Dr. Christer Gobl
Associate Professor in Speech Science, C.L.C.S.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Errity, R., Barnes, E., Cummins, J., Morrin, O., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Murphy, A., Gobl, C., Ní Chiaráin, N. and Ní Chasaide, A., Technical challenges and opportunities in building an Irish-language augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system, UK and Ireland Speech Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 2024
Giovannini, A. M., Wang, Z., Murphy, A., O'Reilly, M., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Putting expression in the Irish synthetic voice, UK and Ireland Speech Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 2024, pp41 - 41
Qian, M., Lonergan, L., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Low-resource speech recognition and dialect identification of Irish in a multi-task framework, UK and Ireland Speech Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 2024, pp121 - 121
Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Low-resource speech recognition and dialect identification of Irish in a multi-task framework, The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop (Odyssey 2024), 2024
Giovannini, A. M., Wang, Z., O'Reilly, M., Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., Voice transforms for affect control in Irish speech synthesis, Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2024, pp299 - 303
Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A., Lonergan, L., Sloan, J., Wendler, C., McCabe, C., Barnes, E. and Gobl, C., The ABAIR suite of Irish Speech technology and applications: an overview, UK Speech Conference 2023, Sheffield, UK, 2023, pp122 - 122
Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Towards spoken dialect identification of Irish., 2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023), Dublin, Ireland, 2023, pp63 - 67
Murphy, A., Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., ABAIR & ÉIST: A demonstration of speech technologies for Irish, 2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023), Dublin, Ireland, 2023, pp121 - 123
Wang, Z. and Gobl, C., A system for generating voice source signals that implements the transformed LF-model parameter control, INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 2023, pp4738 - 4742
Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A., Lonergan, L., Sloan, J., Wendler, C., McCabe, C., Barnes, E. and Gobl, C., The language communities as active partners in technology provisions: the Irish ABAIR experience, 2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023), 2023, pp116 - 120
Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A. (2023), A diagnostic for quantifying dialect bias in balanced corpora: an Irish case study, UK Speech Conference 2023, Sheffield, UK, 2023
Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Towards dialect-inclusive recognition in a low-resource language: Are balanced corpora the answer?, INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireand, 2023, pp5082 - 5086
Wang, Z. and Gobl, C., The perceptual effects of aliasing distortion in glottal flow modelling, International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czechia, 2023, pp1801 - 1805
Murphy, A., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Synthetic voices for an endangered language community: the Irish experience, UK Speech Conference 2023, Sheffield, UK, 2023, pp16 - 16
Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Murphy, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C., and Ní Chasaide, A., Automatic Speech Recognition for Irish: the ABAIR-ÉIST System, The 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop (CLTW 4) at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2022, pp47 - 51
Yanushevskaya, I., Murphy, A., Gobl, C., Ní Chasaide, A., Global waveshape parameter Rd in signaling focal prominence: Perceptual salience in the absence of f0 variation, Frontiers in Communication, 2022, p1-23
Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Affect Expression: Global and Local Control of Voice Source Parameters, Speech Prosody, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022, pp1 - 5
Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., ABAIR-ÉIST: recent progress in Irish language low-resource ASR development, UK Speech Conference 2022, 2022, pp24 - 24
Wang, Z. and Gobl, C., Contribution of the glottal flow residual in affect related voice transformation, INTERSPEECH 2022, Incheon, Korea, 2022, pp5288 - 5292
Barnes E., Morrin, O., Ní Chasaide, A., Cummins, J., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A., Nic Corcráin, Claire O"Neill, C., Gobl, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., AAC don Ghaeilge: the Prototype Development of Speech-Generating Assistive Technology for Irish, The 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop (CLTW 4) at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2022, pp127 - 132
Qian, M., Berthelsen, H., Lonergan, L., Murphy, A., O'Neill, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Automatic Speech Recognition for Irish: testing lexicons and language models, 33rd Irish Signals & Systems Conference (ISSC) 2022, Cork, Ireland, IEEE, 2022, pp1 - 6
Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A., O'Neill, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Cross-dialect lexicon optimisation for an endangered language ASR system: the case of Irish, INTERSPEECH 2022, Incheon, Korea, 2022, pp4865 - 4869
Gobl, C., The LF Model in the Frequency Domain for Glottal Airflow Modelling without Aliasing Distortion, INTERSPEECH 2021, Brno, Czechia, 2021, pp2651 - 2655
Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., Integrating a voice analysis-synthesis system with a TTS framework for controlling affect and speaker identity, 2021 32nd Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), Athlone, Ireland, 10-11 June 2021, 2021, pp1 - 6
Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., Testing the GlórCáil system in a speaker and affect voice transformation task, Speech Prosody 2020, Tokyo, Japan, May 25-28, 2020, 2020, pp950 - 954
Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Murphy, A., Barnes, E. and Gobl, C., Can we Defuse the Digital Timebomb? Linguistics, Speech Technology and the Irish Language Community, International Conference on Language Technologies for ALL (LT4All): Enabling Linguistic Diversity and Multilingualism Worldwide, UNESCO, Paris, France, 4-6 December 2019, edited by Adda, G., Mariani, J. , European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2020, pp177 - 181
Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A., & Gobl, C., The role of voice quality in the perception of prominence in synthetic speech, Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria, Sept 15-19, 2019, 2019, pp2543 - 2547
Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Time to frequency domain mapping of the voice source: the influence of open quotient and glottal skew on the low end of the source spectrum, INTERSPEECH 2019, Graz, Austria, 2019, pp1961 - 1965
Gobl, C., Yanushevskaya, I., Murphy, A., Ní Chasaide, A., Comparison of time and frequency domain measures of the voice source, ICPhS 2019: the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, pp3290 - 3294
Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Murphy, A., Barnes, E. and Gobl, C. , Leveraging Phonetic and Speech Research for Irish Language Revitalisation and Maintenance, ICPhS 2019: the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, pp994 - 998
Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Voice Source Contribution to Prominence Perception: Rd Implementation, INTERSPEECH 2018, Hyderabad, India, 2018, pp217 - 221
Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Cross-language differences in how voice quality and f0 contours map to affect, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144, (5), 2018, p2730 - 2750
Gobl, C., Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I. and Ní Chasaide, A., On the relationship between glottal pulse shape and its spectrum: correlations of open quotient, pulse skew and peak flow with source harmonic amplitudes, INTERSPEECH 2018, Hyderabad, India, 2018, pp222 - 226
Gobl, C., Reshaping the transformed LF model: generating the glottal source from the waveshape parameter Rd, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp3008 - 3012
Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, Wendler, C., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A. and Gobl, C., The ABAIR Initiative: Bringing Spoken Irish into the Digital Space, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp2113 - 2117
Ní Chasaide, A., Yanushevskaya, I. and Gobl, C., Voice-to-affect mapping: Inferences on language voice baseline settings, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp1258 - 1262
Murphy, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Rd as a control parameter to explore affective correlates of the tense-lax continuum, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp3916 - 3920
Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Cross-speaker variation in voice source correlates of focus and deaccentuation, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp1034 - 1038
Yanushevskaya, I., Murphy, A., Gobl, C., Ní Chasaide, A., Perceptual salience of voice source parameters in signaling focal prominence, Interspeech 2016, San Francisco, CA, 2016, pp3161 - 3165
Yanushevskaya, I, Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., The interaction of long-term voice quality with the realisation of focus, Speech Prosody 2016, Boston, MA, 2016, pp931 - 935
Gobl, C., Yanushevskaya, I., and Ní Chasaide, A., The relationship between voice source parameters and the Maxima Dispersion Quotient (MDQ), Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany, September 7-10, 2015, pp2337 - 2341
De Looze, C., Yanushevskaya, I., Murphy, A., O'Connor, E., and Gobl, C. , Pitch declination and reset as a function of utterance duration in conversational speech data, Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany, 7-10 September, 2015, pp3071 - 3075
Ní Chasaide, A., Yanushevskaya, I., and Gobl, C. , Prosody of voice: declination, sentence mode and interaction with prominence, The 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, UK, August 10-14, 2015, pp1-5
