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Dr. Ciaran Kenny
Assistant Professor, Clin Speech & Language Studies


Ciarán Kenny is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, Trinity College Dublin. As well as teaching on the Department's undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, he serves as Postgraduate Course Director and was elected to University Council in 2024.

Dr Kenny holds a BSc in Applied Computational Linguistics, MSc in Speech and Language Therapy and PhD from Trinity College Dublin. His PhD topic was 'Dysphagia in adults with solid malignancies outside the head, neck, and upper gastrointestinal tract'. He has also gone on to complete qualifications in Statistics and in Academic Practice.

His special interests are voice and swallowing disorders. He focuses predominantly on improving evaluation and management practices for people living with these difficulties. He has a particular interest in instrumental evaluation of these disorders using tools such as acoustic analysis, ultrasound, videofluoroscopy and videostroboscopy.

Dr Kenny is co-Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Communication and Swallowing, having previously served as Associate Editor for BMJ - Supportive and Palliative Care. He is a former Chairperson of the Irish Voice Special Interest Group and was awarded lifetime membership for his contributions. He has also been recognised with an MA(jo) for service to College, as well a National Teaching Hero award.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Kenny, C., Regan, J., Balding, L., Higgins, S., O"Leary, N., Kelleher, F., McDermott, R., Armstrong, J., Mihai, A., Tiernan, E., Westrup, J., Thirion, P., Walsh, D., Oxaliplatin-related dysphagia: Mixed-methods study, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Gillman, A., Kenny, C., Hayes, M., Walshe, M., Reynolds, J.V., Regan, J., Nature, severity, and impact of chronic oropharyngeal dysphagia following curative resection for esophageal cancer: a cross-sectional study, Diseases of the Esophagus, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI URL

Kenny, C., Spotlight on: Nature, assessment, and management of laryngopharyngeal reflux, Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 26, (2), 2023, p89 - 97 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL

Georgalas VL, Kalantzi N, Harpur I, Kenny C., The Effects of Caffeine on Voice: A Systematic Review., Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation, 37, (4), 2023, p636.e7 - 636.e19 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Yvonne Lynch, Beth Milofsky, Cliona Sullivan, Eilis Farren, Órla Gilheaney, Susan Johnson, Ciaran Kenny, Caroline Jagoe and Duana Quigley, Developing a framework and digital toolkit for healthcare professional students and educators to support Technology-Enabled Practice Education (TEPE), Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 21, (1-2), 2023, p1 - 30 Journal Article, 2023 DOI URL

Kenny, C, Dysphonia and Vocal Tract Discomfort While Working From Home During COVID-19, Journal of Voice, 36, (6), 2022, p877.e1 - 877.e8 Journal Article, 2022 DOI URL

Gerosa M, Kenny C, The Effects of Vocal Loading and Steam Inhalation on Acoustic, Aerodynamic and Vocal Tract Discomfort Measures in Adults, Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Kenny, C. and Regan, J. and Balding, L. and Higgins, S. and O'Leary, N. and Kelleher, F. and McDermott, R. and Armstrong, J. and Mihai, A. and Tiernan, E. and Westrup, J. and Thirion, P. and Walsh, D., Dysphagia in Solid Tumors Outside the Head, Neck or Upper GI Tract: Clinical Characteristics, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Kenny, C., Regan, J., Balding, L., Higgins, S., O'Leary, N., Kelleher, F., McDermott, R., Armstrong, J., Mihai, A., Tiernan, E. and Westrup, J., Dysphagia prevalence and predictors in cancers outside the head, neck, and upper gastrointestinal tract. , Journal of pain and symptom management., 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Kenny C, Regan J, Walsh, D, Dysphagia in cancers outside the head, neck, and upper gastrointestinal tract, 55th Annual Conference: Irish Association for Cancer Research, Belfast, 2019 Meeting Abstract, 2019

