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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Research Integrity

The Senior Dean is the College Research Integrity Officer (RIO). The RIO delegates the Dean of Research to manage allegations of Research Misconduct from any source and implement an investigation process. If the Dean of Research and all Associate Deans of Research are sufficiently involved in the matter that their investigating could not objectively be regarded as independent, the matter shall be investigated by the Research Integrity Officer. The Research Ethics and Integrity Administrator within the Office of the Dean of Research is the designated administrator responsible for all research ethics and integrity matters in College. This person will manage and document all research misconduct allegations raised and facilitate and support the research of any investigation undertaken. The Dean of Research will report the outcome of any investigation to the RIO. If allegations are deemed legitimate the Senior Dean will address disciplinary proceedings for staff members as necessary. In the event allegations relating to students are deemed legitimate, the Junior Dean (undergraduate) or Dean of Graduate Studies (postgraduate) will address disciplinary proceedings.

The Trinity Policy on Good Research Practice may be found here.

The reporting system for research integrity may be found here.