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Neasa Ní Chiaráin

Ussher Assistant Professor in Irish Speech and Language Technology


Contact Information

Address: Phonetics & Speech Laboratory,
School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences,
Room 4091 Arts Building,
Trinity College Dublin,
College Green, Dublin 2

Research Interests

  • Irish speech and language technology (speech synthesis/speech recognition/dialogue systems)
  • intelligent-Computer-Assisted Language Learning (iCALL)
  • accessibility applications of Irish speech technologies
  • protecting endangered languages through technology and digital tools

Current Projects


Module titles:

  • Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Design, Implementation and Evaluation
  • Speech and Language Technology in Education
  • Language and Communication in the Digital Age
  • Irish Language and Culture (Advanced)
  • An Ghaeilge mar Mheán Teagaisc

Service to College

  • Erasmus/Visiting Student Coordinator


Dr. Neasa Ni Chiarain
Ussher Assistant Professor, C.L.C.S.


Neasa Ní Chiaráin is working on the development of speech and language technology for Irish, particularly on Irish language synthetic voices as part of the ABAIR initiative ( in the Phonetics and Speech Lab, CLCS. As well as working on the development of the underpinning linguistic resources needed for synthesis, her research focuses on exploring the application of speech and language technology in a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) context, particularly for the teaching/learning of Irish.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Barnes, E., Ní Chiaráin, N. & Ní Chasaide, A., Phonemic Awareness: Language-Specific and Universal Contributions, Reading and Writing, 2024, p Journal Article, 2024

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Neimhin Robinson Gunning, Oisín Nolan, Madeleine Comtois, Filling the SLaTE: examining the contribution LLMs can make to Irish iCALL content generation, Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), Dublin, Ireland, 18-20 August 2023, ISCA, 2023, pp176 - 181 Conference Paper, 2023

Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Towards dialect-inclusive recognition in a low-resource language: Are balanced corpora the answer?, INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireand, 2023, pp5082 - 5086 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI

Murphy, A., Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., ABAIR & ÉIST: A demonstration of speech technologies for Irish, 2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023), Dublin, Ireland, 2023, pp121 - 123 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI

Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A., Lonergan, L., Sloan, J., Wendler, C., McCabe, C., Barnes, E. and Gobl, C., The ABAIR suite of Irish Speech technology and applications: an overview, UK Speech Conference 2023, Sheffield, UK, 2023, pp122 - 122 Published Abstract, 2023 URL

Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A., Lonergan, L., Sloan, J., Wendler, C., McCabe, C., Barnes, E. and Gobl, C., The language communities as active partners in technology provisions: the Irish ABAIR experience, 2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023), 2023, pp116 - 120 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI

John Sloan, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, An Bat Mírialta: Stateful Development of an Irregular Verb Bot for Irish, Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), Dublin, Ireland, 18-20 August 2023, ISCA, 2023, pp171 - 175 Conference Paper, 2023

Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Towards spoken dialect identification of Irish., 2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023), Dublin, Ireland, 2023, pp63 - 67 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI

Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A. (2023), A diagnostic for quantifying dialect bias in balanced corpora: an Irish case study, UK Speech Conference 2023, Sheffield, UK, 2023 Published Abstract, 2023 URL

Murphy, A., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Ní Chasaide, A. and Gobl, C., Synthetic voices for an endangered language community: the Irish experience, UK Speech Conference 2023, Sheffield, UK, 2023, pp16 - 16 Published Abstract, 2023 URL

An Corpas Cliste: creating a learner corpus for Irish from a new, purpose-built iCALL platform in, editor(s)Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir, Branislav Bédi, Linda Bradley, Kolbrún Friðriksdóttir, Hólmfríður Garðarsdóttir, Sylvie Thouësny, Matthew James Whelpton , Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data: short papers from EUROCALL 2022,, 2022, pp297-301 , [Neasa Ní Chiaráin] Book Chapter, 2022 URL