Dalton, J., Kane, J., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., GlóRí - the Glottal Research Instrument, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Dublin, Ireland, 2014, pp944 - 948
Drugman, T., Kane, J. and Gobl, C. , Data-driven detection and analysis of the patterns of creaky voice, Computer Speech & Language, 28, (5), 2014, p1233 - 1253
Kane, J., Aylett, M., Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. , Phonetic feature extraction for context-sensitive glottal source processing, Speech Communication, 59, 2014, p10 - 21
Kane, J. and Gobl, C., Automating manual user strategies for precise voice source analysis, Speech Communication, 55, (3), 2013, p397 - 414
Kane, J., Yanushevskaya, I., Dalton, J., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Using phonetic feature extraction to determine optimal speech regions for maximising the effectiveness of glottal source analysis, INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France, 2013, pp29 - 33
Kane, J., Drugman, T. and Gobl, C., Improved automatic detection of creak, Computer Speech & Language, 27, (4), 2013, p1028 - 1047
Kane, J., Scherer, S., Morency, L.-P. and Gobl, C., A comparative study of glottal open quotient estimation techniques, INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France, 2013, pp1658 - 1662
Kane, J. and Gobl, C., Evaluation of glottal closure instant detection in a range of voice qualities, Speech Communication, 55, (2), 2013, p295 - 314
Drugman, T., Kane, J., Raitio, T. and Gobl, C., Prediction of creaky voice from contextual factors, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acous¬tics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vancouver, Canada, 2013, pp7967 - 7971
Evaluation of automatic glottal source analysis in, editor(s)Thomas Drugman and Thierry Dutoit , Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, 2013, pp1 - 8, [Kane, J. and Gobl, C.]
Scherer, S., Kane, J., Gobl, C. and Schwenker, F., Investigating fuzzy-input fuzzy-output support vector machines for robust voice quality classification, Computer Speech & Language, 27, (1), 2013, p263 - 287
Kane, J. and Gobl, C. , Wavelet maxima dispersion for breathy to tense voice discrimination, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 21, (6), 2013, p1170 - 1179
Gobl, C. and Mahshie, J., Inverse filtering of nasalized vowels using synthesized speech, Journal of Voice, 27, (2), 2013, p155 - 169
Raitio, T., Kane, J., Drugman, T. and Gobl, C., HMM-based synthesis of creaky voice, INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France, 2013, pp2316 - 2320
Ní Chasaide, A., Yanushevskaya, I., Kane, J., Gobl, C., The voice prominence hypothesis: the interplay of F0 and voice source features in accentuation, INTERSPEECH 2013, Lyon, France, 2013, pp3527 - 3531
Yanushevskaya I., Gobl C., Ní Chasaide A., Voice quality in affect cueing: does loudness matter?, Frontiers in Psychology, 4, (335), 2013, p1 - 14
Kane, J., Scherer, S., Aylett, M., Morency, L.-P. and Gobl, C., Speaker and language independent voice quality classification applied to unlabelled corpora of expressive speech, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vancouver, Canada, 2013, pp7982 - 7986
The effect of fuzzy training targets on voice quality classification in, editor(s)Friedhelm Schwenker, Stefan Scherer and Louis-Philippe Morency , Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer-Interaction, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 2012, pp43 - 51, [Scherer, S., Kane, J., Gobl, C. and Schwenker, F. ]
Kane, J., Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Exploiting time and frequency domain measures for precise voice source parameterisation, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Shanghai, China, 2012, pp143 - 146
Kane, J., Drugman, T. and Gobl, C., Creaky voice - detection and synthesis, Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovation and Applications in Speech Technology (IAST), Dublin, Ireland, 2012, pp16 - 17
Drugman, T., Kane, J. and Gobl, C. , Resonator-based creaky voice detection, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, Oregon, 2012, pp1592 - 1595
Drugman, T., Kane, J. and Gobl, C. , Modeling the creaky excitation for parametric synthesis, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2012, Portland, Oregon, 2012, pp1424 - 1427
Ní Chasaide, A., Kane, J., Dalton, J., Yanushevskaya, I. and Gobl, C., Analysing the voice, Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovation and Applications in Speech Technology (IAST, Dublin, Ireland, 2012, pp40 - 40
Székely, E., Kane, J., Scherer, S., Gobl, C. and Carson-Berndsen, J., Detecting a targeted voice style in an audiobook using voice quality features, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Kyoto, Japan, 2012, pp4593 - 4596
Language matters in the perception of affect from voice in, editor(s)Verbickaja L. V., Ivanova N. K. , "elovek govor'aš"ij. K 80-letiju so dn'a roždenija L. V. Bondarko (Speaking man. To commemorate the 80th anniversary of L. V. Bondarko), Ivanovo, Russia, Ivanovo State University of Technology, 2012, pp172 - 180, [Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C.]
