Academic Culture

For students who are new to Trinity, making sense of Trinity's academic culture, with all its expectations and requirements, can be a bit overwhelming.

This is why we put together this guide on "How to Study in Trinity", where you can find information on a variety of issues, from how to settle in and prepare yourself for academic life, to all the different aspects of studying in Trinity, like:

  • attending lectures and understanding the role of lecturers;
  • developing reading, writing and English language skills;
  • understanding that critical thinking and independent learning are important expectations of Trinity students;
  • preparing for exams and understanding the grading system.

The guide provides practical solutions, as well as advice on places to go and people to talk to if you need help or support.  This 35 minute video will also give you some useful advice on the academic culture and how you can become a successful learner in Trinity.

If you still have unanswered questions, feel free to send us an email at and we'll do our best to help.

Also, make sure to check the Trinity Jargon Buster if there are any academic terms that you do not understand.