Emily Barnes, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Predictors of literacy attainment in Irish-English bilinguals: implications for bilingual literacy assessment, 22nd European Conference on Literacy 46th Annual Conference, Literacy Association of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 4-6 July 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Hongfei Wang & Neasa Ni Chiarain, Evaluate an Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning Tool for Beginner Learners of Mandarin Chinese in Ireland, IRAAL Conference 2022, Munster Technological University, 30/09-01/10, 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Neasa Ní Chiaráin , An Scéalaí: Foghlaim (Ríomhchuidithe) na Gaeilge, Irish in Outlook: A Hundred Years of Irish Education, Trinity College, Dublin, 12-13 May 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Easy as ABC: using LARA to build multimedia alphabet books in, editor(s)Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir, Branislav Bédi, Linda Bradley, Kolbrún Friðriksdóttir, Hólmfríður Garðarsdóttir, Sylvie Thouësny, and Matthew James Whelpton , Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data: short papers from EUROCALL 2022,,, 2022, pp1-6 , [Elham Akhlaghi-Baghoojari, Branislav Bédi, Cathy Chua, Ivana Horváthová, Nedelina Ivanova, Christèle Maizonniaux, Marta Mykhats, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, Catherine Orian Weiss, Rina Zviel-Girshin] Book Chapter, 2022 URL

Branislav Bédi, Hakeem Beedar, Belinda Chiera, Nedelina Ivanova, Christèle Maizonniaux, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, John Sloan, Ghil'ad Zuckermann, Using LARA to create image-based and phonetically annotated multimodal texts for endangered languages, Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages, ACL 2022, Dublin, Ireland, 26/27 May 2022, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022, pp68 - 77 Conference Paper, 2022 URL

Neasa Ní Chiaráin , The bridge between speech technology development and its real-world use, IRAAL Conference 2022, Munster Technological University, 20 September 2022, 2022 Published Abstract, 2022

Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Murphy, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C., and Ní Chasaide, A., Automatic Speech Recognition for Irish: the ABAIR-ÉIST System, The 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop (CLTW 4) at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2022, pp47 - 51 Conference Paper, 2022 URL

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Oisín Nolan, Madeleine Comtois, Neimhin Robinson Gunning, Harald Berthelsen, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Using Speech and NLP Resources to build an iCALL platform for a minority language: the story of An Scéalaí, the Irish experience to date, Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages, ACL 2022, Dublin, Ireland, 26-27 May 2022, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022, pp109 - 118 Conference Paper, 2022 URL

Muireann Áine Nic Corcráin, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Emily Barnes, Claire O'Neill, Irish language Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) - developing augmentative communication systems to assist with creating inclusive opportunities for Irish language users and L2 learners of Irish, Education Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) conference 2022, online, 7-8 April 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Qian, M., Berthelsen, H., Lonergan, L., Murphy, A., O'Neill, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Automatic Speech Recognition for Irish: testing lexicons and language models, 33rd Irish Signals & Systems Conference (ISSC) 2022, Cork, Ireland, IEEE, 2022, pp1 - 6 Conference Paper, 2022 DOI

Elham Akhlaghi, Ingibjörg Iða Auðunardóttir, Branislav Bédi, Hakeem Beedar, Harald Berthelsen, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarini, Brynjarr Eyjólfsson, Nedelina Ivanova, Christèle Maizonniaux, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, John Sloan, Sigurður Vigfússon, Ghil`ad Zuckermann, Reading Assistance through LARA, the Learning And Reading Assistant, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Tools and Resources for People with REAding DIfficulties (READI) @ LREC2022, Marseille, France, 24 June 2022, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2022, pp1 - 8 Conference Paper, 2022

Barnes E., Morrin, O., Ní Chasaide, A., Cummins, J., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A., Nic Corcráin, Claire O"Neill, C., Gobl, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., AAC don Ghaeilge: the Prototype Development of Speech-Generating Assistive Technology for Irish, The 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop (CLTW 4) at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2022, pp127 - 132 Conference Paper, 2022 URL

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Madeleine Comtois, Oisín Nolan, Neimhin Robinson Gunning, John Sloan, Harald Berthelsen, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Celtic CALL: strengthening the vital role of education for language transmission, Proceedings of the CLTW 4 @ LREC2022, Marseille, France, 20 June 2022, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2022, pp71 - 76 Conference Paper, 2022

