Micro-credential Students
Micro-credentials are short, accredited flexible modules of learning that are designed to future proof professional learners for the new world of work. Trinity College Dublin is committed to next generation teaching and learning and we are delighted that the Higher Education Authority has recognised this commitment through funding the micro-credential pilot programme under the Human Capital Initiative 2020-2024.
What are the challenges I might face?
While we hope your transition into college will be smooth and problem free, it's good to know that many professional learners do face academic challenges. You may have questions around the academic culture; wondering what your lecturers expect, how to learn independently, how to write in an academic style, how to manage your workload or carry out research or think critically.
What help can I expect from SLD?
Navigating these challenges might require you to develop new learning skills. Even high achieving learners can struggle and may need to use different learning strategies to those they used previously. The great thing is that you can learn new skills and if you start using appropriate skills early on, they will stand you in good stead. SLD can support you to maximise your potential while putting new learning into practice in the real-world contexts of work.
Click here to visit our services section, and find out what support you can avail of.