Archive News & Events
Congratulations to Dr. Caroline Jagoe, who was one of Eleven Trinity researchers to receive an Irish Research Council Laureate AwardIrish Research Council Laureate Awards
Welcome to new member of staff, Professor Nathan HillNew staff member
Congratulations to the four PIs from our School who have been awarded research funding through the Provost PhD Project AwardsCProvost’s
We congratulate the members of staff who have received awards this year from the AHSS Benefactions Fund. Read more about their projects hereAHSS Benefactions Awards
A new partnership with the UN World Food ProgrammeThe research collaboration between Trinity and WFP is being led by Dr Caroline Jagoe, Assistant Professor in Clinical Speech and Language Studies, with Research Fellow, Claire O’Reilly, who is an experienced humanitarian with a background in physiotherapy. The project seeks to develop an evidence base for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in WFP food and nutrition assistance programmes.
Three New School Online Learning Ambassadors AnnouncedDr Duana Quigley, Dr Sarah Sheridan and Dr John Bosco Conama have been named as School Online Ambassadors for 2020-21. All three academics bring a range of extensive experience in online learning, and will be available to share their expertise in all areas of the School’s teaching and learning.
New School publication on Language and Identity in EuropeStaff from the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences have published a new edited book entitled “Language and Identity in Europe: The Multilingual City and its Citizens” (Peter Lang, 2020).
International Developmental Language Disorder DelayStudents from the Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies got involved in this year’s International Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day on the 16th of October.
Research shows that home working is associated with a higher risk of voice problemsDepartment of Clinical Speech and Language Studies
The DISCOVER Study- Dysphagia and Communication Difficulties amongst Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19 across IrelandDepartment of Clinical Speech and Language Studies
Launch of Deaf Interpreter Training ProgrammeCentre for Deaf Studies
COVID-19 - College Closure Communication ProjectDepartment of Clinical Speech and Language Studies
News this Autumn 2020 - new publication - Communication and Mental Health Disorders: Developing Theory, Growing PracticeDepartment of Clinical Speech and Language Studies
Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics Interfaces Reading Group - Hilary Term 2020Thursdays 13:00-14:00 in room 4050B, Arts Building, Trinity College.
The Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies in Trinity College Dublin are hosting the Irish Premiere of WHEN I STUTTERFrom the depths of hopelessness to the heights of redemption, these stories will change how you view stuttering forever - 12 December 2019
Dr. Sarah O'Brien to partner with Universidade Federal Fluminense on Brazilian CAPES PRINT Project01 May 2019
Comparisons, Conflicts, and Connections: Ireland and Latin America in the Past, Present, and Future, 23-26 April 2019, Trinity College Dublin23 April 2019
XCELING26 February 2018
Irish Research Network in Childhood Bilingualism and Multilingualism6 February 2019
Provost's PhD Project Awards 201818 October 2018
Childhood bilingualism Issues in language acquisition, cognition and language maintenance5 October 2018
European Society for Swallowing Disorders Annual Congress 2018Tuesday, 25 September
Speech and Language Pathology – International Network Summer School 2018, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, The NetherlandsAugust 2018
Supporting Practice Educators: An Interdisciplinary Practice Education Study DayMonday, 25 June 2018
Provost's Teaching AwardThursday, 14 June 2018
New works publishedTuesday, 12 June 2018
Practical Psychology for Allied Health Professionals: The Application of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Clinical PracticeThursday, 31 May 2018
Alumni NewsletterApril 2018
Exciting PhD OpportunitiesFriday 2 March 2018
New Publication on Language Learner AutonomyTuesday, 23 May 2017
E-LENGUA ProjectTuesday, 01 Nov 2016
Dublin Language GardenWednesday, 16 Sep 2016
30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics & Phoniatrics (IALP)Wednesday, 21-25 Aug 2016
Language, Mind, Society - CLCS Public Lecture Series: Men don’t beg – when gender meets interlanguage pragmaticsWednesday, 18 May 2016
Language, Mind, Society - CLCS Public Lecture Series: Language Myths: First Language, Second Language, What Language? Deaf Students and Sign Language InterpretersWednesday, 15 June 2016
Dr John Bosco Conama, Language Ambassador of the Year 2015-16

Welcome to Prof. Amy Connery
We extend a warm welcome to Prof. Amy Connery, Assistant Professor in Speech and Language Pathology. Prof. Connery’s work centres on an evidence-based and stakeholder-informed framework to support speech and language therapists working with adults who stutter.

Welcome to new staff member Prof. Isabelle Heyerick
We are delighted to welcome on board Prof. Isabelle Heyerick, Assistant Professor in Applied Sign Linguistics. Prof. Heyerick’s area of expertise is signed language interpreting and her research is situated on the intersection of (applied) linguistics, intercultural studies, and language ideologies.

Human Capital Initiative Industry Guest Talks
For Trinity students interested in knowing more about careers with languages, join us on Tuesday 12 April to hear from two guest speakers, part of the Human Capital Initiative Industry Guest Talks series within Trinity’s HCI-funded Languages for Employability programme. With guest speakers Erica Lee (Dept of Foreign Affairs) and Aisling O’Carroll (OROKO Travel).

Connor McCabe awarded IRC Medal of Excellence
SLSCS PhD student Connor McCabe has been awarded the ‘Eda Sagarra Medal of Excellence’ by the Irish Research Council for being the top-ranked postgraduate researcher in the AHSS category. Connor’s research focuses on the relationships between intonation, speech rhythm, and word stress. He is based in the Speech and Phonetics Lab in the School’s Centre for Language and Communication Studies.
New book chapter by Prof. John Bosco Conama
Congratulations to Prof. Conama on his chapter entitled “The Bumpy Journey Towards the Irish Sign Language Act: Critical Considerations and Personal Reflections of a Deaf Activist–Scholar”, published by Multilingual Matters in a new book entitled Vulnerabilities, Challenges and Risks in Applied Linguistics. The volume provides insights on both academic and professional practice across several areas in spoken and signed languages, and encourages those involved in applied linguistics to consider their own practice and their relationship with the communities, policies and educational contexts they engage with in the course of their teaching, research and activism.

Athena SWAN Bronze Award
We are pleased to announce that the School has been awarded the Athena SWAN Bronze Award in recognition of our commitment to improving gender equality and representation amongst staff and students. This award reflects the engagement and continuing commitment of our School to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion, helping us make our School a welcoming environment for all. We will shortly be sharing our self-assessment report on the School website

HCI Languages for Employability Programme launched
A new language programme open to all Trinity postgraduates has been launched by the School’s Centre for Language and Communication Studies. Funded by the Human Capital Initiative, the programme offers a range of Asian and European languages targeted at enhancing graduate language skills. .

Provost’s Trinity Excellence in Teaching Awards 2020 & 2021
Hearty congratulations to the members of our School staff who received these prestigious teaching awards, all from the Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies. The recipients are Dr Gilheaney (2021), Dr Quigley (2020) and Prof. Regan (2020).

Career Talk – Linguistics at Google
Join us online for a talk by Trinity alumnus Dr Alessio Frenda, Senior Analytical Linguist at Google

Teaching Hero Award
We would like to congratulate Prof. Sarah Sheridan on her recent Teaching Hero Award. This student-led award is for those who teach in higher education. Prof. Sheridan received her award from the Union of Students in Ireland and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Teaching Hero Award
We would like to congratulate Prof. Ciarán Kenny on his recent Teaching Hero Award. This student-led award is for those who teach in higher education. Prof. Kenny received his award from the Union of Students in Ireland and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

New! Book of Kells Animations with Irish Sign Language
Book of Kells - ISL