School Executive Committee
Membership and Terms of Reference
1. Membership
The membership of the School Executive Committee will be as follows
1.1 Head of School (chair)
1.2 Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate)
1.3 Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) 1
1.4 Director of Research
1.5 Heads of Discipline 2, 3
1.6 Student representatives: one undergraduate and one postgraduate representative
There should be a minimum of four academic staff members on the School Executive, with all roles represented. The School Executive, should normally have up to two additional members, who may be from among the administrative/technical/support staff and who may be elected.
2. Terms of Reference
2.1 To support the Head of School in the management and co-ordination of all the School's activities.
2.2 To support the Head of School in preparing and reviewing the School's academic strategy and the associated academic and financial plans, including review and sign-off of longer-term proposals made by Interim School Executives.
2.3 To support the Head of School in fostering the development of academic policy and initiatives in the context of the long-term strategies of the School and the College.
2.4 To foster and promote inter-disciplinarity within the School and with other Schools.
2.5 To engage with external stakeholders (including accrediting bodies), as appropriate.
2.6 To oversee the preparation of self-assessment documentation associated with quality reviews and to ensure follow-up action is taken.
2.7 To support and manage fund-raising activities.
3. Meetings of Executive Committee
3.1 The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a term, normally on a monthly basis.
3.2 Dates of meetings for the year will be circulated early in the Michaelmas Term. Additional meetings may be scheduled as required.
3.3 Members of the Executive should receive an agenda, papers and minutes of the previous meeting at least three working days in advance of the meeting.
3.4 The Head of School will chair meetings of the Executive Committee and the School Administrator will act as secretary.
3.5 The quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall be at least half of the members of the committee.
1 The roles of Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) and Director of Research may be undertaken by the same person should a School decide this to be appropriate.
2 Initially to consist of one Head from each former department involved in the School. This would not preclude a School from reviewing its disciplinary structure and representation in due course.
3 In the case of the School of Physic, this will be the Chairpersons of the Divisions.