Lonergan, L., Qian, M., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A., O'Neill, C., Ní Chiaráin, N., Gobl, C. and Ní Chasaide, A., Cross-dialect lexicon optimisation for an endangered language ASR system: the case of Irish, INTERSPEECH 2022, Incheon, Korea, 2022, pp4865 - 4869 Conference Paper, 2022 DOI

Ailbhe Ni Chasaide, Emily Barnes, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Rónán McGuirk, Oisín Morrin, Muireann Nic Corcráin, Julia Cummins, Challenges in assistive technology development for an endangered language: an Irish (Gaelic) perspective, Ninth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT-2022), ACL 2022, Dublin, Ireland, 27 May 2022, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022, pp80 - 87 Conference Paper, 2022 URL

Elham Akhlaghi, Ingibjörg Iða Auðunardóttir, Anna Baczkowska, Branislav Bédi, Hakeem Beedar, Harald Berthelsen, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarini, Hanieh Habibi, Ivana Horváthová, Junta Ikeda, Christèle Maizonniaux, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Chadi Raheb, Manny Rayner, John Sloan, Nikos Tsourakis, Chunlin Yao, Using the LARA Little Prince to compare human and TTS audio quality, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), Marseille, France, June 20-25, 2022, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2022, pp2967 - 2975 Conference Paper, 2022

Ghil'Ad Zuckermann, Sigurður Vigfússon, Manny Rayner, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Nedelina Ivanova, Hanieh Habibi, Branislav Bédi, LARA in the Service of Revivalistics and Documentary Linguistics: Community Engagement and Endangered Languages, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages, ComputEL-4 - 4th Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages, Online, 02-03 March 2021, ACL, 2021, pp13 - 23 Conference Paper, 2021

Elham Akhlaghi, Anna Bączkowska, Branislav Bédi, Harald Berthelsen, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarini, Hanieh Habibi, Ivana Horváthová, Christèle Maisonniaux, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, Assessing the Quality of TTS Audio in the LARA Learning-by-Reading Platform, EuroCALL 2021, Paris, France, 25 - 27 August 2021, 2021 Published Abstract, 2021

The Potential of Text-to-Speech Synthesis in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Minority Language Perspective in, editor(s)Alberto Andujar , Recent Tools for Computer- and Mobile-Assisted Foreign Language Learning, Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2020, pp149 - 169, [Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide] Book Chapter, 2020

Elham Akhlaghi, Branislav Bédi, Fatih Bektaş, Harald Berthelsen, Matthias Butterweck, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarin, Gülşen Eryiğit, Johanna Gerlach, Hanieh Habibi, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, Steinþór Steingrímsson and Helmer Strik, Constructing multimodal language learner texts using LARA: experiences with nine languages, Proceedings of LREC 2020, Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Marseille, France, 11-16 May 2020, European Language Resources Association, 2020, pp323-331 Conference Paper, 2020

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Foghlaim ríomhchuidithe teanga-chliste agus teicneolaíocht na hurlabhra: Féidearthachtaí do theagasc/d'fhoghlaim na Gaeilge: Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning and speech technology: Possibilities for the teaching and learning of Irish. , TEANGA, the Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 27, 2020, p79-97 Journal Article, 2020

Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Murphy, A., Barnes, E. and Gobl, C., Can we Defuse the Digital Timebomb? Linguistics, Speech Technology and the Irish Language Community, International Conference on Language Technologies for ALL (LT4All): Enabling Linguistic Diversity and Multilingualism Worldwide, UNESCO, Paris, France, 4-6 December 2019, edited by Adda, G., Mariani, J. , European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2020, pp177 - 181 Conference Paper, 2020 URL

Emily Barnes, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide & Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Bilingual phonological awareness: when interdependence becomes interference, International Association for the Study of Child Language conference, Philadelphia, USA, 2020 Conference Paper, 2020

The development of an online game-based simulation for the training of English language teachers in virtual environments in, editor(s)Frederiksen, Karen-Margrete; Larsen, Sanne; Bradley, Linda; Thouësny, Sylvie , CALL for widening participation: short papers from EUROCALL 2020,, 2020, pp334-341 , [Vasmatzoglou, Areti; Ní Chiaráin, Neasa] Book Chapter, 2020

