Dr. Valentina Colasanti
Assistant Professor in Linguistics, C.L.C.S.
BA (Sapienza, Rome), MA (Sapienza, Rome), MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Cantab)
I am a linguist.
My research profile is situated at the interface between theoretical generative linguistics and Romance linguistics (especially focused on the Italo-Romance sub-family of languages spoken in Italy). Most of my publications contribute to the field of theoretical linguistics as applied to the Romance languages. In the last six years, I have extended my domain of investigation to the study of spoken phenomena at the interface between syntax and semantics.
In 2019, after taking up an assistant professorship in linguistics at Trinity College Dublin, my interests grew further into the study of phenomena expressed in the visual-gestural modality. Such phenomena have been almost entirely overlooked in theoretical linguistics. I began to study gestures from a purely formal perspective for the first time, drawing empirically from the languages of Southern Italy. My main project, Gestural Grammar: Investigating Gesture in Southern Italy (GestuGram; PI: Colasanti), received funding from the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute (2020-23), the Higher Education Authority of Ireland (2021-23), the Provost's Office of Trinity College Dublin (Provost's PhD Project Award; 2021-25), and Enterprise Ireland (2023-25).
In 2020, I established the 'Gestural Grammar Lab' at Trinity College Dublin after successfully competing for funding from (i) the Trinity Long Room Hub (Arts and Humanities Research Institute), (ii) the Higher Education Authority of Ireland, (iii) the Provost of Trinity College Dublin, and (iv) the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Trinity College Dublin. I am currently the director of the GestuGram Lab, which so far comprises two PhD students, one lab manager, five research assistants, and two fieldworkers.
Visit the GestuGram Lab website at: https://valentinacolasanti.it/gestugram/
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Colasanti, Valentina, Functional gestures as morphemes: Some evidence from the languages of Southern Italy, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 8, (1), 2023, p1 - 45
Colasanti, Valentina, Auxiliary selection in Southern Lazio. Some implications for Romance microvariation and its limits, L'Italia Dialettale, LXXXIV, 2023, p97 - 150
Colasanti, Valentina, Gestural focus marking, Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, 9, ((4)/5), 2023, p1 - 39
Colasanti, Valentina, Cuonzo, Clara, Gestural focus marking in Italo-Romance, Romance Languages: Recent Contributions to Linguistic Theory, Harvard University, 28-29 April 2022, 2022
Colasanti, Valentina, Micro-contact in Southern Italy: language change in Southern Lazio under pressure from Italian, Languages, (7), 2022, p286
Colasanti, Valentina, Cuonzo, Clara, Gestural focus marking, PerForum. Forum on Performativity in Language and Beyond, University of Oslo, 3 June 2022, 2022
Colasanti, Valentina, Il riciclaggio della deissi spaziale in deissi discorsiva nell'italo-romanzo, XXXe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Campus de Guajara - Universidad de La Laguna, 4-9 July 2022, 2022
Colasanti, Valentina, Criterial positions as diagnostics in Italo-Romance: some highs and lows, Revue roumaine de linguistique, LXVI , (2-3), 2021, p265 - 282
Colasanti, Valentina, Linguistically-integrated co-speech gestures in Southern Italo-Romance, Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology meeting, Helsinki University, 8-10 September 2021, 2021
Colasanti, Valentina, Gestural fieldwork: a case study from Southern Italy, Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 6, SOAS London, 16-18 December 2021, 2021
Colasanti, Valentina, Linguistically-integrated gestures: a case study from the languages of Southern Italy, Linguistic Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Annual Meeting, Online, 6-9 September 2021, 2021
Colasanti, Valentina, Syntactically-integrated gestures in Southern Italy, Going Romance 35, University of Amsterdam, 1-3 December 2021, 2021
Craig Sailor and Valentina Colasanti, Co-speech gestures under ellipsis: a first look, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), New Orleans, 2-5 January, 2020, pp1 - 11
'Matrix complementizers in Italo-Romance' in, S. Cruschina, A. Ledgeway and E. Remberger , Italian Dialectology at the Interface, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2019, pp155 - 183, [Colasanti, Valentina, Silvestri, Giuseppina]
Colasanti, Valentina, The rise of C-systems from Latin to Romance: a micro-diachronic analysis, Diachronic Generative Syntax 21 (DIGS 21), Arizona State University, 5-7 June 2019, 2019
Colasanti, Valentina, Wiltschko, Martina, Spatial and discourse deixis and the speech act structure of nominals, Canadian Linguistic Association Annual Meeting (CLA), Vancouver, BC, 1-3 June 2018, 2019
Colasanti, Valentina, Wiltschko, Martina, Spatial deixis, discourse deixis, and their interaction, Deixis in Language; From Gestures to Words (DEICTES19), Rijeka, 28-29 June 2019, 2019
Colasanti, Valentina, Silvestri, Giuseppina, Matrix complementizers in Italo-Romance, Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, New York, 3-6 January 2019, 2019
