School Committee

Membership and Terms of Reference

1. Membership

The membership of a School Committee will include

1.1 All full-time and part-time academic staff of the School on contracts of one or more year's duration and on contracts of indefinite duration.
1.2 Student representatives: undergraduate and postgraduate - number of representatives to be updated and reviewed.
1.3 Representatives of research fellows / postdoctoral fellows: number to be agreed.
1.4 A representative of each School or Department providing service teaching to the School, who may be a Director of Teaching and Learning.
1.5 Representatives of non-academic staff in the School including technical, experimental, and administrative: number to be agreed.

2. Terms of Reference

2.1 To promote academic excellence in all areas of the School's activities.
2.1 To create an effective and collegial environment for research, scholarship and learning.
2.3 To provide a forum for discussion of all matters relating to the School.
2.4 To receive reports from the members of the School Executive Committee and consider issues of co-ordination that may arise.
2.5 To advise the Executive Committee of the School, as appropriate.
2.6 To participate in quality and other review processes.

3. Meetings of School Committee

3.1 The School Committee shall meet at least once a term.
3.2 Dates of meetings for the year will be circulated early in the Michaelmas Term. Additional meetings may be scheduled as required.
3.3 Members of the School should receive an agenda, papers and minutes of the previous meeting at least three working days in advance of the meeting.
3.4 The Head of School will chair meetings of the School Committee and the School Administrator will act as secretary.
3.5 The quorum for meetings of the School Committee shall be one-fifth of the full-time academic staff of the School.