Presentation Practice

Enhance your presentation skills with our skilled advisors. Deliver your presentation and receive feedback and advice.

Presentations are an important part of assessment and presenting effectively is a valuable skill for both employability and research for graduates.

Below you will find a link to the presentation section of our Blackboard module; it provides information on creating a presentation, effective delivery, and also how to manage your nerves or stress before an event.  You will need to be logged in to the SLD Blackboard module to view the resources. Click here to find out how to access Blackboard resources.

You may find it useful to explore these resources and then make an appointment to practice your delivery and receive feedback from one of our advisors.

Presentation skills appointments are usually run online. If you need a alternate timeslot or if you would prefer to present in person, please contact us at

We can also facilitate group appointments for group project presentations.