Colasanti, Valentina, Wiltschko, Martina, Spatial and discourse deixis and the speech act structure of nominals, Canadian Linguistic Association Annual Meeting (CLA), Vancouver (BC), 1-3 June 2018, edited by Dick, Carrie , 2019, pp1-14
Colasanti, Valentina, On Factivity: speculations on the split-CP in Upper-Southern Italian Dialects, Generative Grammar @ Geneva, 11, (Special issue), 2018, 70 - 86
Colasanti, Valentina, 'La doppia serie di complementatori nei dialetti del Lazio meridionale: un approccio microparametrico', Revue de Linguistique Romane, 82, 2018, p65 - 91
Colasanti, Valentina, Romance morphosyntactic microvariation in complementizer and auxiliary systems, University of Cambridge, PhD, 2018
Colasanti, Valentina, Zero > Multiple > Single. An acquisition-based approach to complementation from Latin to Romance, 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, 10-13 September 2017, 2017
On Triple Complementation in Southern Lazio dialects in, Structure, Use and Meaning, Brașov, 2017, 71 - 81, [Colasanti, Valentina]
Colasanti, Valentina, Zero > Multiple > Single. Complementation from Latin to Romance, Going Romance 31, University of Bucharest, 7-9 December 2017, 2017
Colasanti, Valentina, Zero > Multiple > Single. An acquisition-based approach to complementation from Latin to Romance, Linguistic Association of Great Britain Meeting, University of Kent, 4-7 September 2017, 2017
Colasanti, Valentina, Feature reassignment and microparametric change in Italo-Romance, XLV Romance Linguistics Seminar, University of Cambridge, Trinity Hall, 5-6 January 2017, 2017
'Towards a microparameter C-hierarchy in Italo-Romance' in, G. Pană Dindelegan, R. Zafiu, A. Dragomirescu, A. Nicolae, and I. Nicula Paraschiv , Romance Syntax. Comparative and diachronic perspectives., Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, pp191 - 227, [Colasanti, Valentina]
Colasanti, Valentina, Dual complementizer System in Southern Lazio Dialects: a microparametric approach, 44th Romance Linguistics Seminar, University of Cambridge, Trinity Hall, 4-5 January 2016, 2016
Colasanti, Valentina, La doppia serie di complementatori nei dialetti del Lazio Meridionale: un approccio microparametrico, XXVIII Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza, 'Sapienza' University of Rome, 18-23 July 2016, 2016
Colasanti, Valentina, On Factivity: speculations on the split-CP in Upper-Southern Italian dialects, 1st SynCart Workshop. From Maps to Principles: Syntactic Cartography and Locality, Chiusi, Italy, 11-15 July 2016, 2016
Colasanti, Valentina, What has and hasn't changed? Parametric change and morphosyntactic exaptation in Romance,, Formal Approaches to Romance MicrovariationWorkshop (FARM), University of Bucharest, 25-26 November 2016, 2016
Colasanti, Valentina, On Triple Complementation in Upper-southern Italian Dialects, Structure, Use and Meaning (SUM), University of Brasov, Romania, 21-24 September 2016, 2016
Colasanti, Valentina, Silvestri, Giuseppina, Beyond Force, mood and modality: matrix complementizers in upper-southern Italian dialects, 11th Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting, University of Vienna, 4-6 July 2016, 2016
Colasanti, Valentina, Methodological issues in collecting data. A data-driven investigation of microvariation in Southern Lazio, Workshop on Collecting data on microvariation in Romance. Methodological issues, University of Bucharest, 26 November 2016, 2016
Colasanti, Valentina, Silvestri, Giuseppina, (Beyond) Force, Mood and Modality: matrix complementizers in Italian dialects, 9th Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL 9): Phase Theory, University of Brussels, 13-14 December 2016, 2016
Colasanti, Valentina, Dual complementizer systems in Southern Lazio Dialects, Romance Syntax Workshop, University of Bucharest, 27-28 November 2015, 2015
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Valentina Colasanti, The syntacticisation of gestures. The contribution of the Romance languages of Italy, Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting, University of Manchester, 25--27 June 2024, 2024
Colasanti, Valentina, Spatial and discourse deixis and the interactional structure of nominals: Romance and beyond, Romance Linguistic Circle, online, 28 November, 2021, University of Cambridge/University of Newcastle
Colasanti, Valentina, Investigating Gesture in Southern Italy, Linguistics Research Seminars, online, 10 November, 2021, Trinity College Dublin
Colasanti, Valentina, Syntactically-integrated co-speech gestures: some preliminary evidence from the languages of Southern Italy, SuperLing Colloquium, University of Oslo, 4 June 2021, 2021
Colasanti, Valentina, Linguistically-integrated gestures: a case study from the languages of Southern Italy, SyntaxLab, online, 19 October, 2021, University of Cambridge
Colasanti, Valentina, Not everything changes: acquisition failure and feature reassignment, Linguistics Research Colloquium, Ulster University, 28 June 2021, 2021
Colasanti, Valentina, Presentative particles in Romance and the Speaker-Addressee interaction, Eh-Lab. Syntax of Speech Act, University of British Columbia, 20 November 2018, 2018
Colasanti, Valentina, Matrix complementizers in Italo-Romance, Eh-Lab. Syntax of Speech Act, University of British Columbia, 6 October 2017, 2017
Research Expertise
The Philological Society, UK
Société de Linguistique Romane
Societas Linguistica Europaea
Scholar, St John's College, Cambridge