Kelly, A.C., Berthelsen, H. and Gobl, C., Cost function weighting for different types of speech sounds using a genetic algorithm, Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovation and Applications in Speech Technology (IAST), Dublin, Ireland, 2012, pp38 - 38
Nukaga, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Experimental study on voice quality control based on source-filter decomposition, Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovation and Applications in Speech Technology (IAST), Dublin, Ireland, 2012, pp49 - 52
Ní Chasaide, A., Yanushevskaya, I. and Gobl, C., Voice source dynamics in intonation, The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII), Hong Kong, China, 2011, pp1470 - 1473
Kelly, A. C. and Gobl, C., A comparison of mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) calculation techniques, Journal of Computing, 3, (10), 2011, p62 - 66
Joao P. Cabral, John Kane, Christer Gobl, Julie Carson-Berndsen, Evaluation of glottal epoch detection algorithms on different voice types, INTERSPEECH 2011, Florence, Italy, 2011, pp1989 - 1992
Kane, J. and Gobl, C., Identifying regions of non-modal phonation using features of the wavelet transform, INTERSPEECH 2011, Florence, Italy, 2011, pp177 - 180
Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Christoph Wendler, Harald Berthelsen, Amelia Kelly, Emer Gilmartin, Elaine Ní Dhonnchadha, Christer Gobl, Towards personalised, synthesis-based content in Irish (Gaelic) language education, SLaTE2011, Venice, Italy, 2011, pp4
Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Universal and language-specific perception of affect from voice, The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII), Hong Kong, China, 2011, pp2208 - 2211
The effects of windowing on the calculation of MFCCs for different types of speech sounds in, editor(s)Carlos M. Travieso-González and Jesús B. Alonso-Hernández , Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 2011, pp111 - 118, [Kelly, A. C. and Gobl, C.]
John Kane, Kinga Pápay, László Hunyadi, Christer Gobl, On the use of creak in Hungarian spontaneous speech, The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII) , Hong Kong, China, 2011, pp1014 - 1017
Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C., Kane, J. and Ní Chasaide, A., An exploration of voice source correlates of focus, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2010, Makuhari, Japan, 2010, pp462 - 465
Kane, J., Kane, M. and Gobl, C. , A spectral LF model based approach to voice source parameterisation, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2010, Makuhari, Japan, 2010, pp2606 - 2609
Voice source variation and its communicative functions in, editor(s)William J. Hardcastle, John Laver and Fiona E. Gibbon , The Handbook of Phonetic Sciences (Second Edition), Oxford, Blackwell, 2010, pp378 - 423, [Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A. ]
Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Voice parameter dynamics in portrayed emotions, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop: Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications, Florence, Italy, edited by Claudia Manfredi , Firenze University Press, 2009, pp21 - 24
Kelly, A.C., Ní Chasaide, A. Berthelsen, H., Campbell, N. and Gobl, C., Corpus Design Techniques for Irish Speech Synthesis, Proceedings of the China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (CIICT 2009), Maynooth, Ireland, 2009, pp264 - 265
Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C., Ní Chasaide, A., Perceived loudness and voice quality in affect cueing, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2009, Brighton, UK, 2009, pp1979 - 1982
Kelly, A. C., Berthelsen, H., Campbell, N., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Towards an Arctic-style database for Irish - corpus design techniques, 1st Young Researchers Workshop in Speech Technology, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2009, pp1
Kane, J.C. and Gobl, C., Automatic parameterisation of the glottal waveform combining time and frequency domain measures, Proceedings of the 6th, International Workshop: Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications, Firenze University Press, Florence, Italy, 2009, pp91 - 94
Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Voice quality and loudness in affect perception, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Campinas, Brazil, 2008, pp709 - 712
Yanushevskaya, I., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C. , Cross-language study of vocal correlates of affective states, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008, pp330 - 333
Gobl, C., Exploring voice source dynamics and its signalling function in speech, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics ICVPB 2008, Tampere, Finland, 2008, pp18
O'Reilly, M., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C. , Cross-Dialect Irish Prosody: Linguistic Constraints on Fujisaki Modelling, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008, pp886 - 889
Tooher, M., Yanushevskaya, I. and Gobl, C., Transformation of LF parameters for speech synthesis of emotion: regression trees, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, International Conference on Speech Prosody, Campinas, Brazil, ISCA, 2008, pp705 - 708
Gobl, C. , Exploring voice source dynamics and its signalling function in speech: techniques and data, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics ICVPB 2008, Tampere, Finland, 2008, 27 - 49
Time- and amplitude-based voice source correlates of emotional portrayals in, editor(s)A. Paiva, R. Prada, R. W. Picard , Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 2007, pp156 - 170, [Yanushevskaya, I., Tooher, M., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A.]
