Instructions for enrolling on SLD's Blackboard Module

ASSL-A-YEAR12-202425 - Academic Skills for Successful Learning

1. Log on to your

2. Click on Modules in the left menu. On the top right you will see Module Catalog'.

3. Type 'academic skills’ in the ‘Module Search’ box and click ‘Go’.

Blackboard enrol

4. If a number of modules appear, hover your mouse under the Module ID titled ‘ASSL-202425’. Click on the drop-down arrow that appears

Blackboard enrolling instructions

5. Click on 'Enrol'

Blackboard enrolling instructions screen number 3

6. Click on 'Submit'

Blackboard enrolling instructions screen number 4

7. You will get a message to say you have been successful.

Blackboard enrolling instructions screen number 5