Kenny, C, Swallowing Problems in Cancer, Irish Association for Cancer Research, Belfast, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Kenny C., Regan J., Walsh D., Dysphagia in cancer patients: Common, dangerous, and under-diagnosed , 26 , (S2 ), 2018, ppS170 - Published Abstract, 2018

Ciaran Kenny, Julie Regan, Declan Walsh, Dysphagia in solid cancers: Clinical characteristics and impact, European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Dublin, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Kenny, C., Gilheaney, O, Walsh, D, Regan, J., Oropharyngeal Dysphagia Evaluation Tools in Adults with Solid Malignancies Outside the Head and Neck and Upper GI Tract: A Systematic Review, Dysphagia, 33, (3), 2018, p303 - 320 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Gilheaney, Ó., Béchet, S., Kerr, P., Kenny, C., Smith, S., Kouider, R., Kidd, R., Walshe, M., The prevalence of oral stage dysphagia in adults presenting with temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 76, (6), 2018, p448 - 458 Journal Article, 2018

Kenny C, Regan J, Walsh D, Cancer cachexia and dysphagia: A nutritional and therapeutic dilemma?, 37, (S1), 2018, ppS77 - S78 Published Abstract, 2018

Ciaran Kenny, Julie Regan, Declan Walsh, Dysphagia in solid cancers: Prevalance and predictors, European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Dublin, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Ciaran Kenny, Julie Regan, Declan Walsh, Dysphagia in cancers outside the head, neck, and upper GI tract, Translating Health and Social Care Professions' Research into Policy and Practice, Dublin, 2018, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Ciaran Kenny, Julie Regan, Declan Walsh, Dysphagia screening, evaluation and quality of life tools for cancers outside the head, neck, and upper GI tract: A systematic review, Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference, Dublin, 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

Kenny, C., Mukerji, N., Walsh, D., A clinical audit of xerostomia assessment and treatment practices amongst advanced cancer patients in a palliative care setting, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, APM Supportive & Palliative Care Conference, Belfast, 7, (S1), 2017 Published Abstract, 2017

Kenny, C., Regan, J., Walsh, D., Psychometric properties of screening and evaluation tools for oro-pharyngeal dysphagia in adults with cancer outside the upper GI tract: A systematic review, Dysphagia, European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Milan, 32, (1), 2017, pp133 - 133 Published Abstract, 2017

Kenny, C., Uí Dhuibhír, P., O'Donoghue, N., Barrett, N., Parkes, C., Daly, S., Thirion, P., Walsh, D., Wireless intra-oral measurement of dynamic tongue pressures: A clinical utility pilot study, Dysphagia, European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Milan, 32, (1), 2017, pp147 - 147 Published Abstract, 2017

Kenny C., Assessment practices of Irish speech and language therapists in the evaluation of voice disorders , Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 42 , (1 ), 2017, p12-21 - Journal Article, 2017 DOI URL

Mukerji, N., Kenny, C., Walsh, D., A clinical audit of xerostomia assessment and treatment practices amongst advanced cancer patients in a palliative care setting, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 186, (1), 2016, ppS24 - S25 Published Abstract, 2016

Holmes, E., Kenny, C., Samuel, M., Regan, J., O'Rourke, J., McCoubrey, C., The role of Speech and Language Therapy in Assessing and Managing Pharyngo-esophageal Diverticula, Irish Medical Journal, 108, (10), 2015, p296 - 298 Journal Article, 2015

Lawson, S., Macklin, I., Kenny, C., Voice disorders in older people referred to speech and language therapy, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 182, (6), 2013, ppS260 - S260 Published Abstract, 2013

Kenny, C., Loudness therapy application for Parkinson's Disease using iPhone and iPad, International Journal of Integrated Care, London, 11, (6), 2011 Published Abstract, 2011

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Ciarán Kenny, Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: Assessment and Management, World Voice Day 2024, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, 30/04/2024, 2024, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Invited Talk, 2024

Kenny, C., Voice Care for Jazz Musicians, Voice Care for Jazz Musicians, Dublin City University, 18/01/2024, 2024, Dublin City University Invited Talk, 2024