Tooher, M. and Gobl, C., Semiautomatic inverse filtering of vowels with differing degrees of nasality, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, (5 part 2), AIP, 2006, pp3141 - 3141
Gobl, C., Aspiration noise generation based on glottal pulse characteristics, Proceedings of the 9th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2006, pp8, paper 274
Ní Chasaide, A., Wogan, J., Ó Raghallaigh, B., Ní Bhriain, Á., Zoerner, E., Berthelsen, H. and Gobl, C. , Speech Technology for Minority Languages: the Case of Irish (Gaelic), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2006, Pittsburgh, 2006, 181 - 184
Wogan, J., Ó Raghallaigh, B., Ní Bhriain, Á., Zoerner, E., Berthelsen, H., Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., Developing a Spoken Corpus and a Synthesiser for Irish (Gaelic), Proceedings of the 5th SALTMIL Workshop on Minority Languages, Genoa, Italy, 2006, 4
Gobl, C., Modelling Aspiration Noise During Phonation Using the LF Voice Source Model, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2006, Pittsburgh, September 17-21, 2006, 965 - 968
Gobl, C. Yanushevskaya, I., and Ní Chasaide, A., Cross-language perception of voice and affect, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, 2006, pp3290 - 3290
Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Mapping Voice to Affect: Japanese listeners, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Speech Prosody, International Conference on Speech Prosody, Dresden, 2-5 May, ISCA, 2006, pp1-4
Yanushevskaya, I., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Voice quality and f0 cues for affect expression: implications for synthesis, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, INTERSPEECH 2005, Lisbon, Sept, 4-8, 2005, pp1849 - 1852
On the relationship between phonatory quality and affect, in, W. J. Hardcastle and J. Mackenzie Beck , A Figure of Speech: a Festschrift for John Laver, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005, 323 - 346, [Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C. ]
Ní Chasaide, A., Dalton, M., Ito, M. and Gobl, C., Analysing Irish Prosody: a dual linguistic/quantitative approach, Proceedings of the SALTMIL Workshop at LREC2004: First Steps in Language documentation for Minority Languages, LREC2004: First Steps in Language documentation for Minority Languages, Lisbon, 2004, 60 - 63
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Decomposing linguistic and affective components of phonatory quality, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, 2004, 901 - 904
Prys, D., Williams, B., Hicks, B., Jones, D., Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C., Carson-Berndsen, J., Cummins, F., Ní Chiosáin, M., McKenna, J., Scaife, R. and Uí Dhonnchadha, E., WISPR: Speech processing resources for Welsh and Irish, Proceedings of the SALTMIL Workshop at LREC2004: First Steps in Language documentation for Minority Languages, Lisbon, 2004, 68 - 71
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C. , Voice quality and f0 in prosody: towards a holistic account, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Speech Prosody, Nara, Japan, March 23-26, 2004, 189 - 196
Gobl, C., The voice source in speech communication - production and perception experiments involving inverse filtering and synthesis, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, ISBN 91-7283-630-X, 2003
Mahshie, J. and Gobl, C. , Estimating glottal parameters in nasalized speech: an analysis by synthesis, Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, 2003, 2193 - 2196
Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Amplitude-based source parameters for measuring voice quality, Proceedings of the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop VOQUAL'03 on Voice Quality: Functions, Analysis and Synthesis, VOQUAL'03,, Geneva, August 27-29, 2003, pp151 - 156
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Voice quality and expressive speech, Proceedings of the 1st JST/CREST International Workshop on Expressive Speech Processing, Kobe, Japan, 2003, 19 - 28
Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., The role of voice quality in communicating emotion, mood and attitude, Speech Communication, 40, (1-2), 2003, 189 - 212
Ryan, C., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Voice Quality Variation and the Perception of Affect: Continuous or Categorical?, Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, 2003, 2409 - 2412
Voice Quality and the Synthesis of Affect in, E. Keller, G. Bailly, A. Monaghan, J. Terken and M. Huckvale , Improvements in Speech Synthesis, Wiley and Sons, 2002, 252 - 263, [Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C.]