Elham Akhlaghi, Branislav Bédi, Harald Berthelsen, Matthias Butterweck, Cathy Chua, Hanieh Habibi, Junta Ikeda, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Manny Rayner, Sabina Sestigiani, Ghil'ad Zuckermann, How enetCollect groups are collaborating to build the LARA platform, European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques: WG1/WG3 Meeting, Naples, Italy, 26-28 March 2020, 2020 Poster, 2020

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Emily Barnes, Testing the discrimination and grammatical use of consonantal contrasts in Irish using an iCALL platform, EuroCALL 2020, Copenhagen, 19-22 August 2020, 2020 Published Abstract, 2020

Emily Barnes, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide & Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Deconstructing bilingual phonological awareness: the case for language-specific instruction, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, California, USA, July 2020, 2020 Conference Paper, 2020

Emily Barnes, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide & Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Unravelling complexity in bilingual phonemic awareness: the role of orthography, International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children, The Netherlands, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Integrating Dialogue within an iCALL Platform for Irish, Dialog for Good (DiGo) 2019: Workshop on Speech and Language Technology Serving Society, Stockholm, Sweden, 10/09/19, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019 URL

Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., Murphy, A., Barnes, E. and Gobl, C. , Leveraging Phonetic and Speech Research for Irish Language Revitalisation and Maintenance, ICPhS 2019: the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 2019, pp994 - 998 Conference Paper, 2019 URL TARA - Full Text

Towards the design of iCALL tools for beginner Mandarin Chinese learners in Ireland in, editor(s)Fanny Meunier, Julie Van de Vyver, Linda Bradley, and Sylvie Thouësny , CALL and complexity - short papers from EUROCALL 2019,, 2019, pp385 - 390, [Hongfei Wang, Neasa Ní Chiaráin] Book Chapter, 2019 TARA - Full Text URL DOI

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, An Scéalaí: autonomous learners harnessing speech and language technologies, SLaTE 2019: 8th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Graz, Austria, 20/09/19 - 21/09/19, ISCA, 2019, pp94 - 98 Conference Paper, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

An iCALL approach to morphophonemic training for Irish using speech technology in, editor(s)Fanny Meunier, Julie Van de Vyver, Linda Bradley, and Sylvie Thouësny , CALL and complexity - short papers from EUROCALL 2019,, 2019, pp314 - 320, [Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide] Book Chapter, 2019 DOI

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Language Learning arising from the Multidisciplinary Irish Speech Technology Initiative, ABAIR, European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques: WG3/WG4 Meeting, Trnava, Slovakia, 27-29 November 2019, 2019 Poster, 2019

Emily Barnes, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, & Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Listening to minority voices: towards best practice in bilingual literacy assessment, Childhood Bilingualism Research Network Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Ó Broin, D., Barnes, E., Ní Chiaráin, N. and Ní Chasaide, A., A Story Based Game for Teaching Phonics for the Irish language, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2018, pp495 - 503 Conference Paper, 2018

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Recycling learner data for acquisition of targeted linguistic features: a custom-built iCALL platform, Proceedings of the XIXth International CALL Research Conference, CALL Your Data, Bruges, Belgium , edited by J. Colpaert, A. Aerts and F. Cornillie , 2018, pp292 - 294 Conference Paper, 2018

Barnes, E., Ní Chasaide, A. and Ní Chiaráin, N., The design and pre-testing of literacy and cognitive tasks in Irish and English, Literacy Association of Ireland 42nd International Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2018, pp1 - 11 Conference Paper, 2018

An Scéalaí: synthetic voices for autonomous learning in, editor(s)P. Taalas, J. Jalkanen, L. Bradley and S. Thouesny , Future-proof CALL: Language Learning as Exploration and Encounters - short papers from EUROCALL 2018,, 2018, pp230 - 235, [Ní Chiaráin, N. and Ní Chasaide, A.] Book Chapter, 2018 DOI

Emily Barnes, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Departures from the "norm": how the phonology, morphology and orthography of the Irish language impact on literacy instruction and acquisition, Exploring the Literacy Landscape: Celebrating 40 Years of Research and Practice, Literacy Association of Ireland 40th Annual Conference, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, 29-30 September 2016, Literacy Association of Ireland, 2017, pp22 - 32 Conference Paper, 2017

