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Caroline Jagoe - Assistant Professor in Clinical Speech & Language

Caroline Jagoe

Assistant Professor in Clinical Speech & Language

The thread of 'inclusive societies' runs through my research: from a micro-focus on participation in conversations involving people with communication disability and their communication partners; to international research on novel interventions to increase inclusion of people with aphasia; extending to a macro-focus on disability inclusion in humanitarian settings. I am currently collaborating with the World Food Programme to address disability inclusion in food security programming.

What I teach

  • Supporting communication with people with aphasia [The Conversation Partner Scheme – Junior Freshman]
  • Assessment and Intervention with people with aphasia [Senior Freshman & Junior Sophister]
  • Advanced Studies in Communication Disability and Society [Final year]

What I research

  • Disability inclusion (with a specific interest in people with communication disabilities) in humanitarian and development contexts (currently in relation to programmes in Iraq, Central African Republic, Cox’s Bazaar, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia)
  • The inclusion of people with communication disabilities through environmental and attitudinal interventions (specifically communication partner training)
  • Intersectional discrimination in communication disabilities and disability-focused research
  • Application of Relevance Theory to communication disorders

Current Projects

  • Disability Inclusion in food security programming delivered by the World Food Programme (PI)
  • Disability Inclusion in GBV Programming in Iraq (collaborator; project funded by ERLHA)
  • Community Based Inclusive Development and disability stigma in Ethiopia (in partnership with CBMIreland)
  • Communication Partner Training in aphasia: research in languages other than English (PI)

Recent Publications

  • Jagoe, C. & Walsh, I.P. (2020). Communication and mental health disorders: Developing theory, growing practice. J&R Press
  • Molloy, J., & *Jagoe, C. (2019). Use of diverse diagnostic criteria for acquired apraxia of speech: a scoping review. International journal of language & communication disorders, 54(6), 875-893
  • Trebilcock, M., Worrall, L., Ryan, B., Shrubsole, K., Jagoe, C., Simmons-Mackie, N., Bright, F., Cruice, M., Pritchard, M. and Le Dorze, G. (2019). Increasing the intensity and comprehensiveness of aphasia services: identification of key factors influencing implementation across six countries. Aphasiology, 33 (7), 865-887.