Dynamics of the Glottal Source Signal: Implications for Naturalness in Speech Synthesis in, E. Keller, G. Bailly, A. Monaghan, J. Terken and M. Huckvale , Improvements in Speech Synthesis, Wiley and Sons, 2002, 273 - 283, [Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A.]
Gobl, C., Bennett, E. and Ní Chasaide, A., Expressive synthesis: how crucial is voice quality?, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Santa Monica, California, 2002, pp4, paper 52
Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Testing affective correlates of voice quality through analysis and resynthesis, Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2000, 178 - 183
Voice quality variation: analysis and perception of affect in, W. Sendlmeier , Speech and Signals - Aspects of Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition, Frankfurt, Wissenschaftliche Buchhandlung Theo Hector, 2000, 141 - 155, [Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C.]
Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Perceptual correlates of source parameters in breathy voice, Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, 1999, 2437 - 2440
Laryngeal coarticulation in, W.J. Hardcastle and N. Hewlett , Coarticulation: Theory, Data and Techniques, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 105 - 107, [Hoole, P., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A.]
Hoole, P., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A. in, editor(s)W.J. Hardcastle and N. Hewlett , Techniques for investigating laryngeal articulation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp294 , [Hoole, P., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A.]
Voice source variation in the vowel as a function of consonantal context in, W.J. Hardcastle and N. Hewlett , Coarticulation: Theory, Data and Techniques, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 122 - 143, [Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A.]
Mahshie, J. and Gobl, C., Effects of varying LF parameters on KLSYN88 synthesis, Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, 1999, 1009 - 1012
Techniques for analysing the voice source in, W.J. Hardcastle and N. Hewlett , Coarticulation: Theory, Data and Techniques, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 300 - 320, [Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A.]
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Voice offset characteristics for voiceless fricatives and stops, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102, 1997, pp3134
Voice source variation in, W. J. Hardcastle and J. Laver , The Handbook of Phonetic Sciences, Oxford, Blackwell, 1997, 427 - 461, [Ní Chasaide, A. and C. Gobl, C.]
Scully, C., Stromberg, K., Horton, D., Monahan, P., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Analysis and articulatory synthesis of different voicing types, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Stockholm, 1995, 482 - 485
Monahan, P., Gobl, C., Foley, B. and Ní Chasaide, A. , Semi-automatic identification system of vocal source-filter, Proceedings of the Sixth Irish DSP and Control Colloquium, The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, 1995, 127 - 134
Gobl, C., Monahan, P. and Ní Chasaide, A., Intrinsic voice source characteristics of selected consonants, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Stockholm, 1, 1995, 74 - 77
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Towards acoustic profiles of phonatory qualities, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Stockholm, 4, 1995, 6 - 13
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Contextual variation of the vowel voice source as a function of adjacent consonants, Language and Speech, 36, 1993, 303 - 330
Ní Chasaide, A., Gobl, C. and Monahan, P., A technique for analysing voice quality in pathological and normal speech, Journal of Clinical Speech & Language Studies, 2, (1), 1992, 1 - 16
Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, Acoustic characteristics of voice quality, Speech Communication, 11, 1992, 481 - 490
Male and female voice source dynamics in, editor(s)J. Gauffin and B. Hammarberg , Vocal Fold Physiology: Acoustic, Perceptual, and Physiological Aspects of Voice Mechanisms, San Diego, Singular Publishing Group, 1991, pp121 - 128, [Gobl, C. and Karlsson, I.]