Ciarán Kenny, Impact of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux on Voice and Swallow, ACS Autumn 2023 Online Lecture, Virtual, 27/11/2023, 2023, Advances in Communication and Swallowing Invited Talk, 2023 URL

Aoife Ryan, Michelle Hanna, Niamh Condon, Michelle Fanning, Ciarán Kenny, Eating Well with Swallowing Difficulties in Cancer: Level 6 Soft & Bite-Sized Diet, Cork, University College Cork, 2022, 1-131pp Book, 2022

Aoife Ryan, Michelle Hanna, Niamh Condon, Michelle Fanning, Ciarán Kenny, Eating Well with Swallowing Difficulties in Cancer: Level 5 Minced & Moist, Cork, University College Cork, 2022, 1-131pp Book, 2022

Ciarán Kenny, Update on Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, Symposium in Celebration of 10 Years of Postgraduate Voice Studies, Thomas More University, Antwerp, 04/05/2022, 2022 Invited Talk, 2022

Ciarán Kenny, Laryngopharyngeal Reflux and Dysphagia, Reflux, an unwanted guest: Multidisciplinary approaches , University of Antwerp, Antwerp, 06/12/2022, 2022, University of Antwerp Invited Talk, 2022

Aoife Ryan, Michelle Hanna, Niamh Condon, Michelle Fanning, Ciarán Kenny, Eating Well with Swallowing Difficulties in Cancer: Level 4 Puréed Diet, Cork, University College Cork, 2022, 1-115pp Book, 2022

Aoife Ryan, Michelle Hanna, Niamh Condon, Michelle Fanning, Ciarán Kenny, Eating Well with Swallowing Difficulties in Cancer: Level 3 Liquidised Diet, Cork, University College Cork, 2022, 1-107pp Book, 2022

Ciarán Kenny, Dysphagia in Cancers outside Anatomic Swallow Regions, European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Online Webinar, 10/04/2019, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019 URL

Ciaran Kenny, Julie Regan, Declan Walsh, Dysphagia in solid cancers, Grand Rounds, Our Lady's Hospice & Care Services, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Walshe M, Regan J, Kenny C. , 8th Annual ESSD Congress, 25th - 29th Sept , In:Dysphagia: Shaping the Future, 2018, Aviva Stadium Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2018

Ciaran Kenny, Julie Regan, Declan Walsh, Dysphagia in Cancers outside the Head, Neck, and Upper GI Tract, BACO, Manchester, UK, June 2018, 2018, British Association for Clinical Otolaryngology Invited Talk, 2018

Research Expertise


Cachexia; Chemosensation, hearing, balance, touch, somatosensation; Chemotherapy; Colorectal Cancer; Critical Care; Dysphagia in cancer and palliative care; Gastroenterology; Gastrointestinal Diseases/Disorders; Hospices; Instrumental evaluation of voice and swallow; Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease; Lung Cancer; Malnutrition; Oncology; Oral Health; Otorhinolaryngology; Parkinson's Disease; Stress; Stroke; Therapy Evaluation; Voice; Voice disorders



External Examiner for the Speech and Language Therapy qualification in University of Reading (2020-2024). 2020-2024

External Examiner for Videofluoroscopy Analysis in Adult Dysphagia postgraduate course (Tallaght University Hospital) 2024-Present

Co-Editor-in-Chief: Advances in Communication and Swallowing 2023-Present

Awards and Honours

Master in Arts (jure officii) 2022

Irish Voice SIG - Lifetime Member Award 2021

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education / Union of Students in Ireland: Teaching Hero Award 2021


Full Member of Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (MIASLT) 2009 – Present

Member of the European Society for Swallowing Disorders (ESSD). 2016 – Present

CORU registered Speech and Language Therapist. 2016 – Present

Irish Voice Special Interest Group (SIG) 2012 – Present

Irish Adult Dysphagia Special Interest Group (SIG) 2012 – Present