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Dr. Caroline Jagoe
Associate Professor, Clin Speech & Language Studies


My work addresses disability inclusion in humanitarian action. I have a specific interest in International Law and specifically Human Rights Law in the context of health, disability and marginalised groups.

My background is in speech & language therapy, where my work has focused on communication access and participation. My clinical areas of interest are in aphasia, primary progressive aphasia and mental health disorders. The thread of inclusive societies runs through my research: from a micro-focus on participation in conversations involving people with communication disability and their communication partners; to issues of disbility-inclusive practice in humanitarian action.

I am currently the academic lead of a project in partnership with the UN World Food Programme, addressing disability inclusion in food security programming. I am the co-founder of the SADIE Network (Strengthening evidence-based Action on Disability and Inclusion in Emergencies).1

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Jagoe Caroline, O'Reilly Claire F, Gunnell Helga, Tirzi Ketty, Lancaster Charlotte, Brahmbhatt Kavita, Communicating accessible messages for food insecure communities in Northern Mozambique: Supporting Sustainable Development Goal 2 , International journal of speech-language pathology , 25 , (1 ), 2023, p62 - 67 Journal Article, 2023 URL DOI

Yvonne Lynch, Beth Milofsky, Cliona Sullivan, Eilis Farren, Órla Gilheaney, Susan Johnson, Ciaran Kenny, Caroline Jagoe and Duana Quigley, Developing a framework and digital toolkit for healthcare professional students and educators to support Technology-Enabled Practice Education (TEPE), Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 21, (1-2), 2023, p1 - 30 Journal Article, 2023 URL DOI

Breffka, E., Jagoe, C., Murphy, S.P. and Tsegaw, B.B.,, Restricted participation: Drivers, experiences and implications of disability stigma in Ethiopia, African Journal of Disability, 11, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text URL

Isaksen Jytte, Beeke Suzanne, Pais Analisa, Efstratiadou Evangelia-Antonia, Pauranik Apoorva, Revkin Susannah K, Vandana VP, Valencia Fabián, VuksanoviÄ Jasmina, Jagoe Caroline, Communication partner training for healthcare workers engaging with people with aphasia: Enacting Sustainable Development Goal 17 in Austria, Egypt, Greece, India and Serbia , International journal of speech-language pathology , 25 , (1 ), 2023, p172 - 177 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL

Jagoe Caroline, O'Reilly Claire F, James Leah E, Khaled Elaf, Alazzawi Hashim, Enright Tara, Interpersonal violence experienced by people with communication disabilities in Iraq: Sustainable Development Goals 16 and 5 , International journal of speech-language pathology , 25 , (1 ), 2023, p130 - 135 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL

Tim Wharton and Caroline Jagoe and Deirdre Wilson, Relevance theory: New horizons Foreword by Tim Wharton, Caroline Jagoe and Deirdre Wilson, Journal of Pragmatics, 194, 2022, p1--5 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Minerva Rivas Velarde and Caroline Jagoe and Jessica Cuculick, Video Relay Interpretation and Overcoming Barriers in Health Care for Deaf Users: Scoping Review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24, (6), 2022, pe32439 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Myzoon Ali and Efstathia Soroli and Luis M. T. Jesus and Madeline Cruice and Jytte Isaksen and Evy Visch-Brink and Kleanthes K. Grohmann and C. Jagoe and Tarja Kukkonen and Spyridoula Varlokosta and Carlos Hernandez-Sacristan and Vicente Rosell-Clari and Rebecca Palmer and Silvia Martinez-Ferreiro and Erin Godecke and Sarah J. Wallace and Ruth McMenamin and David Copland and Caterina Breitenstein and Audrey Bowen and Ann-Charlotte Laska and Katerina Hilari and Marian C Brady, An aphasia research agenda " a consensus statement from the collaboration of aphasia trialists, Aphasiology, 36, (4), 2022, p555--574 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Jagoe, C., Toh, P.Y.N., Wylie, G., Disability and the Risk of Vulnerability to Human Trafficking: An Analysis of Case Law, Journal of Human Trafficking, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

O'Reilly, C., Caffrey, L. & Jagoe, C., Disability data collection in a complex humanitarian organisation: Lessons from a realist evaluation, International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL

APH Kong, KPY Chan, C Jagoe, Systematic Review of Training Communication Partners of Chinese-speaking Persons With Aphasia, Archives of rehabilitation research and clinical translation, 3, (4), 2021, p100152- Journal Article, 2021 DOI URL

