Duolingo English Test: Stakeholder Study
Trinity’s Centre for English Language Learning and Teaching (CELLT) is partnering with Duolingo’s research programme in a study about English usage in higher education. We invite all Trinity international students and academic staff to take part in an anonymous survey about the importance of different types of English language skills in university life.
About the Survey
The survey is aimed at degree-seeking international students who were required to take an English proficiency test for admission and academic staff who teach international students. The survey contains about 50 statements related to speaking, writing, reading, listening and interacting in English as part of university life. We anticipate that surveys will take 15 - 20 minutes to complete. There is a separate version of the survey for students and staff. Students are asked about their perceptions of using English, and staff are asked about the types of English language skills required in their courses. Participants are asked to respond to survey statements based on the extent to which they agree or disagree with each statement. The survey has an optional demographics question section at the end.
Charitable incentive
Upon completion of the survey, the first 600 student participants can select one international charity, and Duolingo will donate USD25 on their behalf to Doctors without Borders, The Red Cross, or UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency).
Data security
The Duolingo Stakeholder Study has received approval from the Research Ethics Committee in the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences at Trinity College Dublin. The study does not require any personally identifying information from study participants and is completely anonymous.
Further information Read about Duolingo’s data security and data privacy policies.
Further information
Download the survey’s information leafletRead about Duolingo’s data security and data privacy policies.
Contact the Duolingo Stakeholder Study’s local lead:
Professor Lorna Carson, Head of School, School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences carsonle@tcd.ie
Contact Duolingo’s research team englishtest-research@duolingo.com