient outcomes.
  • Date From
    • July 2020
  • Title
    • Immediate effects of thermal-tactile stimulation on swallowing in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease
  • Date From
    • 2005
  • Date To
    • 2007


; DEGLUTITION DISORDERS; Dysarthria; DYSPHAGIA; Neurological Disorders; OESOPHAGUS; Swallowing Disorders; VIDEO FLUOROSCOPY



Executive Board member and Vice President of the European Society of Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) 2021

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Advances in Communication and Swallowing (official journal of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists) 2020

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven 2021

Invited Guest Editor, American Journal of Speech and Language Pathology (AJSLP) (Special issue on Dysphagia reporting standards)

Executive Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2022

Member of Dysphagia Research Society (DRS) International Interprofessional Committee 2021

Member of Dysphagia Research Society (DRS) Awards and Scholarships Committee 2021

External Reviewer for Grant Applications (NHS National Institute for Health Research) 2021

Member of the International Pharyngeal High Resolution Manometry Working Group 2019

Reviewer for journals including Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Dysphagia, European Radiology, Journal of Rehabilitative Medicine, International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders: International Journal of Speech and Language Pathology: Geriatrics: Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica: Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology; Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies amongst other journals

Member of panel of assessors, CORU (regulatory body) 2018

Board member of Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association 2007-2009

Awards and Honours

Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award 2019/2020 2020

TCD Arts and Benefactions Fund 2022

TCD Provost Project Award 2018 November 2018

HRB-TMRN Student Scholarship Award 2022 2022

IASLT Excellence Award (as Editor, IASLT Academic Journal) December 2021

1st poster prize United Kingdom Swallow Research Group (UKSRG). UCL Institute of Child Health, London, UK. February 2010

Meath Foundation Quality Improvement Fund to obtain training in Trans-Nasal Oesophagoscopy (TNO) 2014

Adelaide Society new initiative grant to initiate multidisciplinary MND education & support group in AMNCH October 2007

Science Foundation Ireland Conference and Workshop Grant September 2018


Full member of Dysphagia Research Society 2008 – present

Member of European Society for Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) 2012 – present

Member of the International Pharyngeal High Resolution Impedance Manometry (PHRIM) Working Group March 2019 – present

Member of Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT) 2000 – present

Member of Irish Adult Dysphagia Special Interest Group 2001 – present

Member of the Trinity Academic Gastroenterology Group (TAGG) 2012 – present

Registered with CORU (Registration body for Health & Social Care Professionals in Ireland) 2014