Gemma L. Williams and Tim Wharton and Caroline Jagoe, Mutual (Mis)understanding: Reframing Autistic Pragmatic "Impairments" Using Relevance Theory, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Caroline Jagoe and Tim Wharton, Meaning non-verbally: The neglected corners of the bi-dimensional continuum communication in people with aphasia, Journal of Pragmatics, 178, 2021, p21--30 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Caroline Jagoe and Caitlin McDonald and Minerva Rivas and Nora Groce, Direct participation of people with communication disabilities in research on poverty and disabilities in low and middle income countries: A critical review, PLOS ONE, 16, (10), 2021, pe0258575 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Psychiatric Disorders in, editor(s)Cummings, L. , Pragmatic Language Disorders, New York, Springer, 2020, [Walsh, I.P. & Jagoe, C.] Book Chapter, 2020

Jagoe, C. & Wharton, T., Gestural indeterminacy and 'vague communication' in people with aphasia: A relevance theoretic perspective, International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Vancouver, cancelled (COVID-19), 2020 Poster, 2020

Developing theoretically grounded approaches to pragmatic intervention with people with schizophrenia in, editor(s)Jagoe, C. Walsh, I.P. , Communication and mental health disorders: Developing theory, growing practice, UK, J & R Publishers, 2020, pp129 - 150 , [Jagoe, C.] Book Chapter, 2020

Reflecting on hope: Communication and mental health in, editor(s)Jagoe, C. & Walsh I.P. , Communication and mental health disorders: Developing theory, growing practice, UK , J & R Publishers , 2020, pp177 - 189, [ C. Jagoe, P. Delmar, A. Sheehy & I.P. Walsh ] Book Chapter, 2020

Jagoe, C. Walsh, I.P., Communication and mental health disorders: Developing theory, growing practice. , J&R Press, 2020 Book, 2020 URL

Jagoe, C., Under-inclusion of Research Published in Languages Other than English within Systematic Reviews on Aphasia: The Impetus for a Review of Communication Partner Training, 2020, - 3-4 Miscellaneous, 2020

Pais, A. & Jagoe, C., The Impact of Communication Partner Training for Aphasia: Communication Accommodation in Conversations with Family Members, International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Vancouver, cancelled (COVID-19), 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Language and communication in adults with mental health disorders: Considerations for understanding speech and language therapy process and practice in, editor(s)Jagoe, C. Walsh I.P. , Communication and mental health disorders: Developing theory, growing practice. , UK , J & R Publishers, 2020, pp53 - 78, [Walsh, I.P. , Jagoe, C. & Brophy, J. ] Book Chapter, 2020

Shiggins, C., Soskolne, V., Olenik, D., Pearl, G., Haaland-Johansen, L., Isaksen, J., Jagoe, C., McMenamin, R. and Horton, S. , Towards an asset-based approach to promoting and sustaining well-being for people with aphasia and their families: an international exploratory study., Aphasiology, 34, (1), 2020, p70 - 101 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Caroline Jagoe, Increasing the intensity and comprehensiveness of aphasia services: identification of key factors influencing implementation across six countries, Aphasiology, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Molloy, J. & Jagoe, C., Diagnosis of Acquired Apraxia of Speech: How do research and practice compare? , IASLT Biennual Conference, Croke Park, Dublin, 23rd - 24th May, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Jagoe, C., O'Shea, A., Hussain, N., Mullen, R., Sutherland, D., Williams, C., Wright, M., Communication disability and the Sustainable Development Goals: A narrative review with reflections on the implications for Irish speech and language therapists, IASLT Biennual Conference, Croke Park, Dublin, 23rd - 24th May, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Caroline Jagoe, Use of diverse diagnostic criteria for acquired apraxia of speech: a scoping review, International Journal of Language \& Communication Disorders, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Jagoe, C. & Wharton, T., Meaning non-verbally: communication in people with aphasia, Relevance by the Sea, Brighton, 6th November, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Doyle, L., Fitzsimons, C., Jagoe, C. , The Collaborative Development of an Irish Message Banking Pathway., IASLT Biennual Conference, Croke Park, Dublin, 23rd - 24th May, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

O'Byrne, C., Jagoe, C., & Lawler, M. , Experiences of dyslexia and the transition to university: A case study of five students at different stages of study, Higher Education Research and Development, 38, (5), 2019, p1031 - 1045 Journal Article, 2019 URL DOI