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., The phonatory correlates of speaking styles, Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on The Phonetics and Phonology of Speaking Styles, Barcelona, 1991
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C. , Linguistic and paralinguistic variation in the voice source, Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Kobe, 1990, 85 - 88
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Towards a voice source characterisation of voice quality, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 82, 1990, pp1, S92
Carlson, R., Fant, G., Gobl, C., Granström, B., Karlsson, I. and Lin, Q., Voice source rules for text-to-speech synthesis, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Glasgow, Scotland, 1989
Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Cross language study of the effects of voiced/voiceless consonants on the vowel voice source characteristics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 82, 1987, pp1, S116
Fant, G., Gobl, C., Karlsson, I., and Lin Q., The female voice - experiments and overview, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 82, 1987, pp1, S90
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Giovannini, A. M., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Exploring the Prosody of Affective Speech, 13th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, Paris, France, 2022, 2022, pp65 - 68
Research Expertise
- Title
- ABAIR III: Abair-Éist-Comhrá
- Summary
- Cluster of speech research projects for Irish, extending linguistic resources and technologies (TTS, ASR and dialogue systems) and deploying them in applications for the public, in education, and in assistive technologies for those with disabilities. Funding €2,017,470
- Funding Agency
- Government of Ireland, Dept. of the Gaeltacht
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2025
- Title
- RóbóGlór: Affective Prosody in Irish TTS Voices
- Summary
- Methods for the generation of affective prosody in Irish text-to-speech synthesis. Funding €136,000
- Funding Agency
- Government of Ireland, Dept. of the Gaeltacht
- Date From
- 2011
- Date To
- 2024
- Title
- Voice and Emotion in Human and Synthetic Speech - on the acoustics of emotional speech for artificial narration and immersive language learning applications
- Summary
- PhD project aimed to create a better understanding of how the human voice carries emotion by analysing vocal correlates of emotional states. Funding €82,500.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2024
- Title
- Summary
- Extending multi-dialect linguistic resources and multi-dialect TTS for Irish (3 main dialects, male/female voices). Prototype development of language-learning platforms. Funding 1,150,000
- Funding Agency
- Government of Ireland, Dept. of the Gaeltacht
- Date From
- 2016
- Date To
- 2020
- Title
- FASTNET: Focus on Actions in Social Talk: Network-Enabling Technology
- Summary
- Modelling voice in social interaction: how tone-of-voice and manner of speaking convey the speaker"s affect and attitude. Funding €1,129,000
- Funding Agency
- Science Foundation Ireland
- Date From
- 2010
- Date To
- 2015
- Title
- Summary
- Linguistic-phonetic resources and text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) for Irish. This extended work of CABÓGAÍ & WISPR projects to provide linguistic resources and state-of-the-art synthesis for the Irish dialects. Initial exploration of requirements for educational and disability-related applications. Funding 450,000
- Funding Agency
- Government of Ireland, Dept. of the Gaeltacht
- Date From
- 2011
- Date To
- 2015
- Title
- CNGL - Next Generation Localization
- Summary
- Partner in a large Irish research network. Our contributions focussed on personalisation of voice for synthesis. Funding €286,000
- Funding Agency
- Science Foundation Ireland
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2013
- Title
- Summary
- Corpora, linguistic resources and early, unit-selection based, Irish text-to-speech synthesis. Funding €439,194.
- Funding Agency
- Foras na Gaeilge
- Date From
- 2007
- Date To
- 2010
- Title
- HIASYNT - English text-to-speech based on optimal unit selection
- Summary
- The aim of this project is to provide the necessary prerequisites for the development of a complete English text-to-speech synthesis system, based on optimal unit selection. Working within the Hitachi speech synthesis framework, research and development will be focused on corpus design, post-linguistic processing and prosody modelling. Funding €164,000.