Emer Gilmartin, Jaebok Kim, Alpha Diallo, Yong Zhao, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ketong Su, Yuyun Huang, Benjamin R. Cowan, Nick Campbell, CARAMILLA - Speech Mediated Language Learning Modules for Refugee and High School Learners of English and Irish, Proceedings of the Seventh ISCA workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education 2017, 7th ISCA workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE 2017), Stockholm, Sweden, 25-26 August 2017, edited by Olov Engwall, Jose Lopes and Iolanda Leite , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp138 - 143 Conference Paper, 2017

Criteria for evaluating a game-based CALL platform in, editor(s)K. Borthwick, L. Bradley and S. Thouësny , CALL in a climate of change: adapting to turbulent global conditions - short papers from EUROCALL 2017, Voillans, France,, 2017, pp229 - 234, [Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide] Book Chapter, 2017 DOI

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Teicneolaíocht na hUrlabhra agus na Teanga don Ghaeilge, Seimineár poiblí ar an ríomhaireacht sa Ghaeilge , Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, DCU, 08 May 2017, 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, Wendler, C., Berthelsen, H., Murphy, A. and Gobl, C., The ABAIR Initiative: Bringing Spoken Irish into the Digital Space, INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp2113 - 2117 Conference Paper, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI

Ní Chiaráin, N. and Ní Chasaide, A., Effects of Educational Context on Learners' Ratings of a Synthetic Voice, Proceedings of the 7th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE 2017), Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp47 - 52 Conference Paper, 2017 URL

Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, An Ghaeilge agus Úsáid na Teicneolaíochta Ar-Líne (The Irish Language and Technology On-Line), Pobal na Gaeilge sa Ré Dhigiteach (The Irish Language Community in the Digital Age), The Connemara Coast, Galway, March 2016, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Ní Chiaráin, N. and Ní Chasaide, A. , Chatbot Technology with Synthetic Voices in the Acquisition of an Endangered Language: Motivation, Development and Evaluation of a Platform for Irish, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoro , Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016, edited by Nicoletta Calzolari, Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Marko Grobelnik, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Helene Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis , European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2016, pp3429 - 3435 Conference Paper, 2016

Ní Chiaráin, N., & Ní Chasaide, A., The Digichaint interactive game as a virtual learning environment for Irish, Proceedings of CALL communities and culture - short papers from EUROCALL 2016, Limassol, Cyprus, edited by Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous, Linda Bradley, and Sylvie Thouësny ,, 2016, pp330 - 336 Conference Paper, 2016 DOI

Emer Gilmartin, Jaebok Kim, Alpha Diallo, Yong Zhao, Neasa Ni Chiarain, Benjamin R. Cowan, Ketong Su, Yuyun Huang and Nick Campbell, CARAMILLA - Speech Mediated Language Learning Modules, Proceedings of the 12th Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces eNTERFACE'16, eNTERFACE'16, Enschede, The Netherlands,, August 2016, edited by Truong, K. P. and Reidsma, D. , CTIT, 2016, pp61 - 65 Conference Paper, 2016

Ní Chiaráin, N. and Ní Chasaide, A. , Faking Intelligent CALL: the Irish context and the road ahead, Proceedings of the joint workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning and NLP for Language Acquisition at SLTC, Umeå, Sweden, 16/11/2016, edited by Elena Volodina, Gintarė Grigonytė, Ildikó Pilán, Kristina Nilsson Björkenstam, Lars Borin , (130), Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet, 2016, pp60 - 65 Conference Paper, 2016

Ní Chiaráin, N., & Ní Chasaide, A. , The TATL framework for CALL development., Critical CALL - Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy, edited by Francesca Helm, Linda Bradley, Marta Guarda, Sylvie Thouësny ,, 2015, pp427 - 432 Conference Paper, 2015

Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Berthelsen, H., Wendler, C., & Murphy, A., Speech Technology as Documentation for Endangered Language Preservation: The Case of Irish, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences , Glasgow, Scotland, 2015, pp1-5 Conference Paper, 2015