Jagoe, C., O'Reilly, C., & Dermody, R., Disability and Healthcare: Intersectional access or invisible problem?, Global Health Exchange, Dublin City University, 12th Sept, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Walsh, I.P., Delmar, P. Jagoe, C. , "It's Not the Asperger's That Causes the Anxiety, It's the Communication" Person-Centered Outcomes of Hope and Recovery in a Cultural-Clinical Borderland, Topics in Language Disorder, 38, (2), 2018, p108 - 125 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Caroline Jagoe and Jytte Isaksen and Madeline Cruice and Analisa Pais and Audrey Bowen, Evaluating communication partner training in aphasia: considering qualitatively informed randomised controlled trials (RCT), Aphasiology, 32, (sup1), 2018, p103--104 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Hussain, N., Jagoe, C., O'Shea, A., Williams, C., Sutherland, D., & Wright, M., The Importance of Speech, Language and Communication to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Summary of Evidence., Melbourne, International Communication Project, 2018, 1-18 Report, 2018

O'Byrne, C., Jagoe, C., & Lawler, M. , "I May Have Dyslexia but Dyslexia Does Not Have Me" - Students experience of Dyslexia and their transition into third level education., European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations, Junior Researcher Programme Conference, Dublin, Ireland , 1st - 4th August , 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

Disruption of pragmatics in adulthood in, editor(s)L. Cummings , Research in Clinical Pragmatics, Switzerland, Springer-Verlag, 2017, [Jagoe, C.] Book Chapter, 2017 Other Other TARA - Full Text DOI Handle

Jagoe, C. & Brophy, J., Speech and Language Therapy in adult mental health: Growing opportunities and changing practice., International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 21st - 25th August, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Doyle, L., & Jagoe, C., Experiences of Message Banking: The expectations of people with MND and the impact of engaging in message banking on sense of agency., International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Dublin, 21st - 25th August, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Balancing multimodality and relevance in, editor(s)Smith, Martine Murray, Janice , The silent partner? Language learning and language use in aided communication., London, J&R Press, 2016, [Jagoe, C & Smith, M] Book Chapter, 2016 Handle TARA - Full Text

Caroline Jagoe and Irene Walsh, 'Dear Fabulous!' Personal and Professional Identities evolving in the interactional context of self-reflection, Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 7, (2), 2016, p169--189 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Jagoe, C. & Walsh, I.P., 'Dear Fabulous!' Personal and Professional Identities evolving in the interactional context of self-reflection , Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 72, (2), 2016, p169 - 189 Journal Article, 2016 DOI URL

Walsh, I.P. & Jagoe, C., Professional Identity in speech and language therapy: Contexts and constructions. , Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 7, (2), 2016, p147 - 148 Journal Article, 2016 DOI URL

Jagoe, C, Collaborative meaning making in delusional talk: A Relevance Theoretic perspective, Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders., 6, (1), 2015, p53 - 70 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Brophy, J., Burns, S., Devins, M.T., Jagoe, C., O' Connor, S., Scullion, M., & Walsh I.P. , 'Speech and Language Therapy in Mental Health Services:A Guidance Document,', Dublin Ireland , IASLT, 2015, 1 - 61 Protocol or guideline, 2015

Daly, SL. & Jagoe, C, "I didn't like having to feed him because it was like feeding a child". Evolving identities in the context of Motor Neurone Disease: Dysphagia as experienced by the primary carer. , Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists (IASLT) Biennual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2015, 2015 Poster, 2015

Daly, SL. & Jagoe, C, "We were left to our own devices and we didn't thicken everything" The complex nature of the healthcare professional-family carer relationship and its effect on the experience of dysphagia in MND., 5th Congress of European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Barcelona, Spain, October 2015, 2015 Poster, 2015 URL

Walsh I.P. & Jagoe, C. , 'Dear Fabulous': Establishing a more certain self in learning how to 'be' an SLT around people with communication difficulties, 3rd International Round Table on Discourse Analysis "Professional Identity: Discourse in Allied Healthcare", Trinity College Dublin , June 2014 , 2014 Oral Presentation, 2014

Walsh, I., Jagoe, C., Parsons, B., Welton, I., & Nilforooshan, R., A Report on Speech and Language Therapy Clinical Needs Assessment in Old Age Psychiatry Acute Inpatient Units, Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry Annual Conference, York, March 2014, 2014 Poster, 2014 TARA - Full Text

Jagoe, C. & Hussey, A. , The dreaded waiting list: Can student engagement help solve the problem, Conference of the Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists, Dublin, April, 2013 Poster, 2013

Van der Walt, K., Jagoe, C., Walshe, M., Effects of the Talk Tools Assessment of the Jaw on Feeding Skills of Children with Developmental Feeding and Swallowing Disorders , Dysphagia , European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Malmo, Sweden, 12-14th September, 2013 Poster, 2013