- Funding Agency
- Hitachi, Ltd, Japan
- Date From
- 2007
- Date To
- 2008
- Title
- EMOVOICE - The analysis of voice quality in emotive speech
- Summary
- The project explores new methodologies for the analysis of voice quality for the purpose of capturing the characteristics of expressive and emotionally coloured speech. It funds a postdoctoral fellow for two years. Funding €98,600.
- Funding Agency
- IRCSET - Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technlogy
- Date From
- 2005
- Date To
- 2007
- Title
- HUMAINE - Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion
- Summary
- EU Network of Excellence whose goal is to develop systems that can register, model and/or influence human emotional states and processes. Funding: €103,000 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 2003
- Date To
- 2007
- Title
- IRISH PROSODY - Prosody of Irish Dialects: the use of intonation, rhythm, voice quality for linguistic and paralinguistic signalling
- Summary
- The analysis of the prosodic structure of Irish including the four main dialects. Funding €113,100.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
- Date From
- 2003
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- VOCON - Voice Control in Unit-Selection Concatenative Synthesis
- Summary
- Project exploring how the voice can be controlled in speech synthesis systems based on non-uniform unit-selection concatenation. In collaboration with visting Senior Research from Hitachi. Funding €42,000.
- Funding Agency
- Hitachi, Japan
- Date From
- 2005
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- WISPR - Welsh and Irish Speech Processing Resources
- Summary
- A Welsh-Irish joint project with the aim to develop annotated speech corpora for Irish and Welsh and the prerequisites for text-to-speech synthesis systems. Funding: €281,674 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 2003
- Date To
- 2005
- Title
- COST 258: The naturalness of synthetic speech
- Summary
- COST action concerned with the naturalness of synthetic speech in concrete applications, with a particular focus on the improvement of sound quality and prosodic modelling. Funding: €7,600 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 2001
- Title
- SPACT (phase 1 and 2) - Application of speech recognition/synthesis technology in the MIR space station
- Summary
- Project with the aim to equip a workstation, used for scientific experiments on the MIR space station, with speech input/output facilities. The task of the TCD group was to select the most appropriate speech synthesis system and adapt it to the user situation, e.g., by selecting/designing the voice quality parameters that would be used in messages to signal caution, warnings etc. In spite of the well know problems with MIR, the output of this project did make it into orbit. Funding: £51,000 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- European Space Agency
- Date From
- 1995
- Date To
- 1998
- Title
- VERIVOX - Voice variability in speaker verification.
- Summary
- Feasibility study to examine the possibility of improving speaker verification systems by incorporating knowledge about how the voice of a speaker varies depending on stress, rate of speech, loudness level, etc. Funding: £3,000 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 1995
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- CABÓG - A development system for Irish text-to-speech conversion
- Summary
- Project involving the design and implementation of a software system that would enable the writing and testing of rules for text-to-speech conversion. Funding £23,000.
- Funding Agency
- ACCUTRON, Limerick and the Irish-American Foundation
- Date From
- 1993
- Date To
- 1996
- Title
- SPEECH MAPS - Sound-to-gesture inversion in speech
- Summary
- Project exploring how an articulatory robot can learn to produce articulatory gestures from sounds. A major component involved the recovery of the sources (articulatory and acoustic) from the speech output signal. Funding: £54,500 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 1992
- Date To
- 1995
- Title
- VOX - The analysis and synthesis of speaker characteristics
- Summary
- Working group concerned with the analysis and synthesis of voice quality as it varies across speakers and within the speech of the individual. The aim was to model the acoustic, articulatory and perceptual correlates of speaker type (voice type), speaker state (emotion and attitude) and speaker style (careful vs. casual speech), and to test these models using speech synthesis. Funding: £15,000 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 1992
- Date To
- 1995
- Title
- ACCOR II - Articulatory-acoustic correlations in coarticulation
- Summary
- ACCOR II was funded to continue the work and exploit the databases of ACCOR I. Funding: £15,000 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 1992
- Date To
- 1995
- Title
- ACCOR I - Articulatory-acoustic correlations in coarticulation
- Summary
- A cross-language investigation of coarticulation, the main source of systematic variability in speech segments. The study included acquisition of an articulatory-acoustic database in 7 languages. Funding £174,000 to TCD partner.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 1989
- Date To
- 1992