Martine Smith Professor in Clinical Speech & Language
Martine Smith
Professor in Clinical Speech & Language
I am a speech and language therapist with research and clinical interests related to augmentative and alternative communication, literacy, and developmental speech and language impairments.
I’m particularly interested in how language develops and how communication works, if someone has a significant communication difficulty.
What I teach
- Developmental speech sound disorders: assessment and intervention.
- Augmentative and alternative communication
- Assessing children with developmental language impairments
What I research
- Becoming an Aided Communicator: how do children and their communication partners become competent at managing conversations using communication devices? How do they solve communication problems using non-speech modalities
- Language, interaction and aided communication: How do adults who use AAC navigate conversations and integrate non-speech modalities into their daily lives?
- Life Stories: How do people with severe communication impairments construct and express their life stories?
- Language, literacy and social disadvantage: The role of the SLT in mitigating some of the risk of social disadvantage for children’s language and literacy outcomes
Recent Publications
- Smith, M., Innovations for Supporting Communication: Opportunities and challenges for people with complex communication needs, Folia Phoniatrica Logopedia, 71, (1), 2019, p156 - 167
- Smith, M., Manduchi, B., Burke, E., Carroll, R., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Communication difficulties in adults with Intellectual Disability: Results from a national cross-sectional study, Research in Developmental Disabilities, early online, (97), 2019, p1-12
- Tinney, G. & Smith, M., Identifying and managing incidents of minor theft within a service for individuals with intellectual disabilities, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47, 2019, p264 – 269
- Murray, J., Lynch, Y., Meredith, S., Moulam, L., Goldbart, J., Smith, M., Randall, N. & Judge, S., Professionals’ decision-making in recommending communication aids in the UK: competing considerations, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 35, 2019, p167-179