Ní Chiaráin, N., & Ní Chasaide, A., Evaluating Synthetic Speech in an Irish CALL Application: Influences of Predisposition and of the Holistic Environment, Proceedings of SLaTE 2015: ISCA International Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Leipzig, Germany, edited by S. Steidl, A. Batliner, & O. Jokisch , 2015, pp149-154 Conference Paper, 2015

Ní Chiaráin, N., & Ní Chasaide, A. , Evaluating text-to-speech synthesis for CALL platforms. , Antwerp CALL 2014: International CALL Research Conference, Antwerp: University of Antwerp, 2014, pp104-110 Conference Paper, 2014

Cabral, J., Campbell, N., Ganesh, S., Gilmartin, E., Haider, F., Kenny, E., Kheirkhah, M., Murphy, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Pellegrini, T., Rey Orozko, O., MILLA - Multimodal Interactive Language Learning Agent, DialWatt - Semdial 2014. The 18th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Edinburgh, Scotland, edited by V. Rieser & P. Muller , 2014, pp164-166 Conference Paper, 2014

Ní Chasaide, A., Ní Chiaráin, N., Wendler, C., Berthelsen, H., Kelly, A., Gilmartin, E., Uí Dhonnchadha, E., Gobl, C., Towards personalised, synthesis-based content in Irish (Gaelic) language education, Proceedings of the ISCA Special Interest Group link (SIG) on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE) , Venice, Italy, 2011, pp29-32 Conference Paper, 2011

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Branislav Bédi, ChatGPT-4 C-LARA-Instance, Belinda Chiera, Cathy Chua, Catia Cucchiarini, Anne-Laure Dotte, Stéphanie Geneix-Rabault, Christèle Maizonniaux, Claudia Marginean, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Louis Parry-Mills, Chadi Raheb, Manny Rayner, Annika Simonsen, Manolache Lucret Viorica, Fabrice Wacalie, Pauline Welby, Zhengkang Xiang, Rina Zviel-Girshin, ChatGPT-Based Learning And Reading Assistant (C-LARA): Second Report, 2, HAL: Id: hal-04516027, March, 2024, p1 - 146 Report, 2024

Ní Chiaráin, Neasa, Developing the ABAIR Irish Synthetic Voices, Sheffield Speech Synthesis Workshop, Sheffield, UK, 12 June 2023, 2023, University of Sheffield, 5 - 6pp Invited Talk, 2023

Ní Chiaráin, Neasa, Endangered Languages from an Irish perspective: Tír gan Teanga, Tír gan Anam, EuroCALL 2023: CALL for All Languages, Reykjavík, Iceland, 15-18 August 2023, 2023, University of Iceland, 3 - 4pp Invited Talk, 2023

Ní Chiaráin, Neasa, Speech Technology for Irish: the ABAIR initiative, UK Speech 2023, Sheffield, UK, 14-15 June 2023, 2023, University of Sheffield Invited Talk, 2023

Ní Chasaide, A., Lynn, T., Uí Dhonnchadha, E., Ní Chiaráin, N and Judge, J., Digital Plan for the Irish Language: Speech and Language Technologies 2023-2027, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, 2022 Report, 2022 URL

Research Expertise


2ND LANGUAGE; attidude & motivational studies of second-language learners; Autonomy in Language Learning; Celtic languages and literature; classroom second language learning/acquisition ; Computer Assisted Language Learning; Corpus Linguistics; DIALOG; Discourse & Dialogue; Dyslexia and problems of written language; Education and minority language; Educational applications of Speech Technology; Game-based language learning; intelligent computer-assisted language learning (iCALL); Irish Language; Irish speech and language technology; LANGUAGE; LANGUAGE ACQUISITION; Language and technology; LANGUAGE LEARNING; Language pedagogy; Learner corpora; Minority language education and maintenance; Natural Language Processing; ORAL LANGUAGE; Second language acquisition; Second language acquisition, socio-cultural and psychological aspects; Second language curriculum; SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNERS; Second Language Learning; SPEECH; Speech and Language Technology ; Speech and Language Technology in Education; Speech processing/technology; SPEECH RECOGNITION; Speech synthesis; Speech technology; Technology and communication; Technology and language


Awards and Honours

European Language Label Award 2022 October 2022

Provost's Teaching Award - nominee 2020-21

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