Professor John Haslett

Professor John Haslett

Fellow Emeritus, Statistics

Fellow Emeritus


Apart from sabbatical visits to Seattle, Canberra, Sydney and Massey Univ in NZ, I have been in TCD since graduate school in Birmingham. My current interests are focussed on spatio-temporal statistical models and 'related areas'. Applications to wind energy and to palaeo-climate reconstruction have led to modelling ideas which have appeared in papers that have been 'read' the Royal Statistical Society (1989 and 2006, in press). The methodologies have included long memory time series and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). In particular we have developed fast MCMC methods for leave-k-out cross-validation in 'inverse' models. Other past applications have included digital satellite imagery as used in mineral exploration. Current (Nov 2005) research proposals include applying the Bayesian methods used in our palaeo-climate work to (a) the spread of the Neolithic culture through Europe (with colleagues in Genetics and Archeology) and (b) modern official statistics (with the Central Statistics Office). A related area is that of General Least Squares (GLS), the methodology under-pinning 'geo-statistics', a widely modelling framework used in spatial data analysis. GLS methods underpin many modern and classical statistical procedures. Thus leave-k-out deletion diagnostics, developed for geo-statistics, have very wide application to areas including random coefficient models.

Prof. John Haslett is a retired Chair of Statistics with about 40 years' experience teaching and examining in Trinity College. John is volunteering with the SLD service since 2018.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • J. Haslett, M. Whiley, S. Bhattacharya, M. Salter-Townshend, J.R.M. Allen, B. Huntley, F.J.G. Mitchell and S.P. Wilson, Bayesian palaeoclimate reconstruction, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 169, (3), 2006, p395 - 438Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Haslett, J., A simple derivation of deletion diagnostic results for the general linear model with correlated errors, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology , 61, (3), 1999, p603 - 609Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • D. J. Daley and J. Haslett, A thermal energy storage process with controlled input, Advances in Applied Probability, 14, (2), 1982, p257 - 271Journal Article, 1982, URL
  • Haslett, J. , Conditional expectations and residual analysis for the linear model, Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis , 13, (3-4), 1998, p259 - 268Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • John Haslett, Ronan Bradley, Peter Craig, Antony Unwin and Graham Wills, Dynamic Graphics for Exploring Spatial Data with Application to Locating Global and Local Anomalies, American Statistician, 45, (3), 1991, p234 - 242Journal Article, 1991, URL
  • Bradley, R., Haslett, J., High-interaction diagnostics for geostatistical models of spatially referenced data, Statistician , 41, (3), 1992, p371 - 380Journal Article, 1992, URL
  • Haslett, J., Power, G.M., Interactive computer graphics for a more open exploration of stream sediment geochemical data, Computers and Geosciences , 21, (1), 1995, p77 - 87Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Haslett, J. , Maximum likelihood discriminant analysis on the plane using a Markovian model of spatial context, Pattern Recognition, 18, (3-4), 1985, p287 - 296Journal Article, 1985, DOI
  • Haslett, J., New bounds for the thermal storage energy process with stationary input., Journal of Applied Probability, 19, (4), 1982, p894-899Journal Article, 1982, URL
  • Haslett, J, On the sample variogram and the sample autocovariance for non-stationary time series, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D: The Statistician , 46, (4), 1997, p475 - 485Journal Article, 1997, URL
  • Haslett, J., Hayes, K., Residuals for the linear model with general covariance structure, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology , 60, (1), 1998, p201 - 215Journal Article, 1998, DOI , URL
  • Kevin Hayes and John Haslett, Simplifying general least squares, American Statistician , 53, (4), 1999, p376 - 381Journal Article, 1999, URL
  • John Haslett and Adrian E. Raftery, Space-time Modelling with Long-memory. Dependence: Assessing Ireland's Wind. Power Resource, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) , 38, (1), 1989, p1 - 50Journal Article, 1989, URL
  • Haslett, J, Spatial data analysis - challenges, Statistician, 41, (3), 1992, p271 - 284Journal Article, 1992, URL
  • Haslett, J., Diesendorf, M, The capacity credit of wind power: A theoretical analysis, Solar Energy , 26, (5), 1981, p391 - 401Journal Article, 1981, DOI
  • Carlin, John, Haslett, John, The probability distribution of wind power from a dispersed array of wind turbine generators. , Journal of applied meteorology , 21, (2), 1982, p303 - 313Journal Article, 1982, DOI
  • Haslett, J.; Hand, F. P., Models in solar water heating--a critical comparison, European Journal of Operational Research, 4, (1), 1980, p1 - 6Journal Article, 1980, DOI , URL
  • Haslett, J.; Kelledy E., Assessment of Actual Wind Power-Availability in Ireland, International Journal of Energy Research, 3, (4), 1979, p333 - 348Journal Article, 1979
  • Haslett, J., Diffusion-Model for the Storage of Solar Thermal-Energy, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 30, (5), 1979, p433 - 438Journal Article, 1979
  • Haslett, J.; Lowe, W.J., Household Structure and Overcrowding among Lancashire Irish - 1851-1871, Histoire Sociale-Social History, 9, (17), 1977, p45 - 58Journal Article, 1977
  • Hand, F.; Asare, B.; Haslett, J., Domestic hot water and solar-energy in Ireland, International Journal of Energy Research, 1, (3), 1977, p249 - 257Journal Article, 1977
  • Haslett, J., Control of a multipurpose reservoir, Advances in Applied Probability, 8, (3), 1976, p592 - 609Journal Article, 1976
  • Haslett, J.; Dillane, D., Application of 'delete = replace' to deletion diagnostics for variance component estimation in the linear mixed model, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology, 66, 2004, p131 - 143Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • Haslett, J; Wills, G; Unwin, A , SPIDER--an interactive statistical tool for the analysis of spatially distributed data. , International Journal of Geographical Inforamtion Systems, 4, (3), 1990, p285 - 296Journal Article, 1990
  • Horgan, G.W.; Haslett, J., Non-Parametric Estimation of Angular Distributions from Cartesian Observations with Error, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 35, 1993, p283 - 292Journal Article, 1993
  • Haslett, J.; Kelledy, E., A note on the use of the models in the estimation of wind power availability, Wind Engineering, 5, (1), 1981, p6 - 11Journal Article, 1981
  • Haslett, J., The effect of dispersal on the capacity value of wind power, Wind Engineering, 5, (1), 1981, p1 - 5Journal Article, 1981
  • Haslett, J.; Carlin, J., A simple model for the probability distribution of wind power with applications to large scale electricity generation , Wind Engineering, 5, (2), 1981, p115 - 132Journal Article, 1981
  • J. Haslett and S.J. Haslett, The Three Basic Types of Residual for a Linear Model, International Statistics Review, 75, (1), 2007, p1 - 24Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Bhattacharya, S and Haslett J, Importance Re-sampling MCMC for, Bayesian Analysis, 2, (2), 2007, p385 - 408Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Haslett, J X. Sanchez-Vila, J. Carrera and J. J. Gomez-Hernandez (eds), GeoENV IV-Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, by X. Sanchez-Vila, J. Carrera and J. J. Gomez-Hernandez , Journal Journal of Paleolimnology , 38, (4), 2007, p615-617Review, 2007
  • Haslett, J and Parnell A, A simple monotone process with application to radiocarbon dated depth chronologies, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, 57, (4), 2008, p399 - 418Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Parnell, A.C. , Haslett, J., Allen, J.R.M., Buck, C.E. , Huntley, B., A flexible approach to assessing synchroneity of past events using Bayesian reconstructions of sedimentation history, Quaternary Science Reviews, 27, (19-20), 2008, p1872-1885Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Haslett, J Challenor, P, Palaeoclimate Histories, Insights, Durham University, 3, 2010, p1 - 20Journal Article, 2010
  • Haslett, J and Parnell A, Comment on article by Blackwell and Buck, Bayesian Analysis, 3, (2), 2008, p249 - 254Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Haslett, J and Salter-Townshend, M, Contribution to INLA, Rue at al 2008, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 71, (2), 2009, p369 - 370Journal Article, 2009
  • Houlding B & Haslett J, Method and System for Scheduling of Events, 2011Patent, 2011
  • Houlding B, and Haslett J, Scheduling Parallel Conference Sessions: An Application of a Novel Hybrid Clustering Algorithm for Ensuring Constrained Cardinality, Journal of Applied Statistics, 40, (5), 2013, p961 - 971Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Salter-Townshend, M, Haslett, J, Fast inversion of a flexible regression model for multivariate pollen counts data, ENVIRONMETRICS, 23, (7), 2012, p595-605Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Haslett, J., Parnell, A., and Salter-Townshend, M. , Modelling temporal uncertainty in palaeoclimate reconstructions, the 21st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Galway, Ireland, July 2006, edited by J. Hinde J. Einbeck , 2006, pp26-37Conference Paper
  • Salter-Townshend, M. and Haslett, J., Modelling zero inflation of compositional data,, 21st International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Galway, Ireland, July 2006, edited by J.Hinde, J. Einbeck , 2006Conference Paper


  • Elected member of the International Statistical Institute 2003
  • Fellow of TCD
  • Royal Statistics Society