Jagoe, C & Walsh, I. P. , Mental health and wellbeing: witnessing hope as a therapeutic paradigm., IASLT Biennial Conference , Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland , April, 2013 Oral Presentation, 2013 TARA - Full Text

Begley, U., Jagoe, C., Boyle, M., & Healy, A. , Audiological Screening in a Primary Care paediatric LHO, Conference of the Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists, Dublin, April, 2013 Oral Presentation, 2013 TARA - Full Text

Brophy, J., Walsh, I.P., Jagoe, C., Burns, S., Scullion, M., Kennedy, S. , 'Mind the gap!': From Speech & Language Therapy in CAMHS to where?, HSE Conference , Stewart's Hospital, Palmerstown, Dublin, Ireland , 2013, 2013 Poster, 2013

McMahon, U., Shaw, A. & Jagoe, C., The Introduction of a Mealtime Companionship Program to a Geriatric Care Ward in a Dublin Teaching Hospital, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182, (S6), 2013, pp265 - 265 Published Abstract, 2013

Schizophrenia and Metarepresentational Abilities in Conversation: A Preliminary Analysis of Question Interpretation from a Relevance Theoretic Perspective in, editor(s)E. Walaszewska & A. Piskorska , Relevance Theory: More than Understanding. Advances in Pragmatics and Discourse, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, [Jagoe, C.] Book Chapter, 2012 TARA - Full Text Handle

Jagoe, C., Defining pragmatic ability and disability in acquired communication disorders: Clinical reflections on the potential insights from Relevance Theory. , 6th Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 2012 , 2012 Oral Presentation, 2012

Jagoe, C. and Roseingrave, R., ", Journal of Academic Ethics, 9, (2), 2011, p127-148 Journal Article, 2011

Jagoe, C & Roseingrave, R., "If This is What I'm Meant to be" The Journeys of Students Participating in a Conversation Partner Scheme for People with Aphasia, Journal of Academic Ethics, 9, 2011, p127 - 148 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Walsh, I.P., Brophy, J., & Jagoe, C. , Speech-Language Pathology in Adult mental Health: Pathways and Processes, ASHA, San Diego, November 2011, 2011 Poster, 2011

Jagoe, C., Metarepresentational abilities in schizophrenia: Exploring Question Interpretation in Conversation from a Relevance Theoretic Perspective, 5th Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference, Poland, June, 2010 Oral Presentation, 2010

Caroline Jagoe & Irene Walsh, Conversation analysis and discourse assessment in language evaluation: an illustrative case study of schizophrenia. , Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET) , July, 2008 Oral Presentation, 2008

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Mel Swords, Dr. Caroline Jagoe, Dr. Caoimhín Mac Giolla Phádraig, Dr. Eimear Ní Sheachnasaigh, Dr. Frédérique Vallières, The Trauma-Informed Care Teaching Aid Toolkit (TICTAT), November, 2023 Report, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

Caroline Jagoe, 'On Speaking Terms: Eight Centuries of Communication Disability', Dublin, The Long Room, Trinity College Dublin, 2019, - Exhibition, 2019 URL

Jagoe. C., Thorpe, D., & Leahy, M., The silences of communication disability: portrayals in Pre-Modern Medical and Literary Texts, Borderlines XXIII Sound and Silence in the Medieval and Early Modern World, Dublin, 26-28th April, 2019 Invited Talk, 2019

Jagoe, C., Pragmatic (dis)ability: Insights from Relevance Theory, Research Lectures in Language and Linguistics, University of Brighton, 28 November, 2018 Invited Talk, 2018

Jagoe, C., Why Is Communication a Basic Human Right?, 2018, - Miscellaneous, 2018

Research Expertise


My work is interdisciplinary and uniquely situated at the intersection of disability rights, speech and language therapy and linguistic pragmatics (specifically Relevance Theory). The thread of inclusive societies' runs through my research: from a micro-focus on participation in conversations involving people with communication disability and their communication partners; to international research on novel interventions to increase inclusion of people with aphasia after stroke; extending to a macro-focus on disability inclusion in humanitarian settings.


  • Title
    • Developing an evidence base for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in food security programming
  • Summary
    • The research collaboration between Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and WFP seeks to develop an evidence base for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in food security programming. With expertise and experience across different disciplines, the partnership provides an opportunity to explore how WFP can ensure that food insecure people with disabilities are fully included in their programming.
  • Funding Agency
    • World Food Programme
  • Date From
    • 2020
  • Date To
    • 2024
  • Title
    • Communication Disability and Conversational Success (Co-Construct)
  • Summary
    • Conversation is co-constructed and addressing barriers often involves helping communication partners (like family members or healthcare professionals) to use different communication strategies. These communication access strategies are the communicative equivalent of a ramp for wheelchair users to access a building, in that the access is achieved by addressing the barriers to inclusion, rather than aiming to `fix" the impairment. Despite their seeming simplicity, we don"t know how or why each of the communication access strategies works in conversation; we don"t know if the strategies work in the same ways for people with different communication needs; and we don"t know how the strategieswork across different languages. Addressing these challenges requires radical change in how pragmatic theory (the theory of how communicators use language and achieve meaning in context) is used to understand communication disabilities. This radical shift will pave the way for a unified theory of communication access and a programme of inclusive communication strategies that will work across different languages, for people with different communication needs, living in contexts with different levels of resources.
  • Funding Agency
    • IRC Laureate Starting Award
  • Date From
    • 2023
  • Date To
    • 2026
  • Title
    • Breaking barriers: A mixed-method study of barriers to inclusion and strategies to improve access to GBV humanitarian programming faced by older people and people with disabilities in Iraq
  • Summary
    • Heartland Alliance International, in partnership with the Iraqi Alliance of Disability Organisations, is conducting a 3-site study in Iraq assessing perspectives of PwD and older people, family members, GBV service providers, and community leaders to better understand environmental and attitudinal barriers to inclusion in GBV care and identify strategies to increase access. My role is to support the inclusion of people with communication disabilities through developing accessible data collection tools and training of enumerators.
  • Funding Agency
    • ELRHA
  • Date From
    • 2020
  • Date To
    • 2021
  • Title
    • Communication Partner Training Research in Languages other than English: A Systematic Review
  • Summary
    • It is not known the extent to which research on Communication Partner Training in Aphasia has been published in languages other than English and the highly contextual nature of language and cultural factors make it important to document the full range of material. This project aims to systematically review research on Communication Partner Training published in some of the most widely spoken languages other than English - specifically Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian
  • Date From
    • 2019
  • Date To
    • 2022
  • Title
    • Navigating changing identities: Development of a toolkit and best practice guidelines for message banking as a speech & language therapy intervention to optimize communication and maintain a 'sense of self' in patients with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and other progressive neurological conditions
  • Summary
    • This exploratory, patient-driven research project aims to explore and develop the speech & language therapy (SLT) intervention of message banking, whereby patients with progressive conditions record phrases that can later be used on Electronic Communication Devices. These messages, recorded in the patient's own voice, have an important role both in optimizing communication, but also in maintaining a 'sense of self' and the individual's identity as a communicator.
  • Funding Agency
    • Research Motor Neurone (
  • Title
    • Identity and participation of people with primary progressive aphasia and their family members: The impact of family training in Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA)
  • Funding Agency
    • Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund 2015/16
  • Title
    • Acting Aphasia
  • Summary
    • This was a collaborative community engagement initiative linking people with aphasia with actors. The project aimed to allow actors to witness and explore the creative use of non-verbal modalities of communication in everyday conversations of people with aphasia and people with aphasia to explore how techniques in acting may be useful in communication confidence or skill. It is anticipated that this project may lead to opportunities for theatre collaborations with people with aphasia and about aphasia.
  • Funding Agency
    • Visual and Performing Arts Fund, TCD (2016/2017)
  • Date From
    • March 2017
  • Date To
    • October 2017


Aphasia; clinical pragmatics; Communication and Mental Health (Disorders); Disability Inclusion; Inclusive development; Relevance Theory; Social Inclusion



Management Committee Member of the Cost Action, Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (IS1208) 2013-2016

Global Engagement Officer (Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists) 2018 -

Member of the Collaborative of Aphasia Trialists (Phase 2) 2017-2020

Deputy Lead (Acting) of Working Group 5 of the Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists, (Acting Deputy Lead September 2017-September 2018) 2017-2018

International Evidence Police Group Working Group Member (Reports to the International Communication Project Strategic Advisory Committee) 2017-2018

Member of the IASLT Working Group on Scope of Practice 2016

Awards and Honours

Selected for the TLRH JNIAS Visiting Fellowship (Delhi) 2018 (indefinitely postponed)

Visiting Research Associate, University of the Witwatersrand 2022 - 2025


Member of the Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists (IASLT) 2009 – to date

Registered with CORU (Registration body for Health & Social Care Professionals in Ireland) 2014 – to date

Member of the CP International Health & Development (CPIHD) Special Interest Group 2019 – to date

Registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